This is a prayer for spiritual survival. God is a spirit so in order to kill all of the wickedness and injustices our world is plagued with, you have to snuggle up close with your praying and fasting power. Whatever the adversity or trial you have going on in your life, please know God is in your midst. You were uniquely born with a determination and a destiny to fulfill. No one can stop you but you! God is on your side! Nothing can stop or block God! I dare you to believe and meditate on your belief. Feed your faith to kill your anxiety and fear. You will complete those crafty plans. God has full dominion over your life and God is in control. You have angels working for you. Intercessors (prayer warriors) are praying for your miracles to manifest. You are somebody to God! Go ahead and speak this scripture over your life. You will not die because you are surrounded by love, so remember that. I do understand when you are going through your situations it is hard to listen to certain people but this is when you really have to trust and exert your spiritual power.
If you are divorced from your spouse or going through a difficult time now, you shall live and survive it. If your kids are not doing well in life, you will live. Your kids are covered by a higher power. God will work it out for your children. God has done it before and you know he will do it again! You will not die because you don’t have the things you want right now! If you are depressed, you shall live. Speak and decree this prayer over your life or someone else life that is slowly drowning in a lack of faith and heartache. This prayer will help lift them up in deliverance.
If you are going through something right now and you feel like giving up, you shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. God has purpose for you to do. It is not over yet! I am praying for you! Other Sancti-Fly folks reading this are praying for you too! Cover your thoughts in God's word. Where you are right now is not permanent. You were born to soar like the child of God you are. Supernatural healing is what God gives. Your opportunities for the desire of your heart is orchestrated by God. God knows how to take something small and make it magnificent for you. Don't give up on yourself or the situation. God is always near. Wherever you are, God is present. He hears you so talk to him. You shall not die! You will live out all the assignments God has predestined for your life. God bless you with positive energy and unexpected miracles!