"What Kind of thing? Serve whom? Oh, serve him. As in serve your man. Let me tell you something Alvin."
"Ya see I am not serving Dr. Huxtable, okay. That’s the kind of thing that goes on in a restaurant. Now I'm going to bring him a cup of coffee just like he brought me a cup of coffee this morning."
"And that young man is what marriage is made of. It is give and take, 50/50."
"If you don’t get it together and drop these macho attitudes. You are never going to have anybody bringing you anything, anywhere, any place, anytime ever."
"Now, what would you like in your coffee?"
"I just love when they say “I certainly wasn’t raised this way” Probably his sponsors started dropping his ass and he had to come correct -#shame"-
(Sherry Shepheard)