Protect your beautiful mane by any means necessary. You know how much favor and grace I enjoy giving those with beautiful black hair. If you don't think your type or grade of hair is lovely no one else will so, please start affirming that it is. Teach your babies to love their hair type as well. Their hair is unique whether it is straight, curly, kinky or wavy. Beware of the ingredients or products that you put in your hair.
I never used Mielle Organics products. All the Sancti-Fly Mamas over here only use Lil Little, or Elaine Naturals products on our hair, period. I came across some informative news I wanted to share. I am excited about the influx of brown skin mamas using more natural products in their hair like a lot of Lil Little and Elaine Naturals. According to a licensed cosmetologist by the name of Laura, there was a lawsuit against Mielle Organics because of a claim that they did not label some of their ingredients that may cause cancer. This lawsuit happened in 2022.
It's 2024 right now! If this was true, Mielle Organics could have cleaned up their act by removing the harmful chemicals. If you are accused of something that doesn't always mean you are guilty of it. People can say anything against you or file a lawsuit against you. They do it all of the time. I am not trying to persuade you to use or not use Mielle Organics. I just want you having knowledge to arm yourselves concerning the ingredients that are in some of these products. People will lie. You have to do your homework to ensure the products are safe for you and your family's hair. We have folks in this business world that aren't practicing good business ethics.
If you say your products are "black owned" and they are not, something else is wrong with you! If you're reading the ingredients and can't pronounce them it might be a sign for you to look it up or leave it on the shelf.