The Illinois Supreme Court recently ruled that individuals will not be able to use the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain information about their FOID documents or why they were denied or revoked. Basically, you can successfully achieve seeking out the right way to inquire about your FOID information. You can get information regarding your FOID (Firearms Owner Identifications) application from the Firearms Service Bureau, but you better not try to see if your baby daddy's new boo has her FOID or her Conceal and Carry license. It's not your business. Worry about you! You are not allowed to view the information if it's not yours. It makes sense to me. Keep it on the low. No one needs to know.
Just when you craved to support Black Owned Black (LOVE) in the lovely adult beverage sections of every state, Mr. Tennessee came along with Uncle Nearest Whiskey brand. This whiskey brand successfully hit over a 100 million in sales in 2022. It is projected that sales will double this year in 2023. I never heard of this whiskey brand before, but I am finding out that there are a lot of melanated folks who are doing very well in the wine and whiskey industry. I don't indulge in any whiskey. I do look forward to writing about this Black Owned Black company.
Do you remember when Terrance Howard said strong blk men are seen as a threat in the Hollywood film industry? You already know I believe what he stated is full of nothing but the truth. They see black men as a threat in this society. It spills over into every corner of our world, unfortunately. During Howard's 2022 film collaboration with actor Tyrese Gibson on the System, Terrance expressed the reality of working in the film industry as a black man. Howard said white men can be associated with the images of strength but if a black man thinks he can celebrate his manhood, he is seen as a threat. Why is that? The same reason why they're trying to push their agendas to emasculate black men. Actually, the same reason Dave Chappell refused to wear a dress. We are aware of these tricky devices and tactics. If you are not conscious of what's going on and you are raising black males, prepare. If you are in the film and television industry, take notes. Melanated parents please pay attention and intervene wherever necessary. We declare and decree our men to be men and our boys allowed to be little black boys with melanated joy.
The Soul of The Nation is a book written by Robert P. Jones depicting how the religion of Christianity within the Southern Baptist and other denominations are laced with White Supremacy. Um, you're late. We knew that! It was the so-called Christians in the south that burned crosses in front of black folks' homes. They also attended lynchings, and Sunday service all at the same time. This is the part of American history they don't want you to know about. There is no critical race theory. It is realism. Anytime we mention these facts we are stigmatized with playing the "race card" and other defensive attributes from the dominant society. When a European man dishes out these facts it becomes the gospel truth. This is one reason why some black folks reject the Christian religion. A lot of black folks embrace it. They took the good book (Bible) and made it their own. The south lusted for a slave-owning society, even the Christian folks. The north was like, um no thanks. The Southerners used the Bible to justify slavery. They didn't dare promote social justice or racial equality. They still don't! Name one?
Mackenzie Phillips has divulgated to the world how her dad took advantage of her innocence by molesting her, raping her and having a consensual sex life with her. Mackenzie was the actress that starred in the sitcom, "One Day At A Time."
I really hate that this happened to her. I certainly understand her making choices for herself that helped her heal. Forgiveness isn't about the other person. It's for you. Just because you released forgiveness doesn't mean you wish to engage in the same relationship you once had. You can opt out of doing that. This story is about you and no one else. You have all rights reserved to protect your energy from other people and love them from the background in your life. Parents pay attention to your children. Fathers and mothers. Your partner should not be having sex with your kids. Women don't ignore the signs! Slow down and pay attention to your kids.
Newsflash, Beyonce is a mother. I can't say I am surprised by all the folks who gave so much attention to a mom being a mom and a daughter acting like young girls do at times. Don't we have something more interesting to report on? Noop! Why not talk about how positive Beyonce's energy was as she gave her all at the 2023 Renaissance tour concert. What about the designer who did her attire for her Renaissance tour? Let's talk about that. Why is it newsworthy to talk about a mom parenting and a daughter trying to debate or argue her point? I get it! It's Beyonce but still the interaction between her daughter and herself is normal. In most (not all) melanated households, children are redirected and corrected when they need to be. Whether you call it gentle parenting or not, it happens.
Pay attention melanated men and women. If you are working in criminal justice or in any form of law enforcement, are students in law school, or enjoy soaking up knowledge, please subscribe to The Appeal. They have some of the best extraordinary investigating reporters who give you information politics, policing,
criminalization, persecution and everything in between. If you have melanated kids you are raising, it’s imperative for you to get close to The Appeal. The Appeal gives their audience untold stories of their communities. We wouldn't even know about a lot of the injustices hiding out in the black and brown areas of our neighborhoods if the reporters from The Appeal didn't expose it all. Stay in the know! Please support them.