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I want to wish all the papas a Happy Father's Day! You guys are so crucial and super-duper important to LIFE!
In a few more days we will be giving praise to all of the Sancti-Fly Papas on Father’s Day. Fathers represent the aegis of the family if they commit to doing it correctly. If it wasn’t for men who are fathers, all of our children would be empty and lost. Some of our scholar babies are lacking fatherly guidance but not all of them. God said that a man was the head for a reason. Fathers are leaders who teach by example. They are men who pray and love unconditionally. They are the number one protectors and providers. We need them so make sure you celebrate the men and fathers in your life and get them some nice gifts along with your quality time. It doesn't even matter if the two of you are no longer together. It is time for you as a man to grow all the way up from adult male into a man. Your daughter needs you! It is not only about you. As a man you are answerable to how you treat all women, including your ex, your wife or significant other. Treat your wife/woman right because your daughter is watching and observing you. Do you want a man to treat your daughter how you treat women? If the answer is yes then you are good. If not, think about it and make some changes. Reaping and sowing can come in many different forms and ways. That critical thinking piece of advice is a father’s motivation and supervision he gives to his children. There is nothing like a man who is a father, telling his son or his daughter how awesome they are or how much they believe in them; their dreams their ambition. As men and fathers your words and direction is imperative to your child’s development as they grow in their purpose. They will always need your support. I love this powerful picture of these men praying over their wives pregnancies. Fathers are crown wearing protectors. If you are 18 and a male who has a curfew because your dad said to be in at a certain time, you have an amazing, loving father. You might not understand it now but you will when you have kids. They are prayer warriors! Fathers know they cannot do anything without God's grace! You may not always see them praying but they do. As the head, they pray for their women and their children. Plus their communities and other men as they help to iron them out. Praying men are very attractive. There is nothing like a man that can catch you in the spirit, with prayer! We love our dads so much despite the unpopularity that states we don’t give them their honor like we do our mothers. This year give your “Crown Wearing Protector” some really good gifts. Try some of the gifts below.
Women are not the only ones who need that strong iron to have and hold them. Men, your kids do too. When was the last time you just sat down and held your child for 60 seconds or more with a hug. Hug your kids right now, not later. I betcha a lot of our kids that are incarcerated didn't get any hugs from their dads. Our scholar babies need your touch. The mom is NOT the only one who is responsible for dishing out that unconditional parental love. Your son and daughter really admire you. Even if you haven't been around or in their life as much, they still crave your attention because you play a huge part in their DNA. Spend time with your children fathers. This is where iron sharpens iron plays a paramount role in a child's life. Specifically in the male child. Too many young people think they are entitled to things. Men have to teach their sons as well as their daughters that this is not reality. Hard work always pays off. It does not discriminate, at all! I always express to my peers how I don't think some men are aware of how valuable they are as men. Some do, but some haven't even sniffed a clue of their value. It all starts at home with the father. There are still things only a father can do when it comes to raising their children, especially their sons. It is never too late to start doing your part if you haven't been doing it men. No matter how you feel, some little girl or boy misses you and needs you.
I want to wish all the papas a Happy Father's Day! You guys are so crucial and super-duper important to LIFE!
The lengthening of inequality still leaks in the bloodline of America for people of color and poor people. All Dr. King wanted was for America (whites) to see him and other black folks as human beings. Dr. King was viewed by those European brothers and sisters who feared him as dangerous. He smelled like an educated black man who understood he had the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of a form of happiness as an American who just so happen to be born black. On April 4, 1968 Dr. King was slain to death while in Memphis, standing on the balcony at the Lorraine Hotel. Dr. King was doing what he treasured; serving and helping people. He was in Memphis trying to help the sanitation workers gain economic strength and fairness for their freedom as they went on strike. Has anything really changed in those 50 years? In 50 years we have conquered racism (we not fully done yet) coupled with racial prejudice and discrimination. People are justified in articulating how slow the progression, nevertheless, no one can deny that Dr. King and his team's labor of love did not change things. The truth is, Dr. King did change a lot of things. We just have more work to do. We went from treating people like they were invisible creatures to seeing them as visible humans. I don't know when you were born but I never experienced sitting on the back of any bus unless I wanted to. People of all skin colors enjoy each other’s company in public facilities. Also, we were able to welcome transportation in a decent way because of Dr. King's dream! In light of the Montgomery Bus Boycott we can all sit together in peace and harmony. Intimidation and cruelty was done in front of the world as Bloody Sunday made its mark in history. Black folks wanted to vote and those white southerners were afraid of that kind of political power. There is so much work to be done; the way some (not all) police officers handle people of color. It has not changed that much when black men and boys have to exude perfect behavior if they are stopped by the police. In 50 years we have gone from Bloody Sunday to Eric Garner being put in a choke hold to his death as the world watched. American people were outraged by Bloody Sunday and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was enacted as a result of it. What about Eric Garner or all the other black men and boys? I certainly don’t ever remember having to go to a different water fountain than a white person. It is foreign to those of us born after the civil rights movement. As we look back at the history of America, it really is silly that those who were in control of the laws of this land decided to make separate but equal laws. Today Americans can go to school with a bunch of beautiful people that God created on purpose; of all skin color and races. Dr. Martin Luther King was obedient to his assignment; his calling to change legislation. In 50 years since his absence, we no longer have segregation (well overall) like it once was. Dr. King was very instrumental in the desegregation of this nation. Dr. King's righteousness did exalt a nation; piercing the heart of America to be born again! Only God can change a person's heart. As long as wicked intentions drips and mixes in the legacy of America, we will overcome with bold resistance. There are so many young lives that were sacrificed for the struggle of freedom against hatred. This is what Dr. King was fighting for and against: racial injustice, economic and political power, social justice, inhumane treatment of darker skin and pure evilness. There were four innocent little black girlfriends at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham who lost their lives in a church bombing. They were worshiping God when they died. Emmett Till was 14 years old when he died for no reason at all. It was alleged that he whistled at a white lady. It was all a lie. Blacks and whites even died together for the suffrage of others. Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney were civil rights activist who risked their lives for the cause. America got it wrong and has done so for so many years.
