Dreams and visions are not forgotten. It might be delayed. Sometimes patience has to have its perfect way for the change. As children of God; as men and as fathers, may you no longer be shattered in bondage. You are brave men who happen to be King-Papa fathers. Quite frankly you also matter! Although you may have pieces of brokenness creeping in and out of your life, it’s going to be alright. This year I can’t stop and will not cease thinking about the Exonerated 5; honoring them as much as possible, in my own way. It is extremely important to give a deep condition of attention to the Exonerated 5 in light of so many other damaged men and American fathers experiencing some of the exact injustices the Exonerated 5 overcame. I dedicate this 2019 Father’s Day to them and to all the men who unfortunately are absent from their children and families. There is nothing too hard for God to fix or work out for you and your situation, whatever it may be! As a father you know it! You acknowledge it! As you look back over your life, you understand and recognize your faith and hope allowed you not to be consumed by your circumstances. Thanks for not giving up. Do not give up! Lots of angels are praying for you! As men your family need you. They are always praying for you. Antron, Kevin, Korey, Raymond and Yusef may have scars for the rest of their lives but they are taking their lives back day by day. They are surrounded by so much love and light. Light kills darkness. This Father's Day hype is dynamite! We surely do love our fathers! Yes we do! We appreciate all that they do. The seen and unseen things. All the men who hearts are still glowing in the dark of injustice, I wish you hope, love, and light to kill the darkness. I pray those of you who don’t know how to be dads will crave to learn how to be better fathers. I thank all the men who sharpen the iron of other men and mentor kids. I know you are out there. THANK YOU! I boldly give crazy explicit love to all the beautiful black men in this picture who are winning: Korey, Yusef (left), Kevin (middle), Raymond and Antron (right). God bless you with an everlasting healing and joy that only God can give. This is what beautiful black warriors look like! :0) When a little girl has a dad like you who shows her how valuable she is, she will attract good men as a woman. She will know how to weed out the bad seeds. In this very moment, I realize there are men who do not make a pledge to be their daughter's best example for whatever their reasons are. I know that. I have a choice to focus on those men who are doing it. Incidentally, there are men who are doing it. They live to be the best dad and standard for their little girls. I want to encourage all the dads that are being the best fathers in their daughters' lives to continue doing that. I see you! I witnessed you! I appreciate you! Fathers are the head of everything. Not just a household. Everything goes through the man first if its done right. If the head has left his responsibilities or abandoned the family, the structure of the family breaks down. The father is such a crucial part of the family dynamic. So, when your children look at you, they know you are not perfect but they are looking to you for transparency. Your actions matter. You are the example they seek. You are the man of the hour. You are their broken piece that need to help them be healed. One thing about a man, especially a man who happens to be a father. He always has a woman or women in his family who are always praying for him. His wife, his daughters, his sisters and all the women in his life guard him in prayer. Fathers are adored and protected. There is blissful hype for Father's Day too, not just Mother's Day! We love our dads. We need our dads so we cover their beautiful minds at all times. We know what they are up against in this world. Brother, cousin, uncle, friend, please stop living in your past. Okay, your dad was a lame. He missed an opportunity to be the father you desired. He treated you like crap. He was never around. He gave you none of his time. You have the right to change the trajectory of your bloodline. You are not your father. You are your own man. Fight that generational curse. Don't be like him. Yucky! You have the power to decide what KING you are going to be. Only you can define and make it happen. Go on now. Make it happen! Fatherly love is waiting to look exceptionally well on you, brother. Be better and do it better. I believe in you! Your kids do too! Um...waiting! Go on now! Yes, black fathers are everywhere! Can I please get a big fat amen in the tenors, sopranos, and alto section of this choir! Despite what you see on the news nightly, there are good black men who are actual black fathers! They love their kids and take care of them just like other fathers, despite being born with the pigment of their skin. No matter what they go through they are conquerors. Fathers are positive crown wearing protectors who become our heroes instantly. We love asking our dads to "please open this" or to help us out with something. We brag on our dads. "Girl my dad taking me out" and "Man, my old man got me this." We know how important it is to always make our dads feel needed. We really do need them, like always. That will never die! They are the King-Papa problem solvers for the entire house. They are the ones we run to when our moms are getting on our nerves and thinking irrationally. Our dads are strong and calm. They make a real difference. They let us have our way at times just because we are their sons and daughters. Our dad's love always works in our favor. You are a father but you are the REAL super hero in your child's life. This is why we always tend to talk things over with our dads no matter how