Truth be told, I really don’t like being the only black woman in my department. I am in charge of the Marketing and Sales Department for a major company that produces educational material for public and private schools globally. I am also facilitating all of our corporate meetings for my team, proudly. I’m going to keep it 100 with you. I’m like the cleanup woman. When others don’t do their work, guess who they call to get the job done right? Yes, me! I know every entity of the company. I’ve rocked that black girl magic in every department. They think I'm some kind of superwoman; like I am not a human being. When I need to catch a wellness break, I will tell them I can’t do it. I speak 3 different languages and I use my skills to help the company grow so I have a lot of leeway. When I bring my ideas to the table, they always try to change the narrative like it was them who came up with the ideas. I mean, who does that? I judiciously put them in their place each and every time. Then they are like, “Oh my bad” the credit goes to the only black woman in the room; yes, that’s right! The president of the firm is very fair with me. He has high ethics. I appreciate that.
There is one black man on my team. He is such a coon! He suffocates his entire being and his culture just to please them. He acts like he has no voice or history of who he is. What is the point of preaching diversity if people aren't truly allowed to be who they are? Right! He even had the nerve to ask me out on a business date when he already knew I was off limits; especially to him! I was like Jesus take the wheel before I say something completely out of character. He is kind of handsome! He reminds me of an old flame I used to date. Yes, I remember this young man; he was so fine but beautiful on the inside too. He used to take me dancing or we’d go play a game of pool together. He taught me how to play pool. He would dance with me all night long on the dance floor, holding me in the most loving way. I digress but my co-worker really needs to learn how to be himself and love himself. He will be accepted for who he is; not who he thinks they want him to be.
They act in disbelief when I often tell them I am leaving their company to start my own. I am very vocal towards them about how much they don’t appreciate me. They laugh thinking it’s so funny. They claim how much they do appreciate me, but they don’t. I know I am a giant financial asset to their company; so, do they. There’s this one troll who always tries to be my boss. She isn’t even in my department. She is so nosy. She tries very hard to befriend me; acting like she likes me. She is very unsuccessful at getting information out of me or trying to upset me. I always slap her in the face with the “Girl bye” every time. My Sancti-Fly discernment is very strong. I don’t have time for foolishness. They’re going to miss me when I am gone. Watch!
You know black folks use and abuse this word. Raccoon is the mother of the word coon. Black people refer this terminology to other black people who they think are sellouts or embrace every other race but their own; economically, socially and politically. People who don’t like being black are called coons. If you are not dating a black man or woman but another race, you may be labeled as a coon. It is an insulting term used by black and whites. When it was used by whites it was part of Jim Crow. It meant lazy, inarticulate, buffoon and all other negative imagery about black people. We really overdo it with the word coon. I mean, if I don’t eat certain foods, I am a coon. If I like going sky diving, I am a coon. If I don’t agree with you on an issue and we both are black people, then I must be a coon. Truth be told, it is a bit ridiculous at time but serves its purpose when it needs to, I surmise.
I can’t even lie about how many times I’ve been smashed hard with the “girl bye” phrase from family and friends. They still rock harder than the wind (lol). If you want to dismiss someone with the quickness, use this term. Folks won’t know what hit them. If you really want to shut someone down or cut them off, this is the vocabulary to use on them. When someone uses this phrase on you, at that time, you really don’t matter. You can try and change the narrative all you want. You are very unimportant and what you say is worth little to them. Baby bye and Girl bye are twins. People tend to use them interchangeably.
Remember a few years ago when we just couldn’t get enough of using this word. I digress this and I digress that. Oh, my goodness! It was so unoriginal. Please stop! You are totally getting off of the subject. Jesus take the wheel!
This phrase is annoyingly popular right now. Everybody wants to keep it real or “Keep it 100” in other words. Even coons like to keep it real. This simply means a person is going to tell you the gospel truth according to them. If they don’t like something they are going to speak their peace and their truth. If you take a tour around any social media sites you will definitely find the words “Keep It 100” on someone’s Twitter or Facebook accounts. They abuse and overuse this expression very much.
This phrase comes from a lot of gospel artist who have used it in their lyrics. I often think of that Kirk Franklin song (Wanna Be Happy) which also has the fine words in the stanzas. Some folks use it when they don’t know how to fix a hiccup or problem and they just say, "Jesus take the wheel” to lean on God’s power. I don't mean to digress, but I wonder if Jesus was around today, how many likes would he get on social media or how many wheels would he have. How many cars (lol). Others say it when you are getting on their last nerves, and they want to remain a godly person instead of using ungodly words towards you or cursing you out. They bite their tongues and say, “Jesus take the wheel” to keep the calmness flowing within their spirits.
You know this word is overly used when you hear seniors saying oh, my bad; like really. It is time to change up our words and phrases. Every person in every age or ethnic group uses this word. It is so played out (old). My bad simply means I made a mistake, and I am sorry. I wonder if trolls use this word.
This word is so in style right now. People totally abuse this term. It is very popular in the politics arena. “They are trying to change the narrative!” I know right, like who do they think they are! “We have to write our own narrative!” The narrative means you’re in control of your own story and you tell it. You really should be able to tell it better than anyone else can if it is concerning you. If you want to pay someone to tell your story the way you want it to be told, pay me, I’ll Sancti-Fly your truth. I will keep it 100! :0)
Troll is another popular word folks use today, especially on the internet. It is basically negative people who hide behind their computer or some other form of mask trying to spew their venom of dissonance. Who does that? Don’t play into their energy. Ignore and dismiss them!
I was watching the movie “The Women of Brewster Place” starring Oprah Winfrey. I heard Oprah say this phrase in the movie. My bad, it was another actress, not Oprah. The film was made in 1989 so the terminology is very old. A few years ago, people brought it back to life. They used and abused it! It simply means being real and honest.
When it is unbelievable, mixed with I high dosage of ignorance, you will often hear the words “Who does that? I let my dog take a bath with me; um, who does that? I have kids but I don’t want them, so I let my cousin’s girlfriend niece raise them; um, who does that? Girl bye!
What other words do we use and abuse? Can you think of some?