As noted in Injustice Watch, a Cook County Judge in Chicago Illinois has all of our eyebrows raised. What was she thinking? Is Judge Caroline not aware of the sensitive times we are living in? This public service announcement is a reminder to those of you who exercise your right to vote and those of you who do not vote. Please pay attention to these judges. Do not vote or support these judges that boldly or secretly show you who they are. We cannot afford to ignore this. Judge Caroline Glennon-Goodman has been reassigned from her judicial duties for allegedly sending a racist text message that she sent to the wrong person. That was Yah exposing her. Judge Caroline is responsible for all the pre-trial hearings and motions that determine if individuals in criminal and domestic cases receive jail time. This is not funny at all. This is totally unacceptable for any judge that is over the decision to determine whether or not melanated people get jail time. What are the other things that her and her husband joke about that is reflective on Judge Glennon-Goodman's oath to maintain impartiality? Lord only knows.
Allow me to uncover the truth of why these things happen and why these terrible things will continue to the happen. Black folks are aware of how certain rules and laws strategically reign in the favor of one group of people verses the other. They have been in this battle for decades. They don't like it, but they're not surprised. I wish to spare no feelings. If you are experiencing heavy feelings of denial, great. You are welcome to leave. To all of the wypipo and all of the others, yes, these two stories have everything to do with race. It always has. It always will. This is how your founding fathers designed it. It doesn't matter if you claim that you do not see color. Just because you are a melanated person doesn't mean you're able and willing to comprehend the experiences "we" go through. "Why do you guys have to always bring up race? "It's not always about race." Why don't you stop reminding us about race. Your actions have proven otherwise. You got to be F*CKIN kidding me right. Noop, not at all. Brian Cohee was 19 when he murdered and cut up the body of a homeless man. He just wanted to know how it felt to kill someone so he did it. Here is the tripped out part. The police officers were so equipped in de-escalating. I wonder why. Oh because they were trying get him to confess. Yes, that's it. Well, of course it is. Why else were they so nice, calm, and downright friendly to a young man that told them he killed a man that was missing. Take notice to how they specialized handling Brian Cohee. Was it because they knew Brian had some bad fireworks sparkling in his mind. Europeans know why. Brian is a white boy. They do not get any bad energy from their own, even if their own have cut up bodies and shared the details. Can you please swallow your white privilege and accept the fact, if Brian was a black boy or man (Oh Lord, not a black man) the entire episode of those white officers would provoke a different kind of temperature. It would not even matter if the melanated boy acted strange or appeared like he was not in his right mind. If he tried to talk to them or even came close they would have shot him, fearing for their lives. There is always evidence. They have killed black men that displayed mental illnesses. They did not give our men the Brian'ism treatment. Sure didn't, no! They quickly drew their guns as soon as they saw that rich skin color. Please stop crying and wining about melanated people resisting arrest. It's not always true. Plus, white folks resist arrest all of the time and nothing happens to them. I can't seem to figure out why. When you are an unarmed man and you are having a mental breakdown, if your skin is popping hard with that melanin, empathy is foreign to them. Black folks have to move more spiritually to combat this kind of wickedness. We have to prepare ourselves and our children for things Europeans do not have to make preparations for. I don't care what fiction stories you enjoy reading inside of your mind. There is no way melanated men or women would be treated like Brian was if they did what Brian did. The lady on TikTok gave the best example of this disparity. It's funny how she delivers the story but nothing is funny about what Brian did. When we bring up how dangerously effective white institutions protect the code of their white supremacy, we cannot hold our breath without shining a bright light on Elizabeth Strotman. This woman worked as a nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Strotman was humming daily to those Jim Crow tunes as she purposely broke the bones of the black babies. She was breeding her hate crime right in front of their faces at the Virginia hospital she was employed by. We are going to talk about how the hospital Elizabeth worked at was around there aiding and abetting her. This European woman by the name of Elizabeth Strotman was being investigated. They placed her on administrative paid leave. Then they had the nerve to bring her back. She continued to target black babies, breaking their bones as she left her witchcraft scent. Somebody had to have known. They have cameras. You ever noticed that when we hear about the words paid leave, its always the wypipo that get it, but I digress.
Black folks can't even talk in a group or form a circle at work without white folks getting so nervous and suspicious. Oh my God! What are they doing Tom? What are they talking about? There is no way any black nurse could get away with doing that to any babies. She or he would be quickly dismissed without the paid leave. Due to the fact of Elizabeth being European, they handled it just like we knew they will always do. How many other wicked folks working around your kids and babies that you are not aware of? Pay attention to everything. We have to. One thing about Europeans, they don't have or share our experiences when it comes to the preference of skin color. Their skin color is their ticket to privilege. All of this over skin color. This has been taught but it can be unlearned. You are not better than anyone because of your skin color. That is so dumb. This popular lady on TikTok said that you should be prepared to be cheated on by the man you love if you are going to get married. She says her advice to you is to go into a marriage emotionally prepared. She said married women should be prepared to make a decision whether or not they will remain in a relationship if they encountered their man cheating. I could be wrong but most couples do not go into the covenant of marriage thinking their spouse is going to cheat on them but this lady said be prepared for it. She is also married. They say a lot of men don't like their women listening to her (lol).
