The second week of Black Music Month is bringing you some nice gospel tunes. Please remember that you will always get good music in our culture. Black Music Month is exactly what it states. It is music designed to venerate black music and black culture (black excellence). Liberty and justice are still parts of the agenda. As mentioned out in the HuffPost, the idea behind selecting June as Black Music Month came from President Jimmy Carter. It was further pushed into legislation by music producer Kenny Gamble and his ex-wife Mrs. Dyana Williams. Dyana is known as the Godmother of Black Music Month as noted by Ebony. Our interest is still resistance ✊🏿 ✊🏾
When God is in the building there will be a change in the atmosphere. Evilness cannot dwell and it will not win in the presence of an omnipotent God (Yahweh). Sometimes all you have to do is play songs like this and you'll receive whatever you are in need of. If you need a breakthrough in any area of your life or just a few deliverances to get you on the right track, you can enter the spiritual realm of praise and worship. This kind of gospel music does something good to your soul.
This means war for sure! I'm sorry but sometimes R-Kelly tunes won't be able to help you. When you are under a spiritual attack you have to have some music like this in your pocket to gird your spiritual armor. You can't have my family or any of the black male family members and friends I pray for! There is so much going on in our world. If you don't have a prayer on your tongue or some form of positive affirmation you say before you leave your house, please start. Set your atmosphere! Command your mornings and lose your angels everywhere. This definitely means war. It is a spiritual warfare. Carnal minded folks, get into your spiritual realm.
Yes, I feel like praising the Most High God (Yahweh) automatically. I really don't have to be directed by any man or woman to do so. I understand in many places of worship they unfortunately have to do that but shouldn't. I get that everyone's spiritual walk with God is different and I've learned to respect that. When you get an experience with God and develop that personal relationship, you can't help but to PRAISE GOD as Shirley so powerfully sangs. This song is an old praise and worship classic. Yolks of every form of negative energy is being destroyed when you praise God. God has been good to me so I have a right to give up my thanks and praise. You don't have to run around the church. When you wake up say thank you God.
This song is also a classic mainstream modern song that the world needed. How wonderful is it to be able to change lives and heal people through your music as brother and sister! Their ministry together has always been heaven sent. Those who would not normally listen to gospel music found themselves liking Bebe & Cede Winas. You really have to switch it up and listen to some gospel music.
Be unstoppable in your faith, relationships, goals, spiritual gifts and in guarding your spirit. Everybody can't be in your space, so you have to have boundaries. You can't always go by what the doctor says when healing was in you before the sickness came. You have to cultivate your relationship (not religion) with God. I understand that things are easier said than do when it is you going through the test, but this song encourages us as believers to fight. Stay in that boxing ring and fight for your life, your kids, your family, your community and against all the wickedness coming your way. This song is like your daily affirmations that you need.
I concede that I am extremely biased when it comes to this wonderful thunder. I absolutely love her. Kim is my favorite gospel singer. Thank you, Lord for this fireball! There is a time and a place for all things. There are seasons for us to stand still or to move. The spirit of God or a higher power is definitely stitched in these gospel songs. I try to implement gospel songs and artist each year during the month of June. I know it will bless the ears of all who carefully listens. I can bet you more Kim McFarland songs (lol) that you're going to fall in love with Kim McFarland, after just one taste of her anointed sweet voice. Sometimes God will speak to you through a song. Don't miss your blessing.