Yes you are a queen. Remember who you are even when they try to lie their way against the truth. Gurrrrl, can I borrow those shoes. I promise to go to church if you let me rock those shoes. I meant go by the church to pick them up.😂 You're going to have the best plan and week. Keep some prayers on that fiery tongue.
Years ago, when I first witnessed people on social media posting the words "Mood" on their social media platforms, I often wondered why they posted that, or what it meant? Now I totally get it. This is the ultimate girl power national anthem song. Whatever happened to Blu Cantrell? Blu Cantrell was definitely good for a woman's self-esteem. You have to receive how worthy you are of all things. You deserve it. I don't care what it is. I just have to be free. Are you free? I wish all women the courage to be free from anything and everything that is trying to hold them down. This is a great karaoke song to sing. Also, a nice slow jam. If you are a stepper, Deniece Williams will help you out. Shera has a message for all of the single ladies. She said that you should be out on the dating scene with rich men only in 2025 not dusty men (lol). What if he really is a good man with great character? Shera says no! Shera is definitely free and living a soft girl life. I wish that on all women I am connected to and know. Some say Shera is like the female version of Kevin Samuel. What do you think? Sprinkle, Sprinkle!
I do like how she promotes and encourages feminine qualities for women. Some females are not taught about the effects of their womanliness. Shera is married to a rich man but she has her own money. She has authored several successful books. This Black History moment is all about housing discrimination as well as good old pure racial discrimination. I wonder if these people are still around. These folks are probably your Karen's of the world. This was not that long ago. The residue of their thoughts and their feelings are prevalent. Some white folks do not want black people living next to them at all. Only white people will see you in a community where you live and tell you that you don't live there. You actually can afford to live next to them but in their mind, its a no, get out! They will even tell you that you don't belong when you do. Only those white folks stuck in the false narrative of thinking they are so much better than others, do this. Not all. Melanated people could care less about who lives next to them. As long as you're not bothering them, they will mind their own business.
Have you ever noticed all of the racial hatred and discrimination our elders went through and lived through? You can watch documentaries on it. You can definitely talk to some of your elders if they are still around. They have no hatred in their hearts for how they were treated, or for all the hatred thrown at them. That is amazing! What about all of the lynching's they witnessed? Whew! They taught their children to love everyone. What do you think the men and all of the women in this video taught their kids? Where are they now? That's the scary part. Our elders said its in the pass and they moved on. They are not working in their professions to try and harm white people or overcharge them like they do to us. Instead of white folks and institutions consistently trying to watch all of the melanated folks working for them, they need to be watching their own people. We aren't built like those folks in this video. They not like us. Just because our elders were willing to move on, doesn't mean they have forgotten their history or what was done to them. We will never forget. We are still in some of the same battles. I can say that in this current era, a lot of melanated people do not have the same kind of patience as our elders. We are not so quick to turn the other cheek. To be honest, no one is excited about individuals moving into their towns or on their block, messing up the peace and tranquility vibe they have. Not even black people. Black people will move out of a neighborhood if it is disruptive. They do not care what color your skin is. We understand. The difference with some white people is, they tend not to give those who look different from them a chance. It doesn't matter if you can afford to live next to them. They automatically assume if you are a melanated person, you're going to bring their property value down. Then they move and most of the resources and the value moves right along with them. They call it "white flight." I don't blame anyone who can look beyond skin color and move due to certain people not being able to adjust to a nice town or community, but using scare tactics is different. Refusing to sell a house to any person because of their skin color, or participating in redlining and fraudulently appraising a house is discrimination. This is obviously a policy we need a lot of work on because it is still happening. Here we go again, trifling women telling lies on innocent men. Then we got lots of women abusing our children, because women aren't so innocent. What did the judge just do? He let them go