Thankfully, the kismet of Americans are getting it right by having conversations with each other; mobilizing and strategizing for a better more just America. There are people of all races and backgrounds who continue to fight for all the things Dr. King stood for. I pray for the continuation of those active collaborations. My friend NovelTee has been a guest writer on Sancti-Fly Mama quite a few times. The other day she told me one of her black male friends was going through some issues. He told her that he really needed some positive energy. She wrote the poem below for him. When I read it I asked her if I could share it on SFM. It was so soothing and REAL. I read her poem over and over again. I dedicate this poem to all the black boys and men. I want them to know that they are important to us, they are LOVED, and they are NOT savages. They have a family; mothers, brothers, fathers and sisters who care about THEM; who pray for them. They are the black experience...they live it EVERYDAY! They are human beings and deserve to be treated as such! They are powerful, spiritual and abundant. We believe in them!
Smile because they don't want you to. There is nothing more fascinating to me than to see a handsome, intelligent, spiritual, passionate, informed, black man smiling. Faced with so many obstacles and overcoming stereotypes with your brain and not your braun. Killing them instead with your ability and knowledge. You are a threat to them because you are whole with yourself. You are connected to a higher power that says you can because he wills it so. You are unstoppable. You are a king. Reign and Rule, my love. That is your right. Please feel free to overshare this poem! "Reign and rule my loves...that is your right” The land has become full of wickedness because leadership is less imbued; inaudible with a moronic illness that CANNOT STAND its own self! BUT then again we are blessed to have All Star Fly Papas (like you guys) who LEAD and win as FATHERS! Thank you! This is my Father's Day copycat tribute from my Butter-Fly Mamas (I can do that) to all the wonderful fly dads out there. I used some of the names and birth dates of men I know, admire and respect to personalize this tribute in a Sancti-Fly way! I also added a quote at the end of each papa! Take a peak around and see which category of Papa Star Men is as fly as YOU or your father! Check out all the "All Star Papas." All Star Fly Men are the hyphenation of the "Dedicated-Celebrated" MEN AND FATHERS! So shall they REMAIN an honor to uplift.
AARON F. FLY MEN (1) As I look up and down this All Star Line (a-z); I must confess I am so blessed to be surrounded by "Aaron Fly Men" and so many other "FINES" of men; starting with the #416 in the mix to begin their kick off! The Sancti-Fly Mama will be the DJ during half-time. Don't worry I already consulted with SB, KD and Vice-V fly men (who win) to give you all the full Wrecks N Effect so just relax...it’s your day…your special request! :) "The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible." Arthur C. Clarke AF AF FATHERS AF AF TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY AF AF DAY AARON FLY MEN AARON R. FLY MEN (2) Aaron Fly Men often eat the manna from Heaven and their fatherhood is filled with the mercies of GOD. Give instructions to All-Stars like “Aaron Fly Men” and they will be yet wiser; teach just men like “Aaron Fly Men” and they will increase in learning. Aaron Fly Men rules in seeking after God's wisdom! (Proverbs 9:9) "The difficulties and struggles of today are the price we must pay for the accomplishments and victories of tomorrow." William J.H. Boetcker AR AR FATHERS AR AR TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY AR AR DAY AARON FLY MEN BRIAN FLY MEN The weight of responsibility attached to "Brian Fly Men" is huge; the way they take care of their wives, families and handle their business is pure greatness. Little boys and girls are smaller by height compared to these men but when they look up to Brian Fly Men, all they see is "TALL" in their eyes. Well, as a Sancti-Fly Mama I still look up to the "TALL" that is represented in Brian Fly Men. Praise God for you all!! Brian Fly Men are retired from the "All-Star" NBA! "The price of greatness is Responsibility." Winston Churchill BC BC FATHERS BC BC TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY BC BC DAY BRIAN FLY MEN CHAD FLY MEN Only be thou strong and very courageous, that "Chad Fly Men" mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that Chad Fly Men mayest prosper withersoever they goest (Joshua 1:7). Chad Fly Men are prosperous men who share it all with their family! "If you look at what you have in life you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough." Oprah Winfrey CE CE FATHERS CE CE TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY CE CE DAY CHAD FLY MEN CHAS FLY MEN All Stars like Chas Fly Men are #120 Fly Men who bring the Payne on any court. At times I tend to think American Players have a bad heart condition; then God blows his wind and sends good "Chas Fly Men" and fathers like these papas; with good hearts to ease all the tension. They are always working with our youth. May the lord hear you in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend all the Chas Fly Men (Psalm 20:1). "A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others." Ayn Rand CP CP FATHERS CP CP TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY CP CP DAY CHAS FLY MEN CHICO FLY MEN As they continue to be fully dumb in their ignorance towards a Drum Major of verses (Vice Verse) coupled with the right beat…their mission is the greatest form of failure and incomplete. "Chico Fly Men" continue to write and be what God birthed them to be! Chico Fly Men ranks very high on this “All-Star” line #516! "Truth is the only safe ground to stand upon." Elizabeth Cady Stanton KP KP FATHERS KP KP TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY KP KP DAY CHICO FLY MEN CHRIS FLY MEN "Chris Fly Men" are family men. They are All-Star Men with NFL plans (always praying they win) who make every soul feel welcome in their homes. The love and dedication they have as fly fathers is unbreakable; not to mention that twinkle of their special mamasitas (meshasita) in their eyes keeping them high LOL! Thank you for being the man, cousins and papas that you are-nonstop! Yeah, they so