old we get. We know they have a bit more experience on the issues of life. We want to get their guidance on everything. If we are married we do talk to our husbands but we will also call our dads at times. We appreciate and love our fathers for their wisdom and their protective comfort they give. You are appreciated! Good men who are fathers teach and train their kids to be the best they can be. Some dads even encourage their children to pray and love God. Hate is left out of their message. Positive energy is the only antidote they promote. There is a lot of pain in this world. Someone hurt someone=pain. Good dads don't have time to focus on hate. There aim is preparing their kids for even better legacies. Negative energy like hating others is too much of a burden. To all the men and women who have lost their fathers. Your dad is absolutely your guardian angel. At least one of them. I believe we have a host of angels awaiting our command. Your fathers are not forgotten. They will always represent the love, the values, and the strength you have known. Their spirit lives on in you and your kids. Father's Day is every day. Tradition tells us we should celebrate it on a certain day and month but you don't have to follow that. Your love for your dad is a daily thing. You can't legislate a heart. Only the almighty God can do that. What you can do is begin to try being in the lives of your children or child right now. It is never too late to start over. You deserve another chance; a second chance to try to be the best dad you can be to your kids. They miss you. They need you. They love you. You are the glue to helping them be the best men and women they can become. Your presence as a dad is instrumental in their development as positive adults. Kill your pride and please try to be a better dad. Please take the first step into betterment. It is time, brother! This is Malcolm X with his two little girls. As busy as he was he took time out to be with his girls. Family was important to Malcolm X. He understood his purpose as a leader and man. Forget about all the material things and spend some time with your children. When was the last time you sat down and talked to them? They'd love to have some of your time. Free up some time! Time is everything. Memories with the best dad ever is all that matters! King-Papa Dads wear the crown of protection because everyone in their household looks to the father for provision and safety; the back-up plan of defense! Thank you for always having your children backs. There is no way King-Papa Dads would allow their little girls or boys to be in the hands of an abuser (physically or sexually). They are equally concerned about where their children are even if they are not with their mother. Thank you for showing your young children and grown adults how much you believe in them. When King-Papa Dads have your back, nothing else can stand against you. His love and support for you is like an army of folks holding you up. As your kids grow in grace and maturity they will also have your backs as well. They learned from the best dads ever! To your child no one can say anything bad about you. Even if it may be true, they better not say anything about you! Do you know that to your young kids and grown kids, you are THE BEST DAD EVER? You are that sweet part of their history and DNA they connect with daily. Even when we are mad at our dads the unconditional love they smothered us in comes right back on us to love and forgive them unconditionally. You are just the best ever dad! Let that sink in. Keep on being amazing King-Papa Fathers! You're just the BEST! Your time with us, your corny jokes, your conversations and your manhood. You are the best! Don't believe the hype about us celebrating our fathers less than we do our mothers. That is simply not true! I believe sometimes propaganda tries to change the narrative. Some folks may have issues with their dads but that does not mean they don't love them. I keep telling you how important fathers are. Children crave for their dads. Healing and time has to take place for the issues they have. Our dads are loved, adored and cared for more than you know. What do you see when you look at this father and son? I see a man praying for his son against all the fears he has for him as a little boy. Praying that his son is blessed coming in and going out. Praying that good character and integrity is present in his manhood. Praying God's will, plan, purpose, and destiny is done in his life. Praying for freedom against bondage and for his son to have the best in life. Praying that his son is surrounded by God's light and love. Men who are fathers want the same thing for their kids that you want for yours, regardless if the pigment of skin is different. They all want the same thing. To be able to be men, fathers; wanting the best for their kids. Welcome to all the Father's Day gifts for all the men we love. We certainly did not forget to give our dads the best. I will start off by presenting the Exonerated 5 Brotherhood shirt. It was created but never duplicated by Raymond Santana. It is a must have for all the King-Papa dads. We also have the champion t-shirt. Our fathers are pure champions. There are other gifts I have to overshare. Your dad will be a happy father with some of these gifts. They deserve it! This is truly "blacknificient"! King-Papas never stop dreaming and fighting for what is right. Happy Father's Day to all the men who win! Thank you for praying and hoping; building and leading. Thank you for surviving and thriving through challenges. I do understand it is not always easy for you as men but believe and speak it anyway! Please continue to do what the head is supposed to do. Peace, blessings and educational lessons!
