I surmise we all know women who were married or are still married that were cheated on. This lady states her motivation for marriage is more of a financial thing than love. There are plenty of marriages that have financial contracts. Love has nothing to do with it. I get it, but there are women who make a great deal of money or even more than the man. Some women actually do love their men and perhaps their marriage was based on love. What does love have to do with it, if a man is going to cheat or is inclined to cheating? Why get married if you are weak in your discipline to remain faithful to your wife? I do not have the answer. What I do know is, no man is perfect. I know the subject is about men, but women aren't perfect either. Realistically speaking, imperfect people might let each other down from time to time. The wedding vows do say for better or for worse. If you have been cheated on do not go blabbing to everyone if you know that you are going to stay in the marriage. Family and friends will look at your husband differently. Learn to keep certain things to yourself and between you and your spouse. It will always work itself out if you want it to. I have even read that couples who stayed together after their husband's infidelity were able to have better relationships in their marriage. A lot of women are not going for the cheating. Some will leave.
Women can only take so much! Then again, some women are unbothered by a man cheating as long as he is providing for her financially like this woman in this video has said. Keep in mind that when a man is cheating he could be messing with a crazy side chick. It can go off script, endangering his wife and family if he has kids. Some women are crazy. Is it really worth it? Especially during these times when Yahweh is judging the land. What do you guys think?