Try using more healing words. You never know what battles people are fighting. The year is 2024 and if you sit back and reflect on this thing called life, everyone is going through something. While you are celebrating, others maybe mourning. People are born every day. People die every day, and individuals celebrate their birthdays every day. That's something to think about.
Hey Beautiful! (some men know we love it, women too, but the frequency is higher when men say it) 😊💯
Have a Good Day gorgeous one! The sun came up earlier than usual today to shine especially on you.
I must sit down and confess. You are the absolute best! (The way you rocked that knowledge on your math test. You're the best)!
I thank the LORD for you! You're always pouring out good energy. Such a good friend to me, indeed. (wait you after church so we can smoke them trees/, ok gurrl no thanks lol)
You are very worthy too. Don't believe them. No one is better than you. The world is yours!
You shall lack nothing! You will drown and bleed in abundant things. Repeat after me!
You are royalty. I believe in you! You're a King human being. You're a Queen human being.
I was just thinking about you.
You don't have to worry about it. I understand!
Love looks good on you in pairs! They all just stare. The focus shouldn't be on your hair. Congratulations. Did they realize that you're a champion?
I understand that you are just a doggone handsome good-looking young man.
May you have a spicy dash of LOVE and a heavy hint of "I'm just checking in on you" to see all emotions of thoughtfulness through. ❤️
I need a fan. It's hot in here. Your fineness has just saturated the atmosphere. MAN, YOU FINE! LMBO! 😂
The night is just ripe for your peaceful good night. Have a good night! (you already know I am
Tell all of those beautiful people in your life (family &friends) that you love them. Say it. Practice saying, "I love you." Love heals. It feels good to the human soul and mind.
Try learning to say, "I am sorry or please forgive me. I apologize."
When you know (and God knows) that you have done or said something mean or erroneous towards another person, try not to lesson how they feel by dancing around the words, "I am sorry." Just say that you are sorry. Your words are powerful. We cannot take words back once we release it into the universe.
Sometimes you need those "FEEL GOOD" words to titivate your day. What do you do to get your daily dose of positive energy?