One of the things I absolutely adore about Health Activist and Community
Advisor, Dr. Rosalind Ogunsola, is how she faithfully does not wait for others to initiate something she can do for herself and her community. Dr. Ogunsola uses her gifts and her talents to give back. She freely gives her time, plans, positive energy, and health awareness in her Health Talks to feed the masses who are willing to partake in the information. Wellness is paramount to helping you live, do, and be your best self. You owe it to yourself to live your best life. You are charged with influencing those family members coming after you to change the history of their bloodlines. I salute Dr. Rosalind Ogunsola for her continuous efforts to empower others. I am so thankful to share this information with you always. I pray you will find a way to share your gifts and talents with the world around you. Someone needs your mentoring. Someone needs you to fight and fend for them. Sharing information enriches situations for change. Mark your calendar now for this Public Service Announcement. Please join Dr. Ogunsola Saturday, June 15th at 1pm for a health talk on Lupus. Located at New Holy Zion 4026 W. Van Buren. It's free. Spread the word. Thank you! MAN OF GOD
Man of God pretending to be a man god, Why do I need to bow before you? Present myself a living sacrifice to you because you sit on your invisible thrown. What makes you worthy of my devotion and unfailing love and support? You touch and you hold so many but none are sacred to you. You figure you are a blessing to me because during sex I call your name, But there is nothing left of me when you walk away but shame. I shed my pride and dignity just to get a glimpse of you. Then before I can say that I have laid eyes on the prize you have disappeared. Man of God pretending to be a man god, Why do I need to tithe to you? Bring into your store house all my earnings, for the mere ten percent of effort you give in return. Then you leave me empty handed as you go on to give unto others what you took from me. I turn my meager spread into feasts to lay before you and watch you devour each morsel. But I am in a deep hunger for your time, your attention, your affection. Lead astray by your intricate web of lies and deception A sheep not only separated from the flock, but also from myself. Man of God pretending to be a man god, Why should I sing your praise? Hoarse from praying that you would do right by me. My weeping has endured for 40 days and 40 nights; my eyelids have not parted from one another As the agony keeps my eyes closed wishing to not bear witness to my own death by your hands. You are the snake in the garden, enticing me to eat my fill knowing destruction will come. Too tired to lift mine eyes until the hills where my help comes from Because now I am spiritually, mentally, and emotionally defeated Man of God pretending to be a man of God. What do you think about NovelTee's poem? Please care to overshare! :0) ANGEL STALK
MAY YOU BE STALKED FROM YOUR BEGINNINGS TO YOUR ENDINGS BY GOD’S UNSEEN HELPERS TO KEEP YOU…HOVERING OVER YOU AND COVERING YOU AGAINST ANY AND ALL ILLEGAL INJUNCTIONS THAT FUNCTION IN PURE WICKEDNESS. YOUR BABY IS MY BABY! YOUR BROTHER IS MY BROTHER! YOUR UNCLE IS MY UNCLE! YOUR COUSIN IS MY COUSIN! YOUR FAMILY IS MY FAMILY! LET’S STAY GIRDED IN OUR GRIND WITH PRAYER TIME! Welcome to some of the best Sancti-Fly dancers in the world. I can no longer suppress my favorite dance moves and dancers. I can’t help it anymore! I have to overshare these married couples with the world. These lovely folks have the best chemistry coupled in profound devotion and commitment when they are on the dance floor together. I can totally watch them forever. As you watch these dance routines, you will become addicted to the magic they create when they dance together. Their dancing is beyond romantic! You will certainly not mind watching these two dance couples over and over again. Go ahead and try some of these melic moves with your significant other. You and your spouse or significant other are encouraged to try performing some of this couple's dance routine. I dare you! Tanja and Jorge are a good looking married couple. They have so much love and passion when they dance together. I could not believe how many times I viewed this video. The first time I watched their video I couldn't stop watching them. Their dancing makes you feel good on the inside. It is such a blessing to be able to do something you love with your spouse. I concede, they do it quite well! Couples can really learn a lot from watching Tanja and Jorge dance together. Don't be shy about trying to learn how to move like these two. I love how they flirt with each other. I adore how gentle and sensual their dance routines are. If you have legs like Tanja, why not put those gorgeous legs to good use. It might put a lot more spice in your marriage. Troy and Jorget are super smooth with their Bachata Dominican style of dance. Check out how extremely talented Jorget is. This woman is flaming hot sauce on the dance floor. She makes her man look like he is walking on air; so Sancti-Fly when they dance together. Of course Jorget is doing all of the work (LOL). I enjoy them both to the fullest extension of hype. They work well together. You can tell that they love what they do. They love dancing! It shows. There is absolutely nothing better than watching Troy and Jorget dance together. I think every woman and man should learn how to do a few dance moves like Troy and Jorget. Lord knows I was pressing the pause button trying to get some Jorget dance moves in my groove when I was first introduced to her. Troy and Jorget are truly adorable together. Jorget is definitely the stunning super star of the marriage. Her foot works is every thing (hot,dope,fly)! She is such a Sancti-Fly Mama and confident dancer. We also love Troy. It is so nice to see a man and a woman display their love publicly like these two. They are such a beautiful couple! No one can deny that Jorget is a BEAST on the dance floor! This vibrant woman has truly perfected her art. Troy is too cool for his own good! He loves showing off his wife! I love it! This particular video was the very first one I saw of Troy and Jorget. Their dancing changed my life forever! They are the BEST! Remember when we go out dancing there is no sitting around looking at other folks dance. Vamos a bailar tu y yo.
