What are the sisters saying to you on this week? They are saying pay attention to all things in this season, but the real focus is on you. Tune into what you want and how you will achieve it. Observing others, is quite alright. Go ahead and love on people. Want and feel whatever you deem necessary or unnecessary but don't dwell on anything. Keep your good energy vibrating high sweetie pie. When you realize that you can keep on learning and striving to be better and stronger in your glow of growth, you can be true to yourself and no one else. The sisters are rooting for you. Just keep being you.
🖤MORRIS CHESTNUT🖤 The inception of the fashion mamas started with women, but I decided to switch it up by including the Sancti-Fly Papas. Why not? Morris Chestnut will be my first fashion papa man. I've showcased Beyonce, Ashanti, Fantasia, and many more Sancti-Fly Mamas. Morris put that glass down and give me a hug. I promise not to let you go (lol). Whew, we love a man in a suit or uniform, especially when he is a dapper King-Papa like Morris Chestnut. Well-groomed just bombarded into the room and all of the female eyes were wondering about that black thunder prize. Gimme that black suit with the white stripes lined up in your power and your favor, Morris. Confidence is stacked on top. This is the suit that had all eyes on you, Morris. We're about to order this suit for our men too! Boom, your date nights have just experienced a spiritual height of elevation. Where is your man taking you out tonight? Just look at this fine-tuned gorgeous black man. Even his shadow understands the incomparable flair and swagger in this black breasted suit that they all try to emulate but they can't. He is relaxed and ready for you in this sleek black suit. Morris gimmie that dangerously winning fashion, in that black suit. He always looks so fine. This time he is wearing his sexy sorry suit. He promised you a night out on the town for letting you down. He is going to make it up to you in your favorite suit that you picked out for him. Get ready for your night out with your handsome man. Do not wait up. He is definitely getting lucky tonight in his sorry make-up suit, especially for you. Make sure you pick the most expensive hotel (lol). Just look at him gurrrrl. He looks sorry and sexy. I'll take both. I just heard the women in the soprano and the alto sections of the Fashion Papa Choir singing "What a beautiful black man." Even some of the men was fanning themselves and falling out (lol). No doubt, you are wearing yo' crown even when you sit down, brotha Morris. Emerald green and chocolate looks good on you. All of the ladies crave for their men to wear this kind of attire too! Morris, please gimmie that entire sexy fashion suit, with the white shirt that flirts out attractive. Your smile and fashion stance are truly on fire. Where is he taking you in that suit? We know you're getting ready for your hot emerald love that will look dazzling on the two of you. You're going to be glowing in your matching gown/dress. You understand the assignment with your King-Papa man. Please understand that the Chestnut black man can, rock his coolness bliss in any color or in the best style that fits him perfectly. Morris we will remember the time of your ageless "55 fine" when you made this fuchsia suit relentlessly dope. Thank you for giving other black men hope. Gimme that entire suit because it is the new signature of you. Morris stop teasing us with one hand out and the other hand halfway in your pocket with the watch peeking out in a smooth coolness. I see you! You are so cool.
The wait and anticipation are not just about vacationing. Anytime we hook up together to unwind, our personal time must now include the Morris Chestnut collection of satisfaction. In more colors of plenty fuchsia papa. 😊 |