Please tell me where this replacement theory is? A lot of white people really can use a history lesson from Jane Elliot. I am sure Kevin Williamson has some rich black blood running in his veins. It was either consensual or it was forced (rape). America is still a melting pot full of immigrants therefore, no one is going back to anywhere. A lot of black people were born in America due to the people from the Williamson Plantation bringing them over to America. There is no replacement theory. This world is run by white men! White men own all of the banks, all of the educational systems, all things medically and all institutions. They own the music industry. They still own everything. Black folks and other non-white people have made a lot of financial advances, but they don't have a monopoly on ownership like white men do. This is still a white man's world.
If that was a black man named Kevin hitting on a woman, any person at the gas station would have called the police immediately! The black man would have been in jail until his court date. No bond would have saved him. He also would not be able to walk freely for a week then get arrested like Kevin was allowed to do. Kevin is a registered sex-offender, a racist and an abuser of women. Lord knows if the man was assaulting a white woman and he was black with the word sex-offender on his record, 50 police officers would have been instantly on the scene. They would have come into work on their off day to put a black man in jail. Kevin Williamson was able to beat up on a young woman, walk away from the incident that was recorded, then get arrested a week later because the police officer was off that day? Wow! That is white privilege! Kevin has absolutely no reason to be walking around in America angry at anyone who doesn't look like him. As a white male, it is all in his favor as we continue to be gathered around this type of witness. Black folks are currently fighting for equality and white men like Kevin Troy Williamson gets to soak in the America that will always have his back. In white privilege.
Okay 1 damn +1 more damns = 2 damns, right? I don't give 2 full damns what anybody says about what Patrick Lyoya should have done or not done. I don't give a damn if you try to justify this killing by saying Lyoya resisted, he ran, he blinked, he said no to the officer. This is why I do not like watching these videos. So, what if he did! How can you even fix your mouth to say anything when white officers have a habit of doing this to melanated black people all the time! They will NOT shoot to kill white men who are armed, who run, who steal their cars in the same situations. You never hear black police officers killing black men and women. You never hear white police officers patrolling a predominantly white community killing white men or women. Why?
Kudos to this man dishing out the dirty little secrets that a lot of us know about as it relates to how those folks in marketing, advertising and of course the media use black people as their number one marketing strategy for self-destruction. We shouldn't be making songs about black unity, respecting black women and all things uplifting and positive for our community. No way. If you are wrapped up in the entertainment business, you BETTER make songs that are the antithesis of that. Because you know that negative energy sells. It's what they need. It's all they want.
his plans. This man (Eric) in this close to last Instagram post slices the reasons why in little pieces so everyone can masticate on it slowly. Eric is most definitely speaking to the people in his tribe (daa wypipo). He is actually saying what the black folks have been stating all along. White folks are protected by the (their) system. I feel so sorry for the family members in this tragedy. Especially the man who talked about his mom. He spoke about how tired they were and how they were raised to respect and love all people. He said, "They do their best not to protect us." He was referring to white people and the police. I am so not rocking with turning the other cheek. Dr. King said he led his people to a burning bush before he died because those docile methods were not changing things. We are still fighting Jim Crow and his ancestors. Time to start naming names.
We do know why the shooter is alive. It's so different how they arrested Payton.
Republicans and Democrats do not care about these lives or matters. If they did there would be policies in place to stop this. It doesn't take centuries to solve. It's so funny how this issue would be resolved with the quickness if a bunch of black officers were doing this to folks in white communities. Black officers know better! They already know not to do that! What about making the officers pay the slain victims? I bet that it stops immediately. Those kind of police officers should not be officers. Period!