I think it is time for you to step out of your normal routine and dance with your partner. :0) Time to know your Constitutional Amendment Rights In light of the film "When They See Us" I pray for an insurrection of knowledge to flow explicitly in protection for you and your family (especially black folks), so that you will not be hindered but empowered by your Constitutional Amendment Rights. The true story of the young teen boys in the film could not identify when their rights were been violated nor did they understand what was happening to them. Unfortunately, this happens more often to those Americans who look like the Exonerated 5. I smell an insurgence of change in the air. Bill of Rights (First 10) The first 10 amendments of the constitution is known as the Bill of Rights. These are your American citizen rights. It appears some who know these laws are sleeping on the freedoms of others. Exercise your right. Memorize and know these rights. I added the 13th and 15th because it was extremely imperative. Dr. King most definitely exercised his First Amendment Rights. Although they tried to stop him, it did not work. Dr. King wanted America to be true to what they wrote in their constitution. You have a right to petition peacefully however you deem necessary. If you are with the press you have a right to tell your story. You have a right to the freedom of your speech. Study and know your rights. You have the right to protect yourself responsibly. You can rightfully and legally own and operate a gun. Study and know your rights. This amendment prohibits housing soldiers in private homes without the consent of the home owner, during both war and peacetime. This amendment was born out of the Quartering Act of 1765. Study and know your rights. Please study your Fourth Amendment Right. The police cannot search you or come into your house without a warrant nor probable cause. You might look a certain way but that does not make you a criminal. You shall not be deprived of your life and liberty without due process. If you are tried for a crime and found not guilty you cannot be tried again for the same case. Study and know your rights. This freedom allows American citizens to have fair treatment in the judicial system when you are accused of a crime. Did someone say Miranda Rights? You have the right to remain silent and ask for a lawyer or your lawyer. Teach your kids not to say anything! Tell them not to sign nothing without their attorney present! Study and know your Sixth Amendment Right. A lot of times cases do not go to trial because this amendment is taken away with plea deals and no attorney present for legal guidance. Korey Wise didn't take a plea deal. They tried their intimidation tactics. It did not work. He did not brake. He was innocent and he would not lie. No plea deals! You have a right to a trial by a jury of your peers. Not all one race of people. It should be your peers. Whether it is common or civil your rights shall not be abused. Study and know your rights. I would love to know how all these men and women who are running for the president of the United States feel about this amendment. There has been a breach in our constitution because there are excessive bails and cruel and unusual punishment being inflicted. This is unconstitutional. This should NOT be. This is illegal. Study and know your rights. This is an issue that can be taken to the Supreme Courts. Why is this even allowed. Are you guys reading this? Our constitutional rights shall not be violated. I've seen lots of violations. Study and know your rights. Study and know your rights. The power shall be given to the states not the federal government. As a people, we have a lot of power we are not using. They try to divide us with corruption and greed but YOU have the power. Slavery was abolished or was it. Watch the documentary 13th. Mass incarceration is the new slavery. Study and know your rights. Voting rights are part of your freedoms. You should not be denied the right to vote. Study and know your rights. There are more amendments for you to study and learn. Please revisit them. