Step into this weekend knowing that you are loved and protected this weekend. Happy Friday. Have a supernatural positive weekend. All of the Sancti-Fly Mamas and Papas over here are thinking about you and praying for you. "You deserve every good gift a wonderful life can hold!" Now, repeat and believe. Yahweh did not forget about you. RECEIVE IT! You deserve every good gift a wonderful life can hold!" Now, repeat and believe. This message is especially for you! Just receive it! You deserve every good gift a wonderful life can hold!" Now, repeat and believe.
Listen, are you paying attention to all these very important mentions. We need more men (that win) like Jermaine Pelt representing the nation of fire stations. We do not need to breed such disgrace. We need men and women who will fight for the human race in all states. If racism and prejudice is their favorite bites and taste, they need to vacate and not be paid by a city or state. If they are wearing the honor of blue, they need to be held accountable for their demons too! Why don't you renew your minds 1,000 times to protect your women and girls. This story happened a few years ago but situations just like this is unfortunately still leaking around in our American country. We often find out years later. Well, let's just make America great again. These are the things that melanated people are subjected to on a daily basis. If it is not a Karen, it's this kind of racist cryptic behavior. When the (wypipo) dominant society runs all the institutions and is predominately reflected to favor and look like them, this happens. Would you want these kinds of men serving in your community? Um no! But they are, just like a sundown town, they are allowed to exist. A former police officer, Mathew Farwell who was employed by the Stoughton police department in Boston, Massachusetts had an affair with a young girl. Her name was Sarah Birchmore. He impregnated her then he killed her to keep her quiet. This abuse stated in 2012-2021. Why are we just now hearing about this? Someone protected him, didn't they. I understand that this isn't the positive news you want to hear BUT the Lord warns us over and over again through other people's lives and stories and some of us are still not getting it. Women, ladies and mothers, please watch who is by and around your children. Your boys and your little girls. I know we can't predict the future, but Yahweh gave us all spiritual discernment. Especially to women.
Robert Fisher is a disturbed man, indeed! Slow down and pay attention to your kids. If family members are telling you they noticed something take heed. Please don't get offended because they love you and your children and want the best for them. The entire village has to step up. We had a blast last week. Ms. K-Thunder graced us with her presence. I have more great news to share. OMG! We have a lot of folks from the other side of the entertainment industry knocking on our underground doors since all of the heat has been on Sean Combs. All I can say is, " Thank You Lord" for our staff, family and foundation over here at the Love Bug Series. Our board is currently reviewing applications.
We will be producing a dance show with one of the best co-hosts on our sleeves. Ms. Eve Rodriguez will be joining us this fall and winter. This production will be a seasonal show. People pay Ms. Eve top dollars to host events. We were blessed to land a contract with Ms. Eve through a network instituted by K-Thunder and her mom. We have the best team for this show. I am united in excitement. Let me tell you all about this new production. The name of this dance show is called, Who Can Dance Jam Better. The idea came from the collaboration of Ms. Eve and K-Thunder. K-Thunder shared how her mom used to always wake her up for school to hip-hop music. She also said they used to have dance-offs at family gatherings and at home with each other. Ms. Eve shared similar experiences as well. A lot of moms and daughters auditioned, and we had a great pool of finalist who will move forward with their contributions to the show. A lot of parents can dance just as hip and cool as their kids, so these is going to be exceptionally well produced. The mom and daughter will have on masks and costumes so the audience can select which dance technique is better. They will also have to decide on which person is the mom and which person is the child. All disguises have to be approved and creative. I cannot wait! I know you've heard of these herbs but are you incorporating them into your new diet? Think of these herbs as a gift. Giving herbs as a birthday gift is very nice or at a potluck. Of course, you should give herbs to those individuals who enjoy all that family cooking. Start promoting herbs more for first-time homeowners. Give them some herbs as they start new traditions. Help them become 'herbalicious' (lol). Healing belongs to you and so shall you have your healing. Please make sure to read up on these herbs before you start using and abusing them. If you do your own research to determine the right usage and moderation for your body, that would be swell.
