Remember that time when you started a new job in a new state? Ok, maybe you didn't but let me polish up the story. You were so excited! Your goal was to get a promotion in five months because you had high expectations. You had a going away party with lots of gifts but you were shocked when you settled into your new place and saw that secret note from your girlfriend who took the liberty of paying for you to get 3 certified copies of your birth certificate. You were relieved as well as thankful to pick up your copies. It is the most prudent thing to have. Your birth certificate is in high demand during these times. Everyone is highly encouraged to have copies of their original birth certificates with the seal. Think about paying the fee to give to someone you love who needs copies of their birth certificate. Even if they have a copy they need the original, certified copy. Having a copy of your birth certificate is something all folks desire to do but things continue to come up, then you are rushing to get it. This will make a great gift. They don't have to procrastinate in getting it. Tell them you paid for it and they can pick it up. It is time to give birth certificate as gifts.
CPR stands for Cardio (heart), Pulmonary (lungs), and Resuscitation (recover). If someone can't breathe or if their heart stops and you are skilled in CPR, you just might save their life. Individuals who have children or work around kids are often trained in CPR. It makes so much sense to increase the chances of saving lives, whether you are 19 or 55. This will make a great gift. There used to be a lot of free training but now you have to pay. Either way, you can pay for your loved one to take the class or seek out the free classes and sign them up for the class. Then when you receive your training you can be like, girrrrl you don't know how to do CPR (knowing you JUST finished the class)? Or man, you know I'm certified in CPR, are you (knowing you got your certificate yesterday)? Happy CPR gift giving. It is time!
Give the gift of counseling. Especially to black people. We pride ourselves on saying we don't have the money for counseling or that it won't work. Well, if you have an angel who will pay for your hour session, no worries about money. Black folks have PTSS. It is true! Think about it. Some of us in the black community have Post Traumatic Slavery Syndrome more severe than others. Black folks need to surrender to the fact of counseling being good for your mental health. Do not make others in their family or community feel bad for getting some type of counseling. Expand your mind and try it. A lot of times in our community, things happen to us (abandonment, molestation, rape, murder, depression, racism) and we are walking around wounded. Mental health awareness is not a trend. It is your business to take good care of it. Enjoy your free gift. It is time!
Practice exercising your second amendment rights by getting someone their Fire Arms Owner identification Card (FOID) or their Conceal Carry License. This may not be a gift all folks are receptive of getting. The way this world is now, more women and black folks are arming their homes and themselves. If you have young women in your family who live alone, this will be a great gift for them. Pay the fees for them and they are on their way. Of course you can give this kind of gift to men and women, young (legal) and older. It's time.
Wait, before you make those comments about giving a mattress as a gift, why not. Sometimes we give things to people that they need. You certainly can give a mattress as a great gift. What if I had five kids, and my husband was deceased. I need a new mattress but I've been putting it off because I have five kids whose needs come before mines. Maybe I mentioned it to you or we were out shopping and I saw the mattress I wanted and needed. Out of nowhere you purchase the mattress two weeks before my birthday, ensuring I am home and I receive the best surprise ever! There are expensive mattresses but there are also those reasonable priced mattresses. Think about a loved one in your bloodline who you can bless with a mattress. If your friends and family are always complaining about their back hurting or how squeeky their bed is. I bet they need a new mattress. It is time!
Mentorship is the perfect gift of longevity. You don't have to be a member of 100 Black Men to mentor other folks. You can share your knowledge with someone else who is trying to get to where you are. Sharing knowledge and information with your community helps everyone. Don't just give mentorship to strangers but to someone in your family bloodline who can also benefit from your mentorship. If you are connected to the right people who can help those you know need to be mentored, that is your assignment. Help someone else up those steps. Pull somebody else along. Give the gift of a mentor. We all know, you know a lot of people. It is time.
Let's go girl! My parents bought me my very first passport. Where do you want to go? Lets try a few of the islands first. This is the best birthday and graduation present. Yes, give the gift of international travel. A passport is an exceptional gift. It's time.
Surveillance is the style of the 20th century. Nothing is private because cameras are everywhere. It's a must do! We all (well most of us) have some type of surveillance in our homes and cars. There are mini cameras you can give as gifts. There are more pricey cameras you can get if you want to ball out of control. The purchase of one camera or many will not be in vain. You"ll have a peace of mind knowing your loved ones have security. Go ahead and give the gift of security cameras. It's time.
It is time to get organized. These super organizers are imperative gifts. Where are you going to place your birth certificates and your CPR certificate? You are going to label it and put it in your organizer. Look at you now! You're all set. Plus you got this as a gift. It is time!
Vitamins C & D have become a supply and demand craze. When Corona came by the house she was trying to kick it in everybody. She wanted your nose your skin and your face. Corona was awful (she still is) and I would say it in her face. I'd be far away from her. These vitamins are not cheap. Giving the gift of vitamins is something we all need to invest in to keep our immune systems rich. A lot of folks don't think about getting vitamins and quite a few do get them. There is no need for you to worry about not getting your vitamins. Its a gift, hand selected for you. Buy someone some vitamins as a gift. Please make sure to get them some vitamin C & D. It is time.