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the cause of the widow. Isaiah 1:17 It is time for a major scoop of encouragement. Go ahead and love on yourself. There is so much going on in our world. Take a minute to inhale the positive things around you. Exhale all the negative things that try to hold you captive. Sometimes your best friend, your spouse or your loved ones may not always be around to lift you up. When this happens, you have to take it upon yourself to utilize inspirational warfare. There are constructive messages awaiting you that will help you set your atmosphere. Receive it! They say trials come to make us stronger. Persecutions can also give us wisdom to help someone else in life. Having the right spirit and attitude (like you do) can aid you in overcoming every test and adversity that stands in your way. Don't be shy about lifting up your eyes to the hills for help. Your help comes from a higher power to sustain you for your victory. Although that person or situation tried to destroy you, it failed. You were meant to be more than a conqueror. Tell yourself you will make it! You are going to win! Send this piece of inspirational warfare to yourself or someone else. There's something special about a woman who overcomes everything that is meant to destroy her. Welcome to your morning motivation to stimulate your aura. You are surrounded by God's goodness. Who wouldn't mind waking up to a text message like this? Send this to yourself. Say this to yourself. Affirm how grateful and blessed you are. Watch how wonderful your day goes. You are grateful. You are alive. You are blessed. Please remember this! Allow this to marinade in your psyche. Things take time when God has divine purpose for your life. Not all rewards are immediate or visible. Trust in God's timing. If it happens over night I would be concerned if I was you. If it happens and you are not ready for it, then what? Praise is what we do to get us through the tribulations of life and hard times. I dare you send this to yourself and to others. You can also say it to yourself if you don't subscribe to text messaging. When we are consumed in our feelings it can become challenging to praise God but we press on. Can I get a witness? Lord, I'll Praise You...Through the Good and the Bad. Vengeance is the Lords! If you have a personal relationship with God let God fight for you. If you do not I encourage you to get one. Please don't try to do it yourself. You have to stand still. Affirm this over your life! The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still. It will all work out for your good! God has dominion over your life. It's a new day for you to believe and affirm how blessed, alive, protected, and favored your are. You don't have no sad story this morning. You understand it's all by God's grace. You are healthy and grateful! Someone you know needs to be reminded of this so send it to them as you encourage yourself first. ![]() THANK YOU LORD FOR THIS ONE! God will prepare your path and make your crooked places straight. Speak and decree it! Affirm this over your life and other lives. Cast all your cares on the Lord, God cares for you. I understand when you are going through what you are going through you may not want to hear this but take a pause and think about what he already done. Think about all the testimonies you already witnessed. Cast it all on him. He is waiting to care for you. Tell yourself "God cares for me." Angels are in position just for you. God is working it out right now! Think on these things! You're in control of your own thoughts. Why not flood your mind with things that are pure, honest and true? This kind of high level thinking will bring you the right energy and place you around the right folks. Go ahead and affirm this for yourself! You can stop gossip and negative thoughts from crossing your mind. Isn't she lovely in this picture! God is not done with you. No matter what you are going through, say it.
