Years ago, when I first witnessed people on social media posting the words "Mood" on their social media platforms, I often wondered why they posted that, or what it meant? Now I totally get it. If you like music by Nina Simone, you are going to appreciate the music by this queen. The history books call her Mama Africa (Miriam Makeba). Yes, she was a warrior just like most women that look like her are. I have nothing against some of these new female artists, but every young girl and all women need some Nina and Miriam in their lives. The fight continues without a break. There is no pause. Leave your worries behind. Well, just for a little while. Then come back and try working on conquering it again.
Have a blessed weekend and wonderful Friday with sprinkles of love, light and black girl magic added all around your day.
Be safe! Embrace the fact that you are so blessed. Stay alert and have a great Thursday. So, this happened yesterday. Check out the difference between how the two parties report on it. Whatever happened to "may the best man or woman win." This election is a bit scary. One says the people were US citizens and the others say, no they are not citizens.
Dear Black People, (Hey) This notice of information is specifically directed to melanated or black women. I do agree that as a woman you have the right to make your own decisions when it comes to that controversial ugly word, abortion. If you are a female that aligns your life with the word of Yahweh, perhaps your body does not really belong to yourself. This is the reason the so-called Christians are against you for making a decision to have an abortion. Whether I agree or disagree with you on the issue of abortion, it really is none of my business. That is between you as a woman, your partner or spouse and your relationship with your higher power. No one can make that decision for another woman. Even if you are against abortion due to your religious beliefs, the only thing you can do is pray for them. Some folks are literally becoming overheated with destruction over a woman making a decision to have an abortion. Where is that same energy for the lady who founded the idea to kill black (killer) babies with her advocacy of Planned Parenthood? Yes, it was definitely planned. Are you familiar with the European woman (genocide) who purposely lusted after killing black babies? Margaret Sanger only created birth control to kill your black melanated babies. She said your genes were way too strong. They absolutely do know who you are. They hide the truth. Even today, Planned Parenthood is still laced with the spirit of Margaret Sanger. They market their agenda to the black women in black communities all day long. They are very intentional. I wish we could all come on one accord for our agriculture because neither the red nor the blue teams are not fighting for any of us to have safe, healthy food. You cannot birth a healthy baby if there's all kinds of chemicals and artificial colors affecting your body, in your food, but I digress. How do you feel about abortions after reading the root of it all? This woman was part of America's whitest white supremacy. What non-white areas could she possibly be talking about? It backfired because white women have used and abused abortions, too! This is why they fight so hard against it. You already know there are still folks that work with you and live by you that think like this. Oh, and some of them they call themselves" Christians."
What are the sisters saying to you today? Are you listening to them? The sisters are saying that you are strong enough. You have fought so many battles and you are still standing. You have cried so many tears, but you are still smiling. Although you have been broken, betrayed, and rejected, you still walk proud and loud, like a queen. You laugh loud and it glows. You out there living without fear and loving without doubt. You are beautiful and humble. This moment is all about you. The sisters are saying watch how you do all things in this season and repent always.
You know that you're going to have a great week when you start and end it with the affirmations of prayer. Have a safe, blessed week. Mucho Monday blessings to you. Remember that every day is a new day. You get a brand-new start.
Always pray because someone is ALWAYS at the other end of your prayers praying for you and with you.
We created this new content "Hush Now Pass That Crown (The Queens Are Speaking") for a number of reasons. One of them being that our audience is mainly women. So, we have to cater to that. Men come over to visit the Sancti Fly Mama too, but our target audience are the women. Also, because as women, we can empathize and understand what all women go through. Especially the melanated women and how hard they rock their rolls as women. Women enjoy encouraging other women. Having a website is open to the public. It cannot be private guys. When you get the statistics on the majority of folks that visit your website the most, it certainly could be people you know. It could be people you don't know. Perhaps it could be folks you like, or folks you don't like; co-workers, business partners or even your neighbors, so keep that in mind (wink). It's a small world after all, but all are welcome. Oh, and please be mindful that just because individuals post events on their personal or business websites doesn't mean that they will be in attendance, silly. We call that promoting. What are the sisters saying to you today? The sisters are saying, you are capable of loving yourself fully and completely. You my dear are happy, healthy, and whole. You are on a path where fear has no place. You deserve all of the love. Affirm this over your life. Say it in the mirror as often as you can.
Dear Black People, (Hey)
Black people need special rules for dealing with some police or because of the historical implications that display the unequal treatment we have with police officers. Prison is a business, and our people are the supply in high demand. All we are to them are bodies rotting in a cell. Therefore, do your best to stay out of their way and their prison systems. Obey the law. Do not hang around people that will have you caught up in criminal matters. A few years ago, I was on Twitter and a man gave out some valuable information about how melanated people should deal with police officers when they are stopped, especially when the officers are not fond of interacting with you. Your goal is to ALWAYS remain calm. Young people please keep your mouth shut. The person that posted these expensive instructions is no longer on Twitter, or he could have changed his name. I will still credit him for posting it. It's great knowledge to have. Please go to your police town hall meetings. You have to get involved. Learn who your mayor is and your trustees. If you have children, you should definitely be at your local meetings in your city or town. Ask questions about search warrants or anything you want to know as a citizen to your local police departments.
This why you are encouraged to be proactive in your community with your local police department. Show up to their meetings. Ask them about these laws that you just read about. Read the cases that were cited. They need to know you and your family. If they are racially pulling over your kids for no reason and asking the passenger for their ID, that's a violation. Any police officer doing that to your kids or family members have to be your number one concern to bring that kind of behavior and attention to the mayor and your town's officials. You can fight it legally in court if you're not satisfied with your local politicians. It's Monday and you are definitely going to have a great week. Something good is going to happen to you. Remember that you are only in control of your life. It is perfectly ok to stay in your own lane. Feel free to convey that to others. Be sure to speak over your life today and say, " I'm going to have a great day." I hope it will be a great day is not allowed so do not utter such words. No! I am going to have a great day! No matter what, your day is going to be wonderful.