It is time for us as believers to divorce the notion of thinking the things we do,
the money we have, or the money we give to any church is attributed to us for boasting. I also have to add titles. Lord, have mercy on those of us who are drowning in 'Title Syndromes' and don't wish to disassociate from it. God is not impressed by our titles or our accolades. Please stop letting a heading or label go to your head. The highest achievements in your professional and personal life is encouraged to be a reflection of modesty. This is a characteristic pleasing to God. Sometimes we get so immersed in our titles and positions, we forget the grace and favor that opened up the doors for us. You prayed for it, applied your faith to it, and God did it for you! If you fail to take care of your high, God will help you remember by bringing you back down. Can you handle being blessed? Is your heart right (do you treat folks right)? Can you serve others with humility? Are you standing up for the things that are right? These are the things God is pleased with. Those of us who believe in Christ are not supposed to do business like the world. If it is in your power to pay someone what you owe them or treat your employees right, the example to do so should be done by you. There should be a difference.
There is a distinction between being confident and being arrogant. Which one do you think God wants you to have in order to represent Christ? Think about it? There is always room to be your best self. Having a haughty spirit is really not the humble route to go. It is only by the grace of God that you have acquired the things that you have and the health you are blessed with. Please remember and acknowledge that! You certainly are no better than anyone else. Yes, you worked hard to get to where you are in life. Kudos to you! It is because of God’s grace. Who do you think gave you those ideas to get that business? Who do you think watched over you to ensure it all worked out? You are in your right mind by God's grace.
According to some teachers and preachers, if you give to your church or worship center you will be blessed. If you do not give money, some say you will not be blessed. That is pure foolishness. Be careful about watching certain preachers on television or on YouTube. They will even say you are cursed.There is nothing wrong with giving. It is a blessing to give in the right spirit. Most folks who love God want to give. They do it, freely! It should never be forced. You should feel liberated in your giving! That is a lie for any man or woman leader in a church to tell you that you are cursed for not giving! “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” There is no form of works; nothing you can do! Salvation is God’s gift to you! It is free!