TRY SAYING THIS..."THANK YOU" just a little bit more. Practice etiquette and mannerism. If you do something wrong say I am sorry.
There is an abundance of negative spirits floating around these UNSANCTI-FLY streets. Surround yourself with joyful folks and your mind with positive content…like, um, Sancti-Fly Mama (SFM). Positive energy rocks the earth.
Stop allowing folks to define YOU! No one defines you but you! Be your own YOU! Work at your own pace and remember to do it with grace.
Create your own traditions. Most folks believe in celebrating certain holidays. If you do not and want something different for your family, do not celebrate it. It is your right. It is time! Do it! It is not about them, it's about your family.
Exercise to the tunes of financial literacy. It will help create a bloodline of responsibility in money management. Why are you buying all of those Christmas presents when you can't afford it? Why are you buying $150 Nike shoes for a child that does not obey you? Make a budget plan for financial security; for emergencies. What about a family benevolence plan? Maybe you can't right now but you can work towards it.
Get out of your normal routine and start doing things differently. You should not be so predictable. Well, not all the time! Routines are great but...come on!
Listen to other programs like talk radio and different genres of music. Try gospel music. You can also try singing karaoke every day like me (lol). It will keep you on a natural high. :0)
Focus more on what you should be doing and less on pointing the finger at others. Last time I checked God was the author of time; not you. You can't change folks. You were not always the person you are today; how soon we forget. It's a process!
Try your best to pray first before you give other people advice. Let God lead you and not your flesh. You're not always your best dwelling in your flesh!
I remember when I was a lurker on other people's blogs. I loved the way they supported each other. They have all grown so much since that time. I am so proud of all of them although I don't know them personally. Network more; relentlessly. There are people out here in this big world waiting to help you. Then you will be helping others! You are on your way to FAVOR CONNECTIONS!
Life is a long shadow of short. At any given moment your family member can be gone, so stop acting like they will be here forever! This is your sign if you needed one, for you to stop taking your loved ones for granted! Your time is important to kids!
Please STOP supporting businesses and individuals who do NOT support you or the things you believe in or stand for. Support people who support you and your community. If they do not, STOP supporting them! Stop giving them your money!
Get involved in your local politics. Stop saying it doesn't matter. You matter, right? Do you want other folks to continue making decisions for you? Go to those hearings in your community. Go to the school board meetings. Do your part. Believe that you can make a difference because you can.
Take care of your families and communities, men and women! It is your job! You are the community! “I do that.” Well, please do it even more! Do you allow folks to come into your home and run your house? I can answer that. No!
God gives us the wisdom to get the job done even when we don't understand the mission. Always have praying partners surrounding you in their love. You are powerful when you pray. Positive energy will always guard and guide your way.
Watch, observe and remember that we are ALL HUMAN BEINGS; therefore we should be treated as such. The way you talk and treat others is the way someone is going to talk and treat someone you love or you. Keep that in mind at all times!
Plan a time to read something daily! Reading is really good for your mind. Maybe you can join a book club this year or start one.
Your body is different from the next person's body. Take care of it! Do your own research to figure out what is best for you to remain active and healthy. You can't do what everyone else is doing. I love yoga but walking may work best for you!
Before you get ready to snap, take a step back and ask yourself if it is really worth it. Calmness is power that comes with a level of maturity and inner growth. I know it is not always easy. Try your best to think before you react.