Please start cooking more with these powerful herbs: Basil- Can relieve gas and soothe upset stomach🌿🥬 Black Pepper- Helps relieve indigestion🌿🥬 Cayenne- Can stop a heart attack🌿🥬 Cinnamon- Helps to lower blood pressure🌿🥬 Clove- Antimicrobial properties🌿🥬 Dill- Treats colic, heartburn and gas🌿🥬 Fennel- Can reduce bad breath & body order Fenugreek- Helps flush out harmful toxins🌿🥬 Garlic- Offers natural antiseptic properties🧄 Ginger- Offers remedies for nausea🫚 Mint- Can help ease hiccups🌿🥬 Rosemary- Contains antioxidant properties🌿🥬 Sage- Has antibiotic and antiseptic properties🌿🥬 Thyme- Relaxes respiratory muscles🌿🥬 Turmeric- Contains anticancer properties🌿🥬 Oregano- Helps soothe stomach muscles🌿🥬 This controversial piece is kind of like my Twitter Tweets of The Week. Once in a while I cruise around Twitter and talk about many random things trending but this time it will be with post from Instagram. Sometimes there is audio so please don't forget to click on the links in purple to listen in. I will always and forever dedicate this controversy towards the black liberation for melanated people and agendas of freedom in all of our nations! Remember that sometimes you will be offended by some of these Instagram posts. It might help you think about your views on things or change your perspective. The title does say this is about controversy. I hope you feel some kind of way. You're supposed to! This edition of controversy is about love, light and right! May you have uncommon grace and favor. I pray Yahweh will give you wisdom and strategies. I pray God will make your name great. I pray that God will lift you above the head of your enemies and cause all those who made a mockery out of you, to be embarrassed. I pray that Yahweh will prosper you in every single way. May this season be victorious for you with miracles, signs and wonders. I pray that you experience the supernatural power of Yahweh. If you are reading this, yep, I am talk to you! Let's try to start our mornings and nights with prayers like this. We know it is a blessing to come back home safely. We don't take that for granted. It's so good for your soul to pray, meditate or manifest. This first post on Instagram is just what you need. I got you. No worries. I speak and decree this great energy with this woman over your lives. Especially those folks who are connected to me. Yahweh says one person's prayer can put 1000 wicked spirits to flight. That means it has to vacate. Leave! I believe that! I pray these kinds of prayers for those connected to me, daily. This next Instagram post is extremely excellent to live by. It's such a positive vibe of alphabets. A- Avoid negative sources, people, places, things, and bad habits. B- Believe in yourself. C-consider things from every angle. D-Don't give up and don't give in don't let a damn thing let you down. E- Enjoy life today yesterday is gone and tomorrow will never come. F-Family and friends are hidden treasures talk to them and enjoy their riches. G-Give more then you plan to get each day. H-Hang onto your dream. I-Ignore the bullshit J-Just do it K-Keep on trying no matter how hard things may seem it will get easier. L-Love yourself first and most and love God always. M-Make it happens. N-Never let them see you sweat. O-Open your eyes and see everything around you. P-Practice makes perfect. Q- Quitters never win and winners never quit. R-Read, learn, study about everything important in your life. S-Stop procrastinating. T-Take control of your own destiny. U-Understand yourself first so that you can better understand others. V-Visualize it. W-Want it more than anything. X- You already marked your spot in this world. Y-You are unique of all God’s creations, and no one can replace you. Z- zero in on your target and GO FOR ITT! Wow! These are great alphabet ingredients, yummy. I encourage you to look into the matter of a solar powered battery charger for your phone. If you have been paying attention to the world around you, it will not hurt you to purchase this. We have to prepare ourselves for practically all things in this season and time. You already know this upcoming election is going to be full of dirty shenanigans. I have always heard women and especially men say that they need someone who is their peace, as far as a partner. Especially melanated men. He already has to deal with all the worldly matters so when he comes home, he wants it to be peaceful. I GET THAT! I mean, I get that, like very softly (lol). In this post the woman is praying over her man. Women and ladies, I know you all are some of the most effective prayer warriors in your house and on your block but when was the last time you laid your man down like this woman did, and prayed over him? Pray over him. He needs it. Speak goodness over his life. I want to know why is it that when melanated brown women talk about their very own experiences, European women always try to make everything about them. Why? Sorry but, it is not about you this time. Can we have our moment? Can you please stop! Michelle Obama is speaking about her experience as a "woman of color" always having to prove she is worthy of everything and that she is not the angry black woman. As I looked at the comments a very famous lady stated that all women go through it. In the post they were not talking about all women! Lower expectations are usually attached to melanated brown women. Michelle was saying how she always have had to disprove those stigmas because in her mind her parents raised awesome black excellent children. Every black woman can attest to this. Again, it is not about you. It was about the melanated women. Take heed to the warnings and hide from those who want you to engage in a few things that will come back and haunt you. Self-control is imperative at all times. If you work in the entertainment industry where you are well known, even more of your discipline is needed. Whether you are famous or not, Tony Gaskins wants you to get the lesson, now! "Don’t miss the lesson. Just because you’re not doing what he was doing doesn’t mean you can get away with what you’re doing. When it rains, it pours, and it’s gonna be on the just as well as the unjust. Get the lesson and then get your blessings. It could take 30 years to be exposed, but what’s done in the dark will always come to light if you don’t get out while grace is still sufficient. We’ve seen Weinstein, Epstein, Cosby, Kelly, Simmons, and now Combs… don’t get exposed in your lil city thinking stuff is sweet. It’s time for accountability. God is raising men and if you don’t wanna be one, you’re gonna get exposed because the adversary has no allegiance to you. There is no honor amongst thieves, and he comes to steal, kill, and destroy. When you’re no longer useful, the devil will kick you off the mountain top he gave you. Don’t get comfortable in sin, because the wage is death. You can tread lightly in sin or walk boldly in righteousness. The beauty about life is, it’s your choice. Choose wisely my friend. Exposure is coming." (Tony Gaskins) Good karma is what you want in life, not bad. What you put out will come back to you. Those that understand this vibration live by it. Sometimes it may skip you and land on your children or grandchildren. I am surrounded by love, and I often speak that into the universe. I can testify to this good karma to be true. When you think good thoughts about people and do good towards them it will always come right back on you! It is an excellent opportunity for you right now in this moment to practice good thoughts. It takes a disciplined mind-set. You might have to unlearn a few things but you can do it. Practice it daily. I know as human beings' folks can get on our nerves, but we have to block them out! Just say OUT! OUT! Say it fast (lol) and boom, that negative energy is gone!