I surmise we all know women who were married or are still married that were cheated on. This lady states her motivation for marriage is more of a financial thing than love. There are plenty of marriages that have financial contracts. Love has nothing to do with it. I get it, but there are women who make a great deal of money or even more than the man. Some women actually do love their men and perhaps their marriage was based on love. What does love have to do with it, if a man is going to cheat or is inclined to cheating? Why get married if you are weak in your discipline to remain faithful to your wife? I do not have the answer. What I do know is, no man is perfect. I know the subject is about men, but women aren't perfect either. Realistically speaking, imperfect people might let each other down from time to time. The wedding vows do say for better or for worse. If you have been cheated on do not go blabbing to everyone if you know that you are going to stay in the marriage. Family and friends will look at your husband differently. Learn to keep certain things to yourself and between you and your spouse. It will always work itself out if you want it to. I have even read that couples who stayed together after their husband's infidelity were able to have better relationships in their marriage. A lot of women are not going for the cheating. Some will leave. Women can only take so much! Then again, some women are unbothered by a man cheating as long as he is providing for her financially like this woman in this video has said. Keep in mind that when a man is cheating he could be messing with a crazy side chick. It can go off script, endangering his wife and family if he has kids. Some women are crazy. Is it really worth it? Especially during these times when Yahweh is judging the land. What do you guys think? In a melanated nation with unity and true sista-hood for all, these Pinterest verse of encare-rich-mints want to see us all winning. Gossiping and small minds are left behind. That's right sista, all they can do is snuggle up close and take down some notes from your love and light. Hopefully they will learn to listen to the experience and the prudence leaking out of you. You have no time to give any attention to their uncool cruel that keep them stuck in their ugly dimensions. Incidentally you look fabulous in red. Yes sista, when you move in silence you learn to empower your own self-control and self-care. You can do things alone sometimes. You don't always need your girls or a crowd of people around you. Enjoy and embrace YOU! A crowd is not necessary all of the time. Go out by yourself. Take a trip alone. Take yourself on a love roller-coaster. Learn to love on being away from the crowd. You can hear better and think without interruptions. You are the prize, the treat, and the magic. Sista, can you please say it loud and proud in your stentorian voice that we like to hear (lol). I do not think they are ready, but oh well. That's not your concern or your business. You don't care what was allowed in the past, it will be banned in this present moment. They think they are about to try you right now. All of their emotions and feelings will be caught up in the rapture of "try me today." In the most devastating, detailed way. Warnings do come before destructions. Sista yes! Keep on walking as if Ce Ce Peniston is singing in the background as you firmly say adios to their chaos. They can dwell there by themselves. Move on out of your way miss messy. Some people just breed messiness. Excuse me big time to you stress, please be thou removed. No one likes you anyway, so bye. Hate why won't you just go away and die. Goodbye to you. We not hanging around you at all. Your energy will stumble and fall. Gossip, you really need to be on another level. Your mind and thoughts will forever hold you back. So many people are leaving you. Negativity, you know we are not trying to entertain your energy so be gone from here. Heartbreaks, you know you don't belong so you can't stay, um bye! You will not be missed. To all those fake family and friends we been walked away from you. No one waited for 2025 to do that. Sistas, if there is anything not meant for you we walking away from that too! They have been dismissed. I hear you sista and so shall you have your "Me Time" to explore and unwind. Do the things that you enjoy doing. Place yourself at number one and take all of the time you need. This is the recipe for wellness. Give yourself a spa day. Leave! Disappear from them all for a few days. Don't worry about nothing. Let him watch the kids. Let them figure it out. Let them go. Get your "Me Time." I understand.
I just want to know what are the men doing to protect their women. It seems like every time you hear something on the news, someone is assaulting women. I know fellas, its a tuff job, so do it! I am not letting you off easy. I will pray for you. Protect the wives, moms, female cousins, aunts, and all of the women in your family. Have you heard about the 70,000 men in a group chat talking about and sharing with other men how they can sexually assault and rape the women in their own family? Yes, if you have been under your social media rugs hiding out, I don't blame you but you should be aware of this. On TikTok they have really stringent guidelines so that is why the title of this man's post says grape instead of rape. SA is also short for sexually abused. If you say the real words they will remove you from TikTok.
