H ow often does a mother smother you in her loving? The answer is always in abundance.
A lways nurturing young minds in positive vibes to dominate in kindness.
P lease do NOT embarrass me, is a mother’s national anthem and womanly plea!
P lease remember to enclose yourself with good manners wherever you go; treating others, especially mothers, virtuously!
Y es she wows in proud of you because she cried out loud for your success and God did bless. You are the evidence!
M others reinforce the pattern of good choices!
O h how she sacrificed far and long to push you into grown; guiding your heart; teaching you about God.
T hey (son + daughters) get their armor from their mamas!
H er movement in motherhood is fluent as she uses flaming hot faith to prepare you for your destiny.
E very time your child behaves in ways that remind you of those days when “mama use to say” watch how you treat your mother! You smile knowing that is exactly how you use to behave towards your mother!
R ecognized as a disruptive force of prayer warrior energy; cheer-leading for you in public and behind the scenes. There is no one quite like your Glam-ma or mother!
S he is not a fan of “Benighted We Stand” she will push you into the right affirmations to know “yes you can and you can do it! She is the light!
D id you know her unconditional love for you never fades away, no matter how much the stages in your life change; but it grows?
A lways stating classics that make memories everlasting like “I brought you in this world and I will take you out!”
Yes she represents the best brew to empower you in all things related to believing and achieving.
Sometimes you just need those "FEEL GOOD" words to titivate your day and honor your mom in an unconventional way. What do you do to get your daily dose of positive energy?