Ryan Christopher Palmeter killed three human beings on Saturday, August 26, 2023. Then Palmeter killed himself. Of course, this is a horrific tragedy. When we enter a store most people are not thinking about not returning home. This is why we have to practice telling our spouses, children, and family that we love them as we enter and exit from their lives. Ryan Christopher Palmeter openly stated that he hated black people and wanted to kill them (n*ggers); therefore, these lives (Angela Carr, Anolt Laguerre Jr., and Jerrald Gallion) were premeditated murders. If he was alive, he probably would get a mental pass. Palmeter's father told reporters that his son was taking medicine. According to Ryan Christopher's father, Palmeter was receiving psychiatric help. Palmeter was a racist terrorist. White males can always use the narrative of being mentally ill. Melanated men cannot. Why is that? Vote these judges out! Palmeter even went to a HBCU school but thankfully there was no shootings that occurred.
Do me a favor and search the internet regarding this story. It's so interesting to me how the mainstream media always reports on these particular stories. When it's white males doing the killing the title of their headlines display a sympathetic story. The pictures they have of the shooters are decent. The word "gunman" is overused, and he had a clean record. When melanated people have their clean records and are not even on the level of being a mass murderer they don't even get the benefits or any doubt but guilty. Make that make sense. I heard someone mention there was no sign of trouble. Yes, there were signs of trouble. The father said Palmeter tried to kill himself once before. He lived in his room. That's a sign. Parents know their children. They know when something is not right with them. No one bothered to report a young man with tactical gear and guns. Why do you need all of that? That's a sign.
My condolences to both sides of the families. These mass shootings will not die. People are making too much money off of it. As melanated people, we have to watch out for gun violence and crime like other groups of people do. The energy of the white supremacist racist agenda is an extra load. If you see any individual doing something strange or weird, I admonish you and all of these melanated institutions and communities to stay alert. Stop being so relaxed thinking nothing will happen. It's great to think positively about all things in life but this is our new reality. I surmise it's easy for some folks to allow that same kind of hate to fester. Please don't. I'm not saying you shouldn't be angry or have some type of mixed emotions. What would that solve? Hate only begets more hate. Hate isn't the answer. Hate is a learned behavior. History has educated us on that. Love people. Love your family. Take care of your community. Watch how you treat all people that you do business deals with or those who work for you. Invest in all young minds, even if they aren't part of your DNA.
The only group of men that could possibly be indicted multiple times and still be allowed to run for the president of the United States are European men like our #45 Donald Trump. Even Judge Clarence Thomas would not be allowed to take a big bite of privilege out of this. Can we say gangster moves!
I kind of figured that this entire Trump addiction would promote more individuals to support him. Let's call it a setup. I am very sure others saw it coming. It's very distasteful to see all of our fellow Americans celebrating and making money off of a mugshot. I wonder what they will write in their history books. You know they lust to hide true history. I would not be in disbelief if Donald Trump won the next election. Watch out! I heard that black folks were either not voting (um vote guys) in the 2024 election or fed up with the Democratic Party. Each year the apathetic dust of distrust grows towards these politicians.
Instead of focusing on Donald Trump maybe we should be just a little bit tuned in to what's really going on with the American dollar.
What is BRICS? The inception of this group started with Brazil, Russia, India and China. South Africa came on board later. This isn't new. These countries have been working on plans to strengthen their currency in hopes of becoming more independent from the United States dollar. BRICS is the strategic structure of economic power. Should Americans be concerned with this monetary alliance? I think the United States of America doesn't want their country to panic. Are you preparing for dual citizenship? Some folks are. What do you think about this? Do you think more institutions and policymakers should be informing their voters on this issue? The American media isn't really giving out any authentic information. Rumors of a failing banking system and control over our choice to bank how we want are up in the air. We really don't know. Something smells fishy.
If these countries are successfully able to make the US dollar weak and their currency stronger together, we definitely will have a problem. The US dollar has always been used to being the dominant currency. This will affect trade and American lives, no doubt.
Do you really know who your friends are? Do you? There is a difference between an associate, a friend or even close friends. This story literally encourages me to be more proactive in my praying and fasting lifestyle. Life and death belong to
the Most High, Yahweh. I totally understand that. As a Sancti-Fly Mama with a wealth of melanated men, women, family and friends, this is why I surround all of them with my love and spiritual authority that blocks and kills darkness. Use your spiritual gifts to fight against darkness on every level for your loved ones and all of your dear friends. Before those wicked spirits even tries to give birth, kill that wickedness in the spiritual realm. We have angels in this warfare with us. Light does remove darkness so please remember that! This means you have to get out of your carnal mindset and tap into your spiritual power. The word of God/ Yahweh. Control your thoughts. Manifest and meditate. Go up higher. We are powerful and spiritual human beings. It is not about religion.
LJ went out with one of his close friends and didn't come back. His mom tells the story in the most heartbreaking way. I always believe God is constantly warning us through the witnesses or tragedy of others. It appears that the so-called best friend of Linnon tried to cover up the mysterious death of LJ. It probably was a mistake or accident, but it was covered up. The best friend or parents didn't even offer their condolences or came to the funeral. Watch the people you hang out with. I am not just talking to the young folks. All folks! Be careful. Stay prayed up! LJ's mom tracked his location. This helped. Tell people where you are.
Plastic found in meat causes people to have a weak immune system. Did you know that? Shame on Whole Foods. This further explains why we cannot place trust in mankind. If you are skeptical of anything, listen to that voice. Whole Foods is being sued by three different people due to recent laboratory findings of their beef meat having antibiotics in it. Lord have mercy. What else are they lying about? How are they going to charge those high prices and falsify their brand name? This absolutely makes me not want to shop there. I guess we all better start trying to grow our own food. People say, well we have to go some kind of way. Ok, well, keep speaking and decreeing that nonsense over your life. There are lots of things you should not be putting in your body. Your body is your temple. They know the majority of society will continue to eat in a way that benefits their industry and pharmaceutical companies.
If you have body pain and muscle aches from menopause, take a dosage of Black Cohosh. It calms the nervous system, hot flashes, and anxiety. It's good for your liver and fertility. It tonifies your kidneys and uterus.
If you want to kill inflammation in your husband or partner's prostate, put some chasteberry in his body coupled with prayer. It reduces fibroids, treats migraines and stimulates the libido. It treats endometriosis in women. It promotes lactation
in a female's breast. Speeds up the healing of bone fracture.
Dandelion manages blood press, control blood sugar and lower cholesterol. It reduces inflammation and provides antioxidants.
Get your soursop NOW. Buy all of these herbs as a gift. Yes, please start buying things your friends and family need more than wants. Give them herbs. These herbs are imperative to the lives you love. It kills cancer, is good for your eyes, good for liver, boost I immunity and helps relieve respiratory tract ailments. Kills parasites, reduce stress, manage diabetes and relieve inflammation.
If you are working in criminal justice or in any form of law enforcement, students in law school, or enjoy soaking up knowledge, please subscribe to The Appeal. They have extraordinary investigating reporters who give you information on politics, policing, criminalization, persecution and everything in between. If you have melanated kids you are raising, it’s imperative for you to get close to The Appeal. The Appeal gives their audience untold stories of their communities. We wouldn't even know about a lot of the injustices hiding out in black and brown neighborhoods if the reporters from The Appeal didn't expose it all. Stay in the know! Please support them.