ROCK! "Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think." Benjamin Disrael CR CR FATHERS CR CR TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY CR CR DAY CHRIS FLY MEN CURTIS FLY MEN Now coming to the All Star Line-Up is #79. "Curtis Fly Men" kill the apathetic magnetic syndrome where they have stored within them 100 points of humor to turn frowns and bad moods into smiles. This is a good All-Star Papa quality. Curtis Fly Men exude positive flows of laughter. No one does it better like those "Curtis Fly Men!" "Courage is the ladder on which all the virtues mount." Clare Boothe Luce CW CW FATHERS CW CW TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY CW CW DAY CURTIS FLY MEN DAMANI FLY MEN Can people understand that I know a lot of beautiful Damani Fly Men…Mr. Suave= Damani Men; #105 on this All Star Line. The coolest “peace” of strength "Damani Fly Men" can have as men that is left out of their egos is LOVE. Just ask them about their sons (LOVE)! A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise "Damani Fly Men" counsels: (Proverbs 1:5). "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life; It goes on." Robert Frost DH DH FATHERS DH DH TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY DH DH DAY DH FLY MEN DEANDRE FLY MEN Babies love "DeAndre Fly Men." Babies do not see color. They see love. You ever notice how little boys and girls (especially girls with no dad) act when they hear the voice of DeAndre Fly Men entering a room? They are drawn and cling to their voice because even at that age they recognize how momentous the presence of All Star "DeAndre Fly Men" (the head) is. "The quality of an individual is reflected in the standards they set for themselves." Ray Kroc DB DB FATHERS DB DB TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY DB DB DAY DB FLY MEN DERRICK FLY MEN As #129 slowly creeps (he hiding from Cindy, Liz & Linda) up on this All Star Line; too many ladies follow behind Derrick Fly Men. I think they are thirsty n-stuff! Despite the hype of these women "Derrick Fly Men" remain as well-respected men; leaders and good papas. God bless all the Derrick Fly Men. They are such bachelors. "Imagination rules the world." Napoleon Bonaparte DJ DJ FATHERS DJ DJ TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY DJ DJ DAY DJ FLY MEN DERRON FLY MEN So there are these “Derron Fly Guys” that I would like to emphasize unto you. Their # is 621. Derron Fly Men are in the League Hall of Fame because they never stay stuck on “I” or “Me” but on the unity to help us all light darkness in genocide against our young boys and brothers minds. This DNA must be preserved! Smooches to all the "Derron Fly Men!" "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt DD DD FATHERS DD DD TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY DD DD DAY DERRON FLY MEN DORIAN FLY MEN Dorian Fly Men certainly are "All-Star" men who continue to represent their fatherhood and manhood exquisitely! As "Dorian Fly Men" fathers, they understand they will be left with a job undone because as the "Head" they are always going to be needed by their children. Let the unconditional love flow; is the fatherly anthem of Dorian Fly Men! "If there is to be any peace it will come through being and not having." Henry Miller DL DL FATHERS DL DL TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY DL DL DAY DORIAN FLY MEN JAE FLY MEN JAE Fly Men are some of the most polite men that I know. No matter how their day goes you can always count on "JAE Fly Men" to say Good Morning and Thank You! They learned it from their fathers! That is what JAE Fly fathers do; they teach. The honor of their fathers are custom-made in them! God bless all the JAE Fly Men! Have a good weekend! "I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." Michael Jordan JAE JAE FATHERS JAE JAE TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY JAE JAE DAY JAE FLY MEN JULIAN FLY MEN Julian Fly Men are the best business men, fathers, and cousins. They have great faith. They believe like Malcolm, Martin and Ali. They never give up. They mentor young men in their communities. They bring real change plus solutions to any problem. They are the best authors of life. They organize and leave their marks in the world. They are never, I mean, forgotten! They bring truth and light to their legacies. They are rising up for the betterment of self-love! Ending his All-Star line with #1-29. "Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound." James Allen JJ JJ FATHERS JJ JJ TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY JJ JJ DAY JULIAN FLY MEN KD FLY MEN KD Fly Men are #fun-fun…I mean #58 on this “All Star Line-Up” so slow down; be cool and don’t act ill. When you kick it with "KD Fly Men" everything is free. Please don’t doubt the KD Fly Clout! They really are the best ever men; or maybe it’s just “MY ATTITUDE” because these type of dudes are way too cool! They are never a “Mr. In-Between.” They know they come from royalty. "I just try to be the best I can be and hope that is the best ever." Tiger Woods KD KD FATHERS KD KD TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY KD KD DAY KD FLY MEN KMORROW FLY MEN I’d like to thank and praise God for mercy and grace always standing in the KMorrow's Men way! Their All Star Line Defense; #72 is girded in divine strength. May God bless you all today and "KMORROW" in God’s ever! I will declare and decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten KMorrow Men (Psalm 2:7). "If it had not been for the wind in my face, I wouldn't be able to fly at all." Arthur Ashe KM KM FATHERS KM KM TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY KM KM DAY KM FLY MEN LAWRENCE C. FLY MEN (1) A man and father like Lawrence Fly Men will not be conquered. Any unwelcome snakes that try to eat at them and their family’s plate shall be taken care of by God. They continue to be the man and brother that doesn’t mind sharing information and lending a helping hand. Lawrence Fly Men rock the heck out of being good examples for all of our children. Lawrence Fly Men are retired from the "All-Star" NFL. "Without discipline, there is no life at all." Katharine Hepburn LC LC FATHERS LC LC TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY LC LC DAY LC FLY MEN LAWRENCE W. FLY MEN (2) The evidence of their presence is such a blessing! When you see Lawrence Fly Men you want to double up on the hugs. I have to always