"God is not done with me." To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity; Proverbs 1:3
In the first book of Kings (read chapter 3), King Solomon ruled over the United Kingdom of Judah and Israel. God bequeathed King Solomon with wisdom and wealth. The example of King Solomon’s wisdom, justice, judgement, and equity is exposed in chapter 3 of the book of Kings, as Solomon decodes a quarrel between two mothers. The women came to King Solomon and said they both had given birth to an infant. King Solomon did not know which woman’s story was plausible; however, he knew one of them was not telling the truth. King Solomon’s solution was to have the child cut into half so one mother could have a piece and the other could have a piece. Only a true loving mother could not conceive seeing that happen to her scholar baby, so the true mother spoke up and said she no longer wanted the child. The other suspected mother welcomed slicing up the child in half. So Solomon gave the child to the real mother, the woman who would rather give her baby up than to see her child diced up like raw meat. This type of wisdom is cared for circumspectly. Solomon asked God to help him rule as a wise King. King Solomon knew he could not do it by himself. You cannot do it by yourself either. As believers we need God to impart his wisdom in us so we can be solid leaders, healthier parents and better human beings. We are also charged with praying for those who have leadership positions. Their decisions can and does affect us directly and indirectly. So please pray for your policy makers. Ask God to give them good judgement and the right spirit to lead righteously. Pray for your local and state legislators. Pray for your police officers and firemen. Keep praying for the men and women who preside over your children while they are in school. Collectively, I urge us all to pray for guidance on how to raise our kids and to take bullying seriously. Open up your mouth and ask God for help so you can receive wise instructions, just judgement and equity! The time is always ripe to listen to good music. Black Music Month is exactly what it states. It is a month that is designed to esteem African American music and their culture. As noted in the HuffPost, the inception of Black Music Month came from former President Jimmy Carter. It was further pushed into legislation by music producer Kenny Gamble and his ex-wife Dyana Gamble. Gamble is know as the Godmother of Black Music Month as confirmed by Ebony. There are so many genres of black music to appreciate. In light of these King-Papa Stars: Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana, and Korey Wise, I wanted to give honor to them and their legacies in my own way by celebrating them during Black Music Month. They are also know as the Exonerated 5. I know many folks have heard of their tragedy. Even more have watched the film illustrating the traumatic experiences they had to go through. If you haven't, I encourage you to watch the story about their lives. Ava DuVernay produced a brilliant film on Nexflix. The songs below are comprised of the year (1989) when the five men were suspects in the rape of a woman jogging in Central Park New York. The five men were wrongfully convicted of crimes they did not commit in 1990. I was so tempted to do songs from 1981 and other songs represented in the 1980 era. It was hard not to cheat. I stayed true to all of the 1989 songs. I could have done songs in the 1990 era but I chose to symbolize there stories with the period that changed their lives. I absolutely had to start off with some old school Hip-Hop for King Korey Wise. Incidentally if you ever visit his Instagram you will visibly see that King Korey is a huge fan of old school Hip-Hop and Rap music. The Self Destruction movement had all the great legends: KRS-One, MC Lyte, Heavy D, Doug E. Fresh, D-Nice, and Public Enemy, to name a few. This music speaks on the positive elements of using their voices to enlighten and lift up their communities against self-hate and destruction. Black on black crime was not cool and still isn't. Love your brothers! I selected this song because despite what these brothers have unjustly gone through, the way they live their Sancti-Fly lives is extremely