May your Sunday be filled with love, grace and mercy (we all need it) topped off with meditation, good energy and prayer for a sweet productive week. We have so much to be thankful for this week. We also have to remain committed to look out for each other and our communities.
Sunday originally was the first day of the week and Saturday is actually the real Sabbath. They changed it; however, I know most people prepare for their week on Sundays. Have a blessed week and protect and project good energy into our universe. We need it. I swear it seems like I am living in the 1940's and 1950's. 🖤ALICE BALL🖤
Although I am slightly perturbed by strange things happening on my website, I am going to get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, and in-between shine your love and light. Always fight for what is right. Stay prayed up. Don't let nothing or no one steal your joy. Your miracles come quicker when you are joyous. Happy Friday to you. I decree that something good is going to happen to you today.
We have have no vacancy for negative energy today, just love, joy, peace and strength dwelling over here. When you mix history and business together, Yall Doing The Most productive damage in positive energy, mixed with love and light for your community. My aim is to love and support "us" more by shining a bright light on the stories in our history books that's not favorably shared. Especially since the execution of the man we all believed and hoped would be spared from the death penalty by lethal injection just happened. Marcellus Williams will be in our history books surrounded by an outcry of love. The Freedom House will also be climbing up into your hearts and giving you a proud reason to make you smile. There were 25 Black men that developed the idea to serve their communities as the inception of first responders graced our land. Well, the government was married to Jim Crow, and they really didn't show a real effort towards serving the black community. When folks foolishly say why do you have to make it about race. The truth is, we don't. We are a peaceful group of people. It was your founding fathers that has strategically woven race into their blueprint for America. Black men saw a need and they resolved it. The melanated communities did not have the proper emergency care as the others had, so The Freedom House was born. Shout out to all the people who do not wait around for other people to solve the problems in their families or in the organizations they represent. They just do it! Thank You for standing in the gap to ensure your community is well taken care of like the brothers in the Freedom House did. It's your turn. Melanated men always win on my pages because I can control the narrative and share good vibrations. You know they won't. I am inspired to uplift the men and women in my community even more, on purpose in light of all the madness we still have to soldier through.
I'm leaving town soon. I can't believe I allowed myself to be involved in this for so long. Money isn't everything, but I won't name any names. There are big names connected to what my family and I were doing. My mom and dad are hopelessly sad. I guess I was too. My mom says she had no choice. She said they would have taken my sisters and sold them as sex slaves if she didn't obey their orders to increase their revenue. I'm telling you that this world is so SICK! You cannot trust anyone with your kids. A lot of people that you think you can trust like your so-called leaders and pastors are all in on it, too. They make billions of dollars each year in human trafficking. Not all, but a lot of them! So don't be surprised!
The story that was told to me was that my dad was dealing with some powerful men. He made a bad deal, and they wanted my sisters. My mom had no clue. She begged them to spare my two sisters from being taken into their world. They didn't listen to my dad but for some reason they did listen to my mom because they knew they could make a huge profit. This is a very uncomfortable situation. The deal was for her to snatch other young girls and women, sometimes even babies so that they could sell them, in exchange for my sister's lives. She did it and has been doing it for years. My mom told me she only did it to keep us alive. She said she didn't want my two sisters to be sex slaves. There was no going to the police because my mom said some of them were getting paid to cover it all up as well. They were involved. My mom was very innocent, but she lost that innocence along the way. The money and the greed turned her into a monster. We live like millionaires, and we don't hide it. I've been planning my escape for 10 years now. I'm only 31. I have enough dirty money to live comfortably. You would be surprised at how many women are involved in kidnapping and sex trafficking other people's kids and family. Some of them are women/mothers with children just like my mom. Some of them were forced into it in order to spare the children's lives they gave birth to. Some of them were sex slaves themselves and have to snatch others to survive whether they have kids or not. The best places to snatch and kidnap women and girls are the malls, any store with huge parking lots and at night when folks are not paying attention. A lot of parents do not pay attention in shopping stores. We have stolen so many kids from those places. I am ashamed but we did. I wish my two sisters would come with me. I won't be able to keep in contact because I know too much. I will take my chances getting away from it all. You guys stay safe out there. |