The woman in this picture looks like a chef. You don't really have to be a chef to cook with your children. Just like you don't necessarily have to attend college to be educated. The woman is cooking a meal with her kids. She has positioned all three of her young children to be reliant on themselves at an early age. This is such a beautiful moment and amazing energy. Train all of your kids up in their gifts and push them to learn something special and specific from you. Wow, your entire bloodline just got healthier and richer. Cheers to those seeds you'll plant and are planting!
Yahweh thank you for taking care of this 80-year-old man. Let his enemies be confused and ashamed. Let their ways be dark and slippery and the angels of the Lord chase the Trent Thomas and Roundtree Developers away. Give them no rest until they do right by this man. I thank the prayer warriors in advance for also praying in agreement with me for this man and all people who are seniors and are going through this. We release legions of angels to fight against those who fight against you.
Where are the people of influence who can help? We all can help but there are people who could quickly help this older man. This is so not right. They are trying to bully and force this man to give them his land. The lawyer who is responsible for trying to represent this man and the developers need to be in jail. They also have done illegal injunctions against this man. They are both equally guilty for violating this man's constitutional rights and discriminating against him. They said he was just a n*gger in the way.
The most powerful comeback from these rich European men who think they are entitled to whatever they want, are their children and families. Unlike these folks, there are other family members who will expose them. There are children who do not agree with what their parents are doing. These children are becoming adults, and they see what the Trent Thomas and Roundtree Developers are doing to people. I pray for more of their sons, daughters, and family members to expose them. May their children get in the way of their greediness.
This government has laws to protect animal rights, LGQBT rights, Asian rights,
immigration rights and plenty of others but they cannot put a law in place to deter police departments and officers from destroying the lives of the families who are severely affected by these wrongful convictions and who have to go through the prison system with their wrongfully convicted loved ones. There should be some kind of shift where the investigation has to have real evidence. If there are any symptoms or foul smells of tampering with evidence, they must acquit. It is very important to remove criminals out of the streets, but it is equally important to have the right individuals in custody. They can't get those years back!
I am strong.
I am nice.
I am kind.
I have a beautiful mind. 😊🖤😊
Be nice to each other. Always hold hands and do not stay mad at each other. A good night kiss will be in your midst. Women, please don't be stingy with your body! 😍
l received this for myself. I hope you do too!