How are you going to get mad when people don't stand for an American flag that don't even honor its own American citizens, who pay taxes, and are not fully treated as American equals. Ever since black people of African descent were kidnapped from their homeland and brought to this American nation, raped in European colonization, they ain't never been given full access to the same rights as white people. For the record some were already here. All of them were NOT on that slave ship. They all know it! Preachers know it but will not show it. A blind man can see it. Politicians have witnessed the difference but for some reason are not willing to put on the armor of courage to make the difference. Why? It took the death of George Floyd for the other part of America to realize that all lives do not matter unless black lives matter. I am hopeful for the legislation that is coming. I am thankful to know we have folks of all skin colors who are on the right side of history fighting together to make changes.
This is why we celebrate June 19th. This is why we organize and fight against those who wish to cut off our freedoms. Juneteenth is not taught in American history, but it should be. America has not fully dealt with, slavery. America has that same old face and that same old taste. America, you need to change! The systems purposely put in place are working just as planned. We (you) need to dismantle them all, America.