A single mother was in Wal-Mart shopping for snacks. Her two little girls needed snacks for their field trip the next day. The mother really didn’t have the money to provide them with snacks but she didn’t want them to go without having snacks.
The Mother: (Calling home)
Hey mama, can you please ask the girls which chips they want? I forgot. I am at Wal-Mart right now.
The Grandmother:
Okay hold on for one second. They said Doritos Spicy Nachos and Rold Gold Cheddar Pretzels.
The Mother:
Okay, thanks mom!
The mother goes down the aisle where all of the chips are. She locates the chips her daughters want.
The Mother: (Talking to herself)
Darn, these bags of chips are so pricey. I don’t think I have enough money for both bags. I should put one of these bags back and have them share a bag of chips? Doritos or Pretzels?
The mother walks to the cash register to purchase the chips. There is a man in line before her. She places her two bags of chips on the register.
The Man:
Hey, is that all you have ma’am? You can put that with my stuff. I will pay for it.
The Mother:
Thank you so much Sir! That is so sweet, so nice of you. This is such a blessing. Thank you, thank you! I was not expecting this. God bless you!
The Man:
You’re so welcome. Yes, this is your blessing. Have a good afternoon. God bless you too!
Arise in your thoughts to let your ANGELS out! Please beware of angels everywhere! :0)