Have you ever noticed all of the racial hatred and discrimination our elders went through and lived through? You can watch documentaries on it. You can definitely talk to some of your elders if they are still around. They have no hatred in their hearts for how they were treated, or for all the hatred thrown at them. That is amazing! What about all of the lynching's they witnessed? Whew! They taught their children to love everyone. What do you think the men and all of the women in this video taught their kids? Where are they now? That's the scary part. Our elders said its in the pass and they moved on. They are not working in their professions to try and harm white people or overcharge them like they do to us. Instead of white folks and institutions consistently trying to watch all of the melanated folks working for them, they need to be watching their own people. We aren't built like those folks in this video. They not like us. Just because our elders were willing to move on, doesn't mean they have forgotten their history or what was done to them. We will never forget. We are still in some of the same battles. I can say that in this current era, a lot of melanated people do not have the same kind of patience as our elders. We are not so quick to turn the other cheek.
To be honest, no one is excited about individuals moving into their towns or on their block, messing up the peace and tranquility vibe they have. Not even black people. Black people will move out of a neighborhood if it is disruptive. They do not care what color your skin is. We understand. The difference with some white people is, they tend not to give those who look different from them a chance. It doesn't matter if you can afford to live next to them. They automatically assume if you are a melanated person, you're going to bring their property value down. Then they move and most of the resources and the value moves right along with them. They call it "white flight." I don't blame anyone who can look beyond skin color and move due to certain people not being able to adjust to a nice town or community, but using scare tactics is different. Refusing to sell a house to any person because of their skin color, or participating in redlining and fraudulently appraising a house is discrimination. This is obviously a policy we need a lot of work on because it is still happening.