It is your job to find out what is going on in your town or city. There are websites for every township you move to. Read your mail. Go on their website and discover all the interesting things you and your family can be included in doing. You could even volunteer. I promise there will be something for you and your kids to join or do. Stop saying there is nothing for you to do. Pursue your local leadership. Get to know who your mayor is. If there are free events in your municipality, go to those free events because they are there waiting on you. If they have public hearings on political issues you care about, please go to those hearings. Divorce apathy and get involved in your community. You are the community!
The words "educated people" can sometimes be misconstrued with only those folks who have college degrees. There are plenty-many members of our society who do not have all the college degrees you proudly have aspired to achieve; nevertheless, some of these individuals are as educated or more so than those who do have degrees. They seek out gainful material. They always ask questions. They make phone calls and they use their stamina; no college degree is required for that. Shame on you if you are educated with or without a college degree and are not involved in public policy concerning you. You would think so-called educated people would have a saporific awareness to stay informed.
The norm is to be informed with everything that affects you; directly or indirectly. If you have children and don’t know what is going on in their school, you should. Try to be more motivated in knowing how they act in school and who their teachers are. Do you even know what kind of books they like to read? You should know that. Allow your mentality to eat and drink all the information it can soak up; furnished with instructions to take action in your life.