July 4, 1776, gave White Americans their Independence Day. Black folks were slaves during that time. Independence Day did not apply to them. June 19, 1865, is known as Black Independence Day. The captivity and liberation of Juneteenth is more crucial now than ever, as pointed out in the Vox. Colorism and self-hate begets the residual consequences of slavery. The psychological effects of seeing black people and people of color treated less than American citizens when it comes to inequality, racism and racial injustice is a direct effect of slavery in America. The seeds of white supremacy has taken root in the earth and it is too stubborn to die; to let go! The corruptible beginnings of slavery made inhumane treatment towards Black Americans bleed heavy. Our minds have been conditioned in judgments passed down from generation to generation about black folks and white folks. The history of slavery is not a resource for blamestorming. No one is saying you are guilty of what your ancestors did. If you are repeating the pattern you are certainly adding to the problem that America has not fully dealt with, slavery.
Hast thou not heard of such a buoyant group of people who only wanted to be created equally? Their bloodlines were renewed by God and their strength was increased when they were weary. We have every reason and right not to forget about Juneteenth. Ignorance avails very much when we choose not to confront our past. The celebration of Juneteenth represents Black American History for all to study.