This controversial piece is kind of like my Twitter Tweets of The Week. I cruise around Twitter and talk about many random things trending but this time it will be with post from Instagram. Sometimes there is audio so please don't forget to click on the links in purple to listen in. I dedicate this controversy towards the black liberation for black people and black agendas of freedom in all nations! Enjoy! This is true! We're all so conditioned to singing the black on black theme song. Yes, you will never hear white folks saying "white on white" crime. It is crime so please drink some deliverance and stop saying it is "black on black crime." When you know better you do better! Granted, we do have a lot of problems in our melanated communities with gun violence and killings. The root of our bad vibes stem from economics, poverty. We also have people doing their part to make life better with action and solutions. We have a plethora of black men and women who work tirelessly with our young people to combat violence. You barely hear about them on the news but they partner with parents and schools all the time to break and make the difference! It is still just crime! Yes release every single one of them. I don't care how many pounds of weed it was. Pure wickedness is what you guys and gals have done and allowed to be done. Can you believe this! Wake up melanated people! You're concerned about nice things and bling while your kids and family are drowning and bleeding in these racist policies. AS I WAS SAYING, NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US. WE ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN DO IT, ECONOMICALLY AND POLITICALLY. IT'S THE ONLY WAY BACK TO BLACK WALL STREET. THEY CARE NOTHING ABOUT US. Mechee X will have a lot of church folk in an uproar about this Instagram post. This is a huge problem in "the church" and one of the reasons Mechee X posted the picture of the little girl articulating she wasn't born into sin. Pastors like this man is ignorant about the history of black folks. You can see the representation of his ignorance plus his lack of empathy. He even throws around Christianity like that makes it ok. This pastor in this post has a controlling racist spirit to change the narrative. Why do people who have no connection with oppression enjoy trying to add to something that has nothing to do with them. Please just stop! Yes, you can have an opinion on any subject but you shouldn't share it publicly if you have no clue about it. Stop acting like you're an expert when it comes to the oppression of others. You ain't never tasted oppression! I wonder why this man's bond was set so low? We all can make assumptions or guess why. We need to make it our habit to get rid of these judges! This judge didn't see the need to make the bond higher. I hope she is like that in all of her cases. I will have to look her up and check her out. We are so used to ridiculous high bonds when it comes to "us" so why set the bar so low for others? I bet if the little boy had stole a candy bar out of a store his bond would be higher than 10,000. Melanated black people know their worth but to some in the criminal justice arena, their lives does not matter. Incidentally, Black lives do matter. This is the kind of madness black people have to continue to endure. This white man ran across the right one on this day. Seriously speaking, this affects our mental health! We see white people in our neighborhoods all the time and we mind our business. We are watchful and we notice but that's about it. The black man is at work and the white man is harassing him, asking for identification. Can we get a law to legalize being a black melanated human citizen? These two young people are indeed troubled teens. They were in a group home. Here is the point we have to highlight and reference. They shot at the police and they are alive. This doesn't happen to black children. We already know a black child would have been shot to his/her death. The mainstream media would have went all the way back to kindergarten and talked about how aggressive the black child was. In addition to that, the parents of the black kids would have been all in the media. In this video, you can hear the police officer reluctant to shoot back at those kids. Why wasn't Tamir Rice and so many other black kids not afforded that same grace of humanity? There is absolutely no empathy towards our families, our boys, men and women. These kids will most likely get all the mental help and resources offered to them. Check out how nice the media was to them. Nothing was harsh at all but soft and sympathetic all the way through the story. I'll second that motion. She said protect innocent black men like you do guilty white men! We already know that an executive order could stop all this racism and savagery from happening to black men. Instead, those democrats and republican will not do it. Kudos to the Asian community. How did you guys get them to sign a bill so quickly?
Copyright © Sancti-Fly Mama
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