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I want to wish all the papas a Happy Father's Day! You guys are so crucial and super-duper important to LIFE!
In a few more days we will be giving praise to all of the Sancti-Fly Papas on Father’s Day. Fathers represent the aegis of the family if they commit to doing it correctly. If it wasn’t for men who are fathers, all of our children would be empty and lost. Some of our scholar babies are lacking fatherly guidance but not all of them. God said that a man was the head for a reason. Fathers are leaders who teach by example. They are men who pray and love unconditionally. They are the number one protectors and providers. We need them so make sure you celebrate the men and fathers in your life and get them some nice gifts along with your quality time. It doesn't even matter if the two of you are no longer together. It is time for you as a man to grow all the way up from adult male into a man. Your daughter needs you! It is not only about you. As a man you are answerable to how you treat all women, including your ex, your wife or significant other. Treat your wife/woman right because your daughter is watching and observing you. Do you want a man to treat your daughter how you treat women? If the answer is yes then you are good. If not, think about it and make some changes. Reaping and sowing can come in many different forms and ways. That critical thinking piece of advice is a father’s motivation and supervision he gives to his children. There is nothing like a man who is a father, telling his son or his daughter how awesome they are or how much they believe in them; their dreams their ambition. As men and fathers your words and direction is imperative to your child’s development as they grow in their purpose. They will always need your support. I love this powerful picture of these men praying over their wives pregnancies. Fathers are crown wearing protectors. If you are 18 and a male who has a curfew because your dad said to be in at a certain time, you have an amazing, loving father. You might not understand it now but you will when you have kids. They are prayer warriors! Fathers know they cannot do anything without God's grace! You may not always see them praying but they do. As the head, they pray for their women and their children. Plus their communities and other men as they help to iron them out. Praying men are very attractive. There is nothing like a man that can catch you in the spirit, with prayer! We love our dads so much despite the unpopularity that states we don’t give them their honor like we do our mothers. This year give your “Crown Wearing Protector” some really good gifts. Try some of the gifts below.
Women are not the only ones who need that strong iron to have and hold them. Men, your kids do too. When was the last time you just sat down and held your child for 60 seconds or more with a hug. Hug your kids right now, not later. I betcha a lot of our kids that are incarcerated didn't get any hugs from their dads. Our scholar babies need your touch. The mom is NOT the only one who is responsible for dishing out that unconditional parental love. Your son and daughter really admire you. Even if you haven't been around or in their life as much, they still crave your attention because you play a huge part in their DNA. Spend time with your children fathers. This is where iron sharpens iron plays a paramount role in a child's life. Specifically in the male child. Too many young people think they are entitled to things. Men have to teach their sons as well as their daughters that this is not reality. Hard work always pays off. It does not discriminate, at all! I always express to my peers how I don't think some men are aware of how valuable they are as men. Some do, but some haven't even sniffed a clue of their value. It all starts at home with the father. There are still things only a father can do when it comes to raising their children, especially their sons. It is never too late to start doing your part if you haven't been doing it men. No matter how you feel, some little girl or boy misses you and needs you.
I want to wish all the papas a Happy Father's Day! You guys are so crucial and super-duper important to LIFE! Copyright © Sancti-Fly Mama
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