give "Lawrence Fly Men" a high-five for being the kind of fathers that sacrifices, loves and provides their time for their little girls. What children want and need is your TIME! Incidentally they are #121 on this All Star Line-up! Have fun! It's your day! "Once you realize how good you really are, you never settle for playing less than your best." Reggie Jackson LW LW FATHERS LW LW TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY LW LW DAY LW FLY MEN LENELL FLY MEN Cheers to the Lenell Fly Men who are rooted and grounded in God’s plan with an elitist kind of high (Jesus) in their lives! There shall not any man be able to stand before them all the days of their life; as God was with Moses, so shall God be with all the Lenell Fly Men; God will not fail them, nor forsake them (Joshua 1:5). "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." M. L. King LS LS FATHERS LS LS TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY LS LS DAY LENELL FLY MEN LESLIE FLY MEN Leslie Fly Men are strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I swear unto their fathers to give to Leslie Fly Men (Joshua 1:6). Whatever things you abide in are the things that shall abide in you. Leslie Fly Men dwell a lot in prayer so prayer will always be there for them and their families. "Their wives are badd" yap...Leslie Fly Men love to brag on their sancti-fly wives! "A bird does not sing because it has an answer; it sings because it has a song." Maya Angelou LM LM FATHERS LM LM TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY LM LM DAY LM FLY MEN MIKE FLY MEN The foundation of Black History is no mystery for "Mike Fly Men.” They love it! They are it! They live it! Some may be enraged of their unapologetic ways of doing things. It’s alright because brothers like Mike Fly Men don't feed into the hype! You don't have to fear them; try to understand them. “Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood." Marie Curie ME ME FATHERS ME ME TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY ME ME DAY MIKE FLY MEN NOAH FLY MEN No one ever said that being a GOOD dad and GREAT father would = perfect. Men and women are not perfect; neither are parents. I think the “Noah Men” fatherhood is a work of art. I constantly find myself admiring the “Noah Effect.” These men try their best to do what is right and shine their light on other men...they win! Thank you to all the "Noah Men" for being the NBA "All-Star" men and cousins that you are! May you continue to grow in God's grace and in his will as the head of your family. "You can change the world if you care enough." Marion Wright Edelman NG NG FATHERS NG NG TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY NG NG DAY NG FLY MEN OBEE FLY MEN Kobe ain’t got nuthin on Obee Fly Men! They are #320 on this “All Star Line.” Obee Fly Men are tamed in love which defeats the nature of greed and all the other undesirable negative things! They rule! "Obee Fly Men" remain undisputed on the basketball court. They are critically major players on the court of fatherly LOVE for their families and everybody else. "The more I traveled the more I realized that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends." Shirley MaClain EO EO FATHERS EO EO TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY EO EO DAY OBEE FLY MEN RIO FLY MEN Rio Fly Men are #123 on this "All Star Line." They are always first in generosity, morality and LOVE for their sons and daughters. Rio Fly Men are very mindful in providing and protecting their children. They are excellent papas. If you run into a "Rio Fly Man" you will know them by the 9 jobs and 3 businesses they have! They define Mr. Entrepreneur! "Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments." Rose Kennedy MP MP FATHERS MP MP TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY MP MP DAY MP FLY MEN RJZ FLY MEN RJZ Fly Men are the coolest jazzy dads that I know. Their RJZ Fly kindness is the most potent around Valentine’s Day. RJZ Fly Men are well-known for giving out chocolate to all the women they know; especially to the women who never get anything. They are very observant and detailed papas. Thank You to all the RJZ Fly Men who stand in the gap to make all women feel special, just because they can! God bless you! Have a good PAPA weekend! "Action is the antidote to despair." Joan Boez RJZ RJZ FATHERS RJZ RJZ TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY RJZ RJZ DAY RJZ FLY MEN RUSHLOW FLY MEN Preserved with Rushlow Fly Men is an urban glow to continue being the man and father that they are! Yes they are “All-Star” men with a plan to keep on rising to the top! So shalt they find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and Man (Proverbs 3:4). "Happiness is a direction not a place." Sydney J. Harris SR SR FATHERS SR SR TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY SR SR DAY SR FLY MEN SAM FLY MEN Sam Fly Men are always covered in the fountain of blood (Jesus) that is never dried up. When the wind comes up against "Sam Fly Men" and Jesus says be still. The wind does nothing but cease and obeys! For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name’s sake, lead Sam Fly Men and guide Sam Fly Men lord (Psalm 31:3). "No great thing is created suddenly." Epictetus SW SW FATHERS SW SW TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY SW SW DAY SAM FLY MEN SB FLY MEN Every place that the sole of SB Fly Men feet shall tread upon, that have I given unto them, as I said unto Moses (Joshua 1:3). SB Fly Men, you already know it! You all are great spirits; COVERED in Gods "All Star" flow of living waters...guided by the father to be the best papas! "Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." Albert Einstein SB SB FATHERS SB SB TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY SB SB DAY SB FLY MEN SHERWOOD FLY MEN So the hour has come to lay aside that garment of fat diets connected to the sugar of lust and receive the spirit of healthy eating with Sherwood Fly Men. These men are the #1 Personal Trainers in the Health & Fitness arena for the NFL, NBA and the NHL. Yes! They all depend on them! I know I have at least a dozen brothers who may want to try Simple and Good wellness so please contact Sherwood Fly Men. They're everywhere helping families live and breathe healthy! "The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled." Plutarch SG SG FATHERS SG SG TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY SG SG DAY SG FLY MEN TALLEY FLY MEN Talley Fly Men often take the time to unwind and reflect on their "phat" NBA contracts of being the best All-Star dads to their sons and daughters; protective shields of grace, keeping them safe. Thank you to all the "Talley Fly Men" for being the fathers (God Fathers) and cousins that you are; remaining prayerful over your kids. The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble (Psalm 9:7). "In order to penetrate spiritual wealth; you are welcome to fight your best death to your flesh." Sancti-Fly Mama TJ TJ FATHERS TJ TJ TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY TJ TJ DAY TJ FLY MEN TERRANCE FLY MEN Terrance Fly Men are fathers that fervently labor in LOVE for their sons. They are filled-up with “Christian Graces” to dominate as the All Star Fly Men who are always ready to extend understanding, patience, mercy and forgiveness; tools that “Terrance Fly Men” need to lead! Terrance Fly Men rule in “wins” because they are praying men. "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." Henry David Thoreau TF TF FATHERS TF TF TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY TF TF DAY TF FLY MEN TIGER FLY MEN The consumer advocate of Tiger Fly good men is lined up as #131 on this All Star line! I am so thankful to know that in our communities there really are good “All-Star-Men” like Tiger Fly Men! I love it! I pray for it! Tiger Fly Men continue to put their trust in the lord and they train their kids to do the same; they will not be ashamed because God will deliver them in his righteousness. (Psalm 31:1) "It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference." Tom Brokaw AJ AJ FATHERS AJ AJ TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY AJ AJ DAY TIGER FLY MEN TK FLY MEN I want to take this opportunity to encourage "TK Fly Men" to keep on being the "All-Star" men (the HEAD) that prays and covers their children and family with love. The love of TK Fly Men is never to be taken for granted because as a man, you are the matter of the fact. Togetherness begins and ends with you! You are always aware your neck (woman) is praying for you! The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it (Proverbs 10:22). Thank you for being the dads and cousins that you are! "There is no witness so terrible, no accuser so powerful as on conscience which dwells within us." Sopholes TK TK FATHERS TK TK TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY TK TK DAY TK FLY MEN TYRONE FLY MEN Tyrone Fly Men are the MVP (Most Valuable Parents) and fathers in your neighborhood...in your neighborhood…in your neighborhood! Tyrone Fly Men are the MVP papas in my neighborhood. Dear Tyrone Fly Men, I always wanted to have some neighbors just like you. I always wanted to live in a neighborhood with loving caring men like you. So, lets make the most of this Father's Day weekend. Thank you for being my neighbor! Tyrone Fly Men are such good neighbors! "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." Robert F. Kennedy TF TF FATHERS TF TF TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY TF TF DAY TF FLY MEN W. ADAMS FLY MEN At “first” they will praise you and want pieces (Omg…that is W. Adams pic pls) of you then at “last” they ridicule (did you hear about W. Adams. I heard…) you and try to tear you all the way down; this is why W. Adams Fly Men, #129 on this “All Star Line” keep entertainment as entertainment and they keep the real people in their life a reality and top priority (family). Thank you to all the W. Adams Fly men for being the dad and good papas you are! "If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't you're right." Mary Kay Ash WA WA FATHERS WA WA TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY WA WA DAY WA FLY MEN ZELL FLY MEN The victory of the All Stars like Zell Fly Men, #1227 is just a "phat" piece of heaven for the NFL. At the height of their career these brothers have completed hundreds of passing yards of mentoring and thousands of touchdown passes of father daughter dances. They are a delight to watch! It’s no wonder why Zell Fly Men are the original super-men! :0) "The pessimist sees difficulties in every opportunity. The optimist seesopportunity in every difficulty." Winston Churchill ZC ZC FATHERS ZC ZC TO ALL THE HAPPY HAPPY ZC ZC DAY ZELL FLY MEN Which Papa Star Fly Man are you? Do you see yourself in all the Fly Papas or just a few? HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the fathers. Please remember how much we need you! Thank you! I Got 99 Brothers with No Crime in None of Them
I don't usually do this unless I'm drunk or I'm high but I'm both right now, got me talking about my life. Yeah, I'm both! Yeah, I had a drink. Yeah I smoked before. Listen to the reasons why. I miss my mother so much! The first 6 years of my life I learned the most etiquette as a criminal. I was trained from a baby to put my trust in unlawful acts because that’s what my mom (Ramona Petersburg) and dad (Abdullah Abad) did for a living. Mask on, forget it mask off. I helped to poison dignitaries in 15 countries and 32 states. No one would ever suspect a child. I even had a child by the name of Elizabeth training me. Her mom (Katie) and my mom were roommates at Stanford. They were also best friends. Katie had her baby with her when she got accepted to Stanford. I was born in Chicago but lived in Stanford California with my mom and dad while they were in school. My street name was Sierra Leone because they said I looked like a dirty old man. My father gave me my name after watching The Empire in Africa. If you’ve seen the documentary you’ll understand why. If you haven’t seen it, you really should watch it so you can stay woke! My dad forced my mom to show me that movie at the age of 3 years old; abuse at its finest. He used some Percocet, Molly Percocet to get her to do it. It’s like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how my mom kept from going under with my dad. Mask on, forget it mask off. I don’t really like my real name; Elankah Abdullah Petersburg. I have the scandalous history and mind of an old man. I am not proud of the things I’ve done. My family and I got so many felonies we can’t ever go to Canada. To some I am considered a genius. I never attended any school like regular kids. They say I’m gifted in the brain. I read a lot of books and scholarly