It severely irks me to see individuals littering when there is no need to do it. There is this invention called the garbage or trash can for everyone to utilize, so please use it! What do you think Mr. Eugene Poubelle would say? I am sure he would encourage you to please throw your trash in the garbage. Spring is right around the corner so please do not litter!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with you having pride in your own community. It is right to teach your kids to value themselves and their community. It doesn't matter what income you have, pick up your trash. If you have a Section-8, please pick up your trash. If you own a multi-billion dollar company, pick up your own trash. It doesn't matter what nationality you represent, pick up your trash. It is your job to help keep your neighborhood clean people.
Don't you dare take off your good neighbor hat. Please keep it on in every season. Your children will emulate what they see you doing. If they see you throwing beer bottles and all kind of crap on other people's yards, they will do it. It's disgusting to be a little bug in my humble opinion. It is even more repulsive to toss trash in your neighbor's yard and not pick it up. Come on people! Pick up your trash and teach your kids to do the same. It is a very simple task.
It can all be avoided! Pick it up and put it in the trash. Please stop all the unnecessary pollution. We all have to live on this planet together.
Litter cleanup is so important to you, me and the future of the community. Please stop littering. Pick up your own trash! I feel like I have to say this a million times because I've noticed in my own community, when I go for my daily walks how much trash there is. We are slipping as a society.
If this describes you maybe it is time for you to make a positive change. Littering does say a lot about you as a person and as part of the community where you live. It is so not cool. It is very unattractive. It would appear that you don't appreciate where you live. If your neighbors are keeping their yards nice and clean and yours is not, that will stand out. Can you image trying to do something right (like not littering) and certain people in your neighborhood act like they don't care about it? Think about it and teach your kids. What's so wrong with picking up the trash? There is no excuse for not taking a few seconds to bend over and pick up your trash or trash in your neighbor's yard. Please pick up your trash and stop all the littering. Thank you!