positive. Of course they have their challenges but they stalwartly refuse to let what happened to them consume them. America has a Self Destruction problem they will have to confront within the criminal justice system. This next song reminds me of the innocence that was stolen from them. They were ONLY boys when their lives were histrionically changed. I will not give away too much for those who have not seen "When They See Us" yet, but there is a scene in the beginning when the young boys were just being kids. Korey Wise had some deep affection for a pretty young girl and they shared a special moment in a restaurant. Can you imagine your life being instantly turned upside down and you just wished it was like it used to be? I strategically chose this song in light of the Exonerated 5 being young boys who were hated by the world for something they did not do. All of their families were affected by the outcome of their convictions. When they were incarcerated it was only them (Me Myself And I) trying to survive and stay alive. Korey, Antron, Kevin, Raymond, and Yusef are brave soldiers. They reigned in their intellect against all the negative effects. In 2002 the prayers of the righteous availed very much. A lot of folks knew they were innocent and they slayed in prayer for many years. An investigation was opened and they found the actual man that committed the crime. Freedom was making a way out of new days. You have to watch it! Prayer always works. Never stop praying. I picked this song because prayer positions the change! You have to keep on believing. Sometimes that is your test! So shall you pass the test of faith. I hand-picked this 1989 song because of all the lies involving the police. They were lying from the beginning. The prosecutorial misconduct was ugly, mean, and nasty. There will be no more lies. The truth is fierce! No more lies now! Well, those who should be ashamed are not. They are sticking to their fabrications. Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana, and Korey Wise are living their best lives right about now. I am so thankful so many people are surrounding them with love and support. They have supportive families and businesses. A lot of them work to reform the criminal justice system. They also engage in motivational speaking to share their stories; sharing information to change this nation. This last song is powerful! They are not going to stop speaking their truth. They are not going to stop being Sancti-Fly Papas. They are not going to stop until justice is fully served. Keep on moving brothers! Dont' stop!
Why do we feel giving up our bodies is the way to connect Not realizing the long-term, irreparable, damaging effects We replace the emotional for the physical, thinking we like the feeling Never considering how we will recover from this sexual healing Being with someone sexually provides temporary release of pent frustrations Laying in the wake of the disconnect knowing there is nothing, sheer devastation Giving up parts of you that are so personal and private In the aftermath you are ashamed of what you did and now you want to hide it But in the heat of the moment you felt giving your all would get you somewhere Except after the shower, your scent is washed away and you look in their eyes and see nothing there You lose just a little more of your soul. And what of your pride and dignity? A long time of humiliation for a sexual relationship with no promise of longevity When did sex become better than love? Dare I say never? But the ways to finesse a body and mind are really quite clever Shrouded and clouded with the feelings that a tender touch can bring Lack of love inside has you out here bad - pursuing and chasing The high of love and what it will do for your heart But love goes out the window the minute your legs part Words whispered that touch deep inside that cover your eyes in a sexual veil Body is in heaven and your mind, ha, oh well You aren’t seeing clearly, the haze of intimacy obscures all rational thought We realize that seldom do we follow the rules we ought Take time to LOVE yourself before giving your loving to another For it is better to have a temporary friend than a part time lover What do you think about NovelTee's poem? Please care to overshare! :0) |