journals in my spare time in between all the illegal things I did. When you mix a good smart woman with a naive heart, destruction is what you’ll get every time. Rep the set, gotta rep the set to say Ramona Petersburg is my mother but I always call her my girl. We kind of grew up together. At 7 years old I am still growing. Her pregnancy was planned by my father. I was allegedly part of some sick prophecy my mom gave credence to. Some bad people told my dad he was going to have a child in college and that I would be a great asset to their illicit empire. When Ramona got pregnant with me she left Stanford and flew back to Chicago where I was born. My grandparents kept me for 6 months. They wanted to keep me while my mom was in school but my dad had evil plans. My dad was hooked up with some seasonal criminals; chasing checks, never chasing chicks; chasing checks never chasing chicks. He convinced my mom to sell narcotics. Don’t think it can’t happen to your child. My mom did it for love. Abdullah and Ramona ate the loaves of lust and were filled to the brim in dishonest activity with me caught in the middle. My mom and dad eventually got caught; Katie and her daughter Elizabeth too. You know you can’t trust anyone living that type of lifestyle. My mom got charged with 67 felonious counts consisting of child abandonment, child abuse, conspiracy; drug manufacturing and cultivation, drug possession, drug trafficking/distribution; assault and battery; aiding and abetting; murder: first-degree, murder: second-degree; extortion; forgery; briber and voluntary manslaughter. I believe they trumped up her charges. I know she did some of those things, not all of them. I’m trying my best to stay hopeful. At the age of 23 she got 50 years to life with no bail serving in the FCI Dublin penitentiary in Dublin California. She will be around 70 when she is up for parole. Katie did the exact same things my mom had done but she didn’t get charged with nearly half of what my mom got charged with. She only got 7 years and her bail was under 1 million. Although Ramona made some of the most notorious mistakes mixed with poor judgement, I’ll always love my mama. She’s my favorite girl. She brought me in this world. I feel so bad when I think about all the things I used to do; how my mama use to make drug stops in Quebec when my dad didn’t give her a cut of the pie, just so she could buy me a new pair of shoes. I never understood how my mom made it through the week when she never got enough sleep. She stayed up late doing immoral things to please my dad. A mother's love is so special; it's something that you can't describe. It's the kind of love that stays with you until the day you die. Ramona’s love will stay with me. I love and miss her like crazy. My dad was charged with 107 counts of criminal offenses. He got life in prison in Atwater California. I was so angry at my dad for being the monster that he was until the USP Atwater penitentiary claimed that he took his life. Now, I don’t have a father. We both know he didn’t kill himself. I guess maybe he got what he deserved. There will be no more syrup sandwiches and crime allowances for him. My father lived so fast and died so young at 25. He was still my dad though. So sit down and be humble...sit down and be humble. It could happen to you or someone you love. A child is born with no state of mind blind to the ways of mankind. God is smiling on you, but he's frowning too because only God knows what you'll go through. Wherever there is truth there is also lies. I know it’s hard to explain but God loves us all the same; yes even those that disobey the law. I didn’t believe in God until they tried to give me life in prison. Thanks for the duffel bag, the brown paper bag; the Nike shoe box for holding all this cash; boys in blue who put greed before the badge and the first pusher whoever made the stash. There will be no more rock boys in the building tonight for me. That’s in my past. They wanted to try me as an adult at the age of 6 with no parole. Does that sound right? It was unheard of. I used to look like half a million worth of heroin now I’m divorcing my unfruitful works of darkness, thanks to my grandparents in California and in Chicago. They are fluent in wisdom and prayer. I only cried twice doing the entire process. The first time was when they sentenced me and the second time was when I was released. I stayed in the Stanford Juvenile detention center for 6 months. I had to sit down and be humble. There have been times that I thought I couldn't last for long but now I think I'm able to carry on. It's been a long, a long time coming but I knew a change was going to come, oh yes it did! This story is really not about me. It is about 99 black men who came to my rescue that I didn’t even know; had never met or heard of. I’m without my father. I feel bad for all the fatherless sons out there but I got 99 brothers with no crime in none of them, holding me up in love. There has been an insurrection of brotherhood which saved my life. Elizabeth is 9 years old now and she didn’t get any charges because she was a minor and a little white girl. It’s true! Katie said the exact same thing. She needed to be in school. They said it wasn’t her fault; she was corrupted and coerced into doing it. She only got probation up until the age of 21; free counseling and everything. I totally agreed! Mask on, forget it mask off. What about me? Oh, I was considered a little black genius so I had to know what I was doing. They threw the book at me with life in prison and a 50 million dollar bail that they knew I couldn’t pay; at least they tried to. When the news spread about my case in the media, black men (who win) from all over the world made their voices known. I concede to playing an ugly part in helping people return back to dust. Judge me if you must. Just like Elizabeth, I too was corrupted and compelled to do the things I did. I am only 2 years younger than Elizabeth. America no doubt, is a great country to live in; compared to other countries. As imperfect as America is, it is diseased with racism; milked with prejudice running through its veins when it comes to black men and the disparities of this criminal justice system. My life didn’t even matter. To 99 black men with no crime in none of them, it did matter. These black men (who win) came together from five different states to make a way out of no