There is nothing like being surrounded by love. Family + Friends = Love. Love is supposed to feel good. I can't even fake the funk about all the wonderful Lula memories we had together at my Lula's house. Lula is my grandmother. The older we get, the more we cling to understanding that a lot of people do not have any family members left in their bloodlines. They eat alone on special occasions or on these holidays. Yes, I am very thankful for the gems and jewels I have.
How long can you ride the back of a lie without turning to the front of truth? Dr. Rosales Meza is spitting real facts. Those history books told us pure fabrication. They didn't want the realm of truth taught in our schools so they lied. They painted the picture of unity and brotherhood as the Pilgrims slaughtered the Indians. You ever wonder why they are terrified of Critical Race Theory? Well I am thankful that more melanated people are learning about their true history.
Gone black girls, go head! I am so thankful to find out these two young ladies are the owners of this BP gas station in Florida. Can we say in unison, "cha-ching!" Kudos to Jasmine Brown and Kimberly Claridy Walker! We love to see examples of black women reigning and ruling.
Antidotes of hope is in the air and black representation is everywhere, raising a fist and hands like it just doesn't care. I am thankful for these three young game changers. Jiyah, Jace and Merl Fennell are all published authors. They took their writing to the next level by creating an animated cartoon series and they based the characters in their writing about them. If you are an educator and work in a school that is predominately black and you're not part of their culture, it is recommended that you get literature they can relate to. It's not hard. Do you not realize black kids want to see kids in books and passages that look like them?
Inspirational warfare did not disappoint! Ms. Souadou Niang worked and cleaned hotels. Souadou elevated her skills to top management then the execution of her plan guided her into a land of luxury. She currently owns one hotel where she employs lots of women. I am thankful for her knowledge! This proves you will succeed.
I am thankful for brother James Samuel and his lovely wife Evelyn Samuel. They created an app by the name of Anjel Tech that helps to find missing black people and trace racial incidents. We don't have to wait for others to help save us! The beauty and power of a black love like theirs didn't wait, they saw a need and they created it! We are quite aware of how law enforcement in many cases, do not place the same time and energy in black people that go missing! Yahweh gave us the Anjel Tech option. Watch your surroundings, watch your children, get your self-defense game intact and get a prayer routine!
Ain't no stopping us now because we have always known the dominant spirit in the United States of America throws a temper tantrum when they are forced to do the antithesis of justice they are accustomed to. The comprehension levels of any person who isn't interested in why "All Black Lives Matters" is slowly rising in individuals who make an effort to not care. Nevertheless, many melanated folks certainly welcome the verdicts in the George Floyd case and Mr. Ahmaud Arbery as well. Lord knows we have an overdose of backed up logs reflecting how this country has lusted to keep our criminal justice system separate with no ounce of equality in the background, when it comes to black people. I am very thankful for some justice in the Ahmaud Arbery case and George Floyd case. I look forward to more and more normalcy in making All Black Lives Matter.