Ladies, please listen to this man. He said to treat all men that you meet like they are on that list. Moving forward, yes! This is not about fear or scare tactics. As wisdom needs some of your attention, take heed and listen. Do not go to their house until you've gotten to know them and still keep your eyes open. Do not go to their house on your first date. Be safe! This controversial piece is kind of like my Twitter Tweets of The Week. Once in a while I cruise around Twitter and talk about many random things trending but this time it will be with post from Instagram. Sometimes there is audio so please don't forget to click on the links in purple to listen in. I will always and forever dedicate this controversy towards the black liberation for melanated people and agendas of freedom in all of our nations! Remember that sometimes you will be offended by some of these Instagram posts. It might help you think about your views on things or change your perspective. The title does say this is about controversy. I hope you feel some kind of way. You're supposed to! This edition of controversy is all about bits and big pieces of life we are encouraged to pay attention to. Get ready to clap, roll your eyes and take notes. Either take notes or feel free (you are semi-free) to disagree with Dr. Umar. I never thought about this but it totally makes real sense. This first post speaks on how black folks and white folks differ when it comes to power and money. White people lust for control. Just look around you. I do not have time to call them out. Examples are everywhere. Black people are so in love with having things and money. What do you think? If I was a millionaire no one would know. Women, you can be in a loving committed relationship with your man and still not make him the center of your world according to this young woman. You must decenter (lol). In the name of sisterhood, you have to decenter that man, girl. To be honest, I have never heard of decentering a man before until I came across this TikTok post. She says decentering a man is certainly not about bashing men or hating them. I know that some women naturally do this. It doesn't have to be learned or talked about. We don't make our men the center of our world because we enjoy having our own individual lives. I agree! Especially when the woman is very outgoing, she is not about to make a man the center of her life. Naw, son! A man will not do that for you so wake up ladies. You should have your own lady friends that you hang out with. Yes, you should have those couples you hang out with but please maintain your own friends. A man is not going to stop hanging out with his friends to be under you all of the time. A lot of men are selfish. If they were not reminded about this or that, they would put themselves first. If you are a single man, perhaps just take notes. This is for men in relationships. You have to have balance. This lady is very comical to me, but she is serious. Listen to what she is saying, you might learn something. Ladies, you really should have your own life. I think it makes any relationship more wonderful when men and women can miss each other. If you had friends and hobbies before you met him, you definitely are encouraged to keep them. Do not drop your family and friends or the things you like doing for any man. Men like this man in this particular story have been doing this forever. They act like it's some kind of brand-new thing. Listen to how they report on this story. We know the real deal. Black folks do not own the majority of this land's wealth and resources in America. It is easier for the white man to obtain. Yeah, black folks do own property and some of them have acquired great riches, but they could never get away with doing this to any group of people like this white man has done. Here is another example of how their system works for them. We all know the sentence would be much higher than 17 years if the landlord was a black man that stole money from the United States government. This guy just got lucky and caught this time because he messed with government funds. When you are part of the dominant society (Europeans) you don't have to really be too concerned about where you want to rent or buy or when you sell homes. Discrimination coupled with racist tactics will pass you by. It won't even look your way. Thankfully some black people have European friends or family members that will help them in these subjects by acting like they are selling or buying the property for them. Black women are soak and richly wet in resilience. Although they still treat us as second class citizens and anticipate our help to always save them, our history is always being revealed about who we are and who they are. The true story about the Six Triple Eight is our right and privilege to let them know they cannot hijack our narratives. The truth is on our side. It belongs on our side. You might want to pause or stop drinking those energy drinks. You are welcome to learn about juicing and make your own tasty drinks. You can add a smoothie to quench your thirst as well. Those artificial additions in food and beverages are out here winning. Stop letting them win. It can be a challenge but you can do it. Support your local farmers and of course especially this black farmer. I think we all should put all of our money together and build our own towns and farms. I am very serious. There are families that have done it and are doing it. Yes, black families! Power to the people!✊🏾✊🏾 Yes, to this notice of motion. Unbothered will be my first middle and last signed signature in my own lane swerving in and out of happiness as focused gets all of my time. I do not mind. I will be showing out in a glowing light, growing as soft as the flowers or tulips that bloom. Flourishing...wait, did I hear my name. Who is that calling me! Flourishing...Ms. Flourishing, yes! 😊 This is really dope! Affirmations for the black man is something black women do openly and secretly because we understand what they go through in this world. If you know anything about black or melanated culture, you know the women in a black man's life are always fighting for him in the spiritual realm and affirming his worth. It is good to promote black men (who win) taking a lead in affirmations as well. Check out these affirmations. There are quite a few so don't forget to scroll by pushing the little arrow to view them all. We LUV YOU BLACK MAN!
Dear black women and black girls, um you rock in emerald green. You will have a great (everyone get out of my way) week. Here is your sneak peak. You are filled!
Enjoy your weekend. Protect yourself from all of these crazy recalls on food and viruses. Bless your immune system by any means necessary.
Dear Black People, (Hey) Knowledge is power. I know you have been traditionally aware that the New Year holiday was always in the cold month of January. What if that wasn't the real date of the new year? Have you ever heard about this? This young lady is basically saying what the other woman spilled into your mind.
You will have a peaceful and restful weekend. The presence of Yahweh be upon you. So shall the angels of the lord chase your enemies away. He says hope. I say COMMAND it! Decree it. Believe it. Your "mind cannot be colonized it is not land!" You have to know the power you have. Your enemies know it! Do you?