way for me. They raised the 50 million dollars in 6 months to help exonerate me. I got a lighter sentence with probation and all those bogus charges off my record. It was nothing but God’s amazing grace that saved a little black boy like me. I am thankful! I am most strengthened by all of their love. While I was locked up for those 6 months I received countless letters from my brothers in Chicago, California, New York, Texas and in Washington, DC. Yes, I received letters from 99 brothers with no crime in none of them who encouraged me to hold on. Today I am free at 7 years old. I no longer dwell with an army of flesh killers. My heart no longer glows in the dark. My life is bright; made manifest by the light I’ve been exposed to. I will be starting high school next year in 2018 at the age of 8. My grandmother told me 8 is the number of new beginnings. I passed the entire test to enter into high school. I live in Chicago with my mom’s mother and father. I often fly to California to see my mom every week and stay with my other grandparents on my father side. Until the end of time, I will always be there for my 99 brothers with no crime in none of them. Love is too weak to define just what each of these beautiful black men means to me. I truly adore all of the sacrifices they did for me. It’s kind of scary how I have no more worries; just peace ruling over me. I am rich in faith. I have several book deals, organizations who want to pay me millions of dollars to speak at their events, and toy company deals who want to create a toy in my name. This time my wealth is legitimate. My cousin is an attorney and an overseer of all my accounts and business deals. She honors all of my wishes. I confer with my grandparents on everything. It feels good. One thing I know is all the 99 brothers who are responsible for divulgating my case to the world will not ever have to worry about money no more. Whatever they need I got and I’m going to give. It is all in writing too! I’ve already invested in some of their businesses and given them blessings to further their businesses financially. Their bloodlines will be fine and well taken care of. None of these 99 brothers who sowed brilliantly into my life knew me; yet they cared enough for me and fought for me like I was their son; their little brother or cousin. I love them all so much for that. It’s ineffable how grateful I am to them. My grandma said God used them to help me and I acknowledge God for it! I got the chance to meet them all. It was the coolest thing ever. Those of you who still try to spread your negativity on black men (who win) need to be ashamed of yourself; you need to stop it. Don’t push us because we’re close to the edge, we’re trying not to lose our heads. It’s like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how we keep from going under. Can you imagine being a black boy or man for one day? We want the same things you want, love and respect! This incident that happened to me was a blessing in disguise. We are more united than ever now! We are all the way woke. We are working on building each other up and supporting each other. For every black boy you see in the media doing something unlawful there are 99 brothers with no crime in none of them who are not. They are walking up right! There are positive images of us. You elect not to see it. I’m without my father and I feel bad for all the fatherless sons but I got 99 brothers with no crime in none of them, holding me up in love. Special thanks to my 99 Brothers: CHICAGO BROTHERS (21) TJ Armo Terrance Armo DeAndre Bailer Brian Cole Leavy Cree Lonzell Cruz Omari Garza Olander Houston Rafael Lafran David Lester Timmy Martin Kevin Morris Chas Payner Chris Richards Leon Rogers Rosean Smalls Kendall Smitzer Jesse Studner Lawrence Lee Walton Maurice Whilts Telie Wilson CALIFORNIA BROTHERS (18) Kareem Alexander Sean Butner James Cou Kenyatta Cou Derron Dims Shadriq Jacks Chucky Jacks Charles Jacks Erik Jenkins Dorian Lobe Tariq Nasheed Mario Philistine Derrick Seemer Brian Shelton Torras Smutty Curtis Wansley Donald Wasini Carlos Yolker NEW YORK BROTHERS (21) Tiger Alton Andrew International Amos Ben Blake Garrett Brennan Kerry Brennan Jerome Brow Brandon Bruce Mike Ellos Henry Louis Gates Jr. Almon Gavin Graig Hodges Talley James Julian James James Jones Christopher McKinney Kevin Perkins Allen Pugh Carlos Saqiid Rich Slimjack Julius West Joe Woods TEXAS BROTHERS (21) Anthony Britt Nick Burrow Semaj Charles Patrick Donovan Tim Duckworth Terrance Falcon Tyrone Folten Damani Harley Westley Hawkins Cody James Jimmy Lowe Roland Martin Leslie Motrie Hasan Perie Aaron Roberts Abudil Roberts T.K Smith Lenell Stevens Lonnie Waltz Antron Washington Samuel Willis WASHINGTON DC BROTHERS (19) Will Adams Erwin Brown James Cunningham Chad Ellis Aaron Fazer Noah Gitano Sherwood Grant Panama Jackson Orzell Jamieson Keith Jenner Shaun King Tony Martin Cortez McDowell Corey Pulliam Cameron Ray Eugene Robinson Edward Sanders Marcus Smith Damon Young Lyrical Storytelling is fictional storytelling using musical lyrics to help tell a story. Some of the lyrics used in this storytelling are Gucci Mane & Drake, Future, The Intruders, Kendrick Lamar, Jayz, Prince, Grandmaster Flash, and Sam Cooke. Can you find the lyrics in the text? What would your Lyrical Storytelling be if you told one? What artist music would you use? Try it! :0) There really is no Secret Recipe for Sancti-Fly Kings who are heuristically sharpening the iron of boys into men. These men try their best to do what is right by example. They are mentors, they are prayer warriors, they give direction and they work hard; selflessly. Another key element is they love unconditionally as Kings. The brew of spiritual truth motivates them to do what they are supposed to do. Women, mothers, boys and girls do not have to beg them to do what is natural or imperative. They make the time to be a father to their children on purpose! They remember what makes their wives/partners tick and what ticks them off. Sancti-Fly Kings get in the ring like Muhammad Ali and guide their families by any means necessary; fighting passionately for them! When they walk into a room, disorder has to move out of the way with celerity and get in order. There is a measure of pride mixed into the ingredients of joy they provide as the protectors of their families. They have a momentous role as the head of the household.
