Expressive rain drops of joy wets our hearts when we are blessed with good days. It is such a blessing to wake up in the morning and see the people we love. What about receiving good news…so nice, right! Some of us get a natural high out of helping others. I know you are acquainted with family and friends who make it their business to support others; they go out of their way doing charity work. Hard work pays off when our goals are achieved. We feel less stressed and relieved when our needs are met financially. There are folks who have so much money; they give some of it away. They don't worry about their bills. They can purchase their needs and wants effortlessly. Their lifestyle is reflective of healthy and unhealthy choices. Men and women are able to provide with pride for their families with ample currency. Individuals create successful foundations and legacies with money.
Money has played a dominate role in every episode of our lives. If you move out on your own or move in with your spouse to buy property, money will be involved. In order to purchase an automobile or appliances, you have to have some form of credit or money. We work in our careers or our own businesses to have money. We try our best to cling to honesty; paying our taxes to avoid penalization from our government. We anticipate receiving income tax money from our taxes. We buy and shop daily with this thing called money! There are some people who believe all their problems will be solved by having plenty-many amounts of money. I have heard some preachers encouraging their members to seek God for millionaire status. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a full-size plan to create dreams and thinking big! I caution you to consider being prepared for what you’ve asked for; what you are working so diligently at. Everyone is not strong enough for millionaire status. There are some of us in this society who can’t even handle the salaries we have right now. Are you asking God to preserve you for his will? If you are wealthy are you seeking God to keep you humble, honest and in a righteous mind? When you do, it will benefit your life. Only what you do in God’s will is going to last. Pay attention to those around you; to the history of others.
Acquiring wealth has its own monopoly of problems. You will definitely have to watch the company you keep. There are some of you who are reading this right now, who know you are not supposed to be hanging around the people you are with. If you were honest with yourself, you know God has told you more than once to stop hanging around him/her or them. It is for a reason. It is probably for your own good. If it is your goal to be famous and wealthy, you will have to give up a lot of your privacy. Are you ready for that? How many of you reading this would sell pictures or personal information of a family member if they were famous, to the tabloids or the paparazzi? If they offered you thousands of dollars would you accept their offer? As believers I would hope the answer is no!
I encourage you to pray for honesty and uprightness to preserve yourself if you are struggling in the area of integrity.
The book of Psalm 25:21 is a personal prayer between you and God to preserve truth and honor in you; fighting against a faustian spirit. Having wealth or money is not always attributed with good moral character or a beautiful spirit. This prayer can be applied to every part of your life. As believers, we can use this prayer in our households as we raise our children; in our marriages and in our everyday living. If you work around an area that is dishonest or overpopulated with injustice, as believers, it is your responsibility to balance deceitfulness with the truth. You are the salt of the earth! When you spend time in the word of God, he is speaking to you. When God speaks, it is always to help us be more obedient to his word; to increase our faith and to trust him.
There should be a difference between how we live our lives than how those in the world live their lives. May this prayer (Psalm 25:21) help to remind us of the uprightness, integrity and mansuetude that should be magnified in our lives. “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.” (Mathews 5:14 NKJV)