Jim Carrey (American Actor) is a person who truly believes in himself. He once said he use to write big checks to his self with lots of zero’s because he knew one day he would make it as a movie star. Jim Carrey spoke and decreed over his life he would never have to worry about money again. His dream did come true. I was first introduced to Jim Carrey when he worked on In Living Color. The show was produced by two brothers named Keenen and Daman Wayans. These two brothers also believed in their dreams and they acted on it! I get why people are always encouraged to take a dip in believing in themselves. I get why there is something special and personalized for you to do in this world. Only you can do what the creator has birthed inside of you to do. I get why Denzel Washington said he didn’t have a plan B because he knew he was born to be an actor. That takes a lot of faith! It is politically incorrect not to have a plan B. I get why Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream. You have to believe in yourself despite what others say to you. There are other people assigned to your purpose and your dreams. Let us all take a sip of motivating those around us to dream big. You will never know who and what your kids will be or those in your family if they have regrets. Give them that chance to fail and to stand. In the end they will win!
I get why prayer and the word prayer is attached to positive things. If someone wants to pray for you, most people would not turn prayer down. Then again, it does matter to some, who the person is giving out the prayer. Overall prayer is a good source of freedom to use in your daily life. Prayer will keep you safe and make ways out of no way for you. Prayer helps to meet needs. I get why people pray for their neighbors and their leaders. If you live next door to a person it’s okay to want their household to be blessed by you. There is nothing wrong with wanting your neighbors and their family covered in prayer. Prayer watches over the block at night and in the morning. If your children go to the school in your neighborhood, prayer is there to cover the teachers and the principal; the people who are with your kids for hours. They are the leaders. Prayer helps to change hearts when you petition your concerns to God. Prayer helps you make the best choices in life. Prayer helps to fight against sickness and disease. Prayer will influence kindness when people wish to be mean towards you. Have you prayed about it? Try praying and communicating to God about those things that are close and near to your heart. Let us take the vicissitudes of dips to include more sips of prayer in our life.
Love is one of the most powerful tools to use in the world. I get why people act like they don’t need any love. Those are the ones who need your love the most. Love is sometimes tossed to the side because of a bruised ego or pride. I get why people love hard. Some people need tough love and hard love more than others. Love is unconditional. Love does not put conditions on people. Love is free! Take a dip to seek out those who need your love today. I hear you saying you already dish out love. Sip on more love!
What is it that you get? Do you allow understanding to slip by you with no evidence of empathy and sympathy attached to your humanity? Are you a person who is always so quick to judge, drowning in stereotypes with all of your lovely might? As my Lula (grandmother) use to say, keep on living, you'll get it. I pray that you will!