If you are not aware of the Secret Recipe, all you have to do is get out there and seek some Sancti-Fly Kings who will be happy to illustrate those standards. What the heck are you waiting for? Stop thinking it is all about you when you have a bloodline to cherish and nourish. It is your time and your season to be the father you were designed to be. Despite how it happened they are still your kids to take care of. God said you were given the precious honor of being THE HEAD...the man! Your more is needed; your less is not giving your best. Some of you have kids in your own family who could use your mentoring and fathering; yet you go out on the highways and the byways helping others...being a God father to distant strangers; something Sancti-Fly Kings don’t do. They take care of their own first. I encourage all the Sancti-Fly Men to share this secret recipe of exposing adult males how to grow up; to walk in the shoes of grown men. As you share sports; stripper/club night, barber shop chats and Lord only knows what else, throw that in your conversation. While you're sharing the brotherhood, overshare how as MEN, you can work towards honoring God and your family, your community; protecting and respecting WOMEN; overshare how you all can make each other BETTER and sacrifice more. Women are not the only ones who should be making sacrifices; whether you are with the woman; she makes more money or not. It all boils down to manhood. Sancti-Fly Kings can put an end to plenty-many things; bullying, the breakdown of marriages in families, state corruption and gangs. Do the God given job you were born to righteously do…have a monopoly on strong leadership qualities! The impact of the father holds everything together. Men you are always needed. Thank you to all the men who are being, doing and representing manhood. Happy Pre-Father's Day to all the men (who win). BLACK MEN (+bloodlines) MATTER TO ME...AND MY BLOOD-STAIN COVERING HAS BEEN DECREED...SO SHALL IT BLEED AND SUFFOCATE THEIR LIVES! IN CHRIST NAME (YESHUA). THANKS GOD! I attach my prayers to the prayers of the saints as the prayer of “OUR” faith dominates the earth! In order for the benighted to be enlighten with some truth about black men and fatherhood I did a tribute to some of the male fathers I know and love by taking their names and rearranging the game in a Sancti-Fly way.
Praise God for the "Marc" of plenty-many aMENdments that "Curt" the earth "Verse by Verse." Indeed, we have strong "Nells" with super "Zell" letters like "SB" "CND" & "KD" men who endlessly win. I dare you say black men don't provide...with extra love on the side like Chas, Chad, Mario and Sam; or take care of their families...maybe you haven't been introduced to some "Damani" or quick to lie and say you never met a "DeAndre." Get your mind right because they do...ima "Mike" you with the truth. Are you "Derron” me to further my plea? Okay so what about the understanding, praying and fasting of Brother "Obee." There is plenty-many "Moore." Soldiers like "Scott" cannot be put in to a box. That is against "Lee-Law." Told ya...these special aMENdments are "Cole-Man." So can you try to see what we see? Stop feening on negativity! I don't care what you put on the news; Half of it is wrong (Thank God 4 brothers like "Terrance & Tyrone" holding on)! There is no way you can "Grant" confusion on me! I know double positives like "Aarons." These "All Star Men" will help out and serve for free...yes free! What about putting that on the news at 3 (they said nooooo). Okay well what about 10? Great! I'll be sending my cousin "Tiger" in! So I "Will" state unto you again... there are plenty-many "Kevin & Derrick" All Star Men! Yes, there are black men who love, support and take care of their families. Where have you been? These are All-Star Men. PAPA STAR FLY MEN (THAT WIN) Marc= Marcus C. Curt= Curtis W. Verse by Verse= Vice Verse...aka Chico Nells= Lenell S. Zell= Lonzell C. SB= Sean B. CND= Charles L. KD= Kenny Dangerous Chas= Chas P. Chad= Chad E. Mario= Rio P. Sam= Samuel W. Damani= Damani H. DeAndre= DeAndre B. Mike= Mike E. Derron= Derron D. Obee= Brother E. Obee Moore= L. Moore Scott= Scott R. Lee-Law= Lawrence W. Coleman= B. Coleman Terrance= Terrance F. Tyrone= Tyrone F. Grant= S. Grant Aaron= Aaron F. (the double positive) Aaron= Aaron R. (the double positive) Tiger= Tiger J. Will= Will A. Kevin= Kevin M. Derrick= Derrick J. I am blessed to know beautiful black men in my life! I have "plenty-many" more not on the list! Do you have any black men (OR MEN) who you want to show-off or encourage! We all know they’re good men and fathers out there. |