Don't get too comfortable with assuming your children know what to do when life skills come knocking on their doors with challenges. Train them and teach them so they are ready. Remember the young lady that went away to college and her roommate didn't like her, so she did egregious things to her personal items that made her sick? Remember that? Thankfully the young lady who was assaulted had discerned that something wasn't right. The two girls did not get alone. One plotted against the other girl to get her to move. Also, in this day and time please stop allowing your kids to hang around other kids and spend the night at their homes, when you don't know them. Or, if they are the only melanated child in the group, um no! Stop doing that.
I am really going to need you guys to be mindful of these fast-food places. No one is saying don't eat out. I would really prefer that you cook more of your food at home but if you are going to eat out and give it to your little ones, please pray over your food and inspect it. Remember this old story? A little girl had glass in her Wendy's burger. We are living in such different times. Other than that, have an awesome weekend. Take your time and inspire to inspect everything!