Titivate your day with the light of love and positive energy as often as you can to bring healing to your surroundings. Fight against negative energy at all times and know that you are worthy of all the goodness life has to offer. You have the right to remove yourself from people, places and things that are the antithesis of your hope. You deserve a whole sheet of gold stars for doing your part to make this world a better place; for being the best parent, leader, friend, family member and mentor. Thank you for depositing so much into this world. It's people like you that make the difference daily; you live the difference with your positive mind, positive vibes and positive life!. THANK YOU! It is never too late to start, so start! Take baby steps. You can do it! You have to start somewhere. Don't let go of your dreams, aspirations and dedications to yourself. It will happen when you start it. Do people know what real love is? It is pure and it is powerful. When you give it away you don't expect nothing in return. We need more and more love in our world! Yes, I am so proud of you for fighting to become the magic God created you to be. Rock on! You will not be removed or replaced. You fought hard and there is no turning back! Go right ahead and create those dreams you have up your sleeve. The vision you have is part of your purpose God gave to you. It is time for you to step into this new chapter of life called "Your Destiny." There are other people connected to your assignments in life, so it's time to BOSS UP. Yes, you are going to be the best boss ever. This is why you can't give up on people or turn your nose up at folks. Hey, it can be someone you love so show off your humanity. You don't know who a person will be in the future. Be careful how you interact with people. Only God can show you how that same person you looked down on will be able to help you out one day. Timing is everything with God! God is with you! The law of attraction is real! Focus on the goodness of others and good things all the time. Kick negative thoughts and thinking to the curve. Something good is about to happen to you! Watch!
Copyright © Sancti-Fly Mama
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