Cast All Your Cares (Burdens) On Him (God)
This is a phrase you will often hear if you are going through adversity in life. We all have to cross that path. Church folks are legendary for dishing out loads of encouragement. When you hear those words it helps you gravitate towards placing your situation in God’s hands. You don’t worry over whatever the test or trial is. God's presence will always make the difference. Cast all of your cares on him. As believers, you make up your mind to give the burdens to God. God is the only one who can handle it all. God can work miracles for you. BELIEVE!
Faith Without Works is Dead
Church folks are quick to utter the words faith without works is dead when you need to exercise your spiritual muscles. It is imperative to leave your carnal mindset and delve into the spiritual realm. There is argy-bargy over what it means to some. Most individuals equate the expression with action. Your faith is dead without action to work your faith. So work your faith! It requires you to do something; to copy what Christ did. Christ confirmed his faith with works when he healed the sick, fed the poor, and forgave those who betrayed him. Christ (Yeshua) did not say I believe you should eat food because you are hungry…no, he fed them. If you believe in the gospel, it is all about what you do (actions).
God Can Make a Way Out of No Way
This diction is another saying used by church folks for encouragement. It solidifies all the testimonies and miracles God has done and will continue to do. Church folks have so many personal experiences with God making a way out of no way. We tend to spread it around so others can know about it. When you thought you didn't have enough gas money to carry you for the rest of the week with 3 children to feed, God made a way out of no way. All of a sudden someone called you up with a free gas card for an entire month and your neighbor brought you groceries because God put it on her heart. God made a way out of no way. You didn't know how you was going to make it work. God did it!
God is Good All The Time and All The Time God is Good
When people say this remark, usually something good has happened or is about to happen; so they acknowledge God’s hand in it. When you think about all the things God has done over the years concerning your life or some of the things you’ve witnessed from others’ lives, God is good all the time. Sit back and think about it. I bet you will say God is good all the time. There is solid validity in the saying.
I Am Blessed and Highly Favored
This particular motto is used excessively. I kind of think it is worn out; just plain tired. When you see church folks and you ask them how they are doing, some of them (a huge populace) will say “I am blessed and highly favored” even if all hell is breaking loose. It is viewed as a positive piece of strength to utter. There is nothing wrong with saying it. It is a bit overrated to me at times.
I Am Waiting On The Lord
This is another slogan you definitely will hear church folks say. Secular folks don’t tend to subscribe to such words. This phrase simply means the person is waiting to hear concise directions from the Lord to make a move on guidance for their life. When you desire to be in the will of God and people don’t understand that, some (carnal folks) may say things such as, stop waiting and just go and do it. Sorry, it doesn’t work like that. When God says to wait, you must wait. When God says move, you must move. If you do not wait you might make a shipwreck and have to go through unnecessary pain that could have been avoided. When I hear women say they don’t date because they are “waiting on the lord” as far as a man is concerned for a potential suitor or husband I let out a deep sigh. Please understand it is okay to guard your heart. You are wise to follow God’s precepts. It is also okay for you to get all of that loveliness inside of you out of the house and mingle my sisters!
I’m Saved Sanctified and Filled with The Precious Gift of The Holy Ghost
This is the most comical phrase ever. Church folks use this when they testify in church. There are some churches that have testimony service where people come to the front of the congregation and tell about the goodness of God. I think sometimes people are so groomed to saying this phrase it seems rehearsed.
I Rebuke You I Rebuke That
I remember when I joined the gospel choir in college. We used to always verbalize these words all the time when someone did something stupid. We would say I rebuke you devil jokingly. It is a serious phrase. Church folks use this term to come against or combat anything negative that tries to interfere in their lives; negative energy or spirits. We watch our words and rebuke you if you don’t watch yours!
Let Go and Let God
Church folks will help remind you to let things go and let God handle the situation. Sometimes it is best to let things go. If they hurt you don't try to hurt them back. God has his way of dealing with them and the situation. Let God do it. Let it go!
Name It and Claim it (Speak and decree it)
Church folks utter these words a lot. This phrase is used mostly in women and men revivals; conferences as well. If you want that new car girl, claim it. If you want to open up an orphanage speak and decree it. You have to also do the work to get there as well.
Praise God Praise The Lord
I have often used and abused this articulation, I can’t even front. If you attend any church or place of worship, you will hear church folks saying this all the time. We give glory to God for who he is, not only what he has done. It is so natural, sometimes church folks don’t even realize they are saying it.
Step Out On Faith
Church folks say this to everyone they know. It means exactly what it says, step out on faith and do it; just do it. Go for it! If you want that red sports car step out on faith and go to a car dealership. Walk by faith not by your sight. You probably think you don’t have the money but your daddy (God) is rich! If you want to go back to school step out on faith and apply. God will make a way.
Thank God for Traveling Mercies
This is a slogan church folks say to each other when they leave each others' presence or when they are traveling short or long distances. Saying the words “traveling mercies” releases protection angels over our lives as we are hopeful to reach our destination safe. This is something good to say. A lot of times when church folks are in church or worship service, the pastor/minister will pray for traveling mercies over his/her members at the end of service so they can make it home without any hurt, harm or danger. I think anytime you place yourself outside; whether you are walking, driving or flying, you should always thank God for traveling mercies. If I were you I would start saying it more and more. Teach your scholar babies to say it too!
Won't He Do It (He's Able to Do It)
This idiom is used by everyone. Church folks made it popular. It confirms even more testimonies expressed by all the goodness of God sprinkled in our daily lives. If you are falsely accused of something that you know you didn't do and pray about it; touching and agreeing with other saints, the phrase "won't he do it" is used to always show-off just how great God is when it comes to protecting and covering your life. I got that promotion..."won't he do it." It affirms the goodness of God all over again.
What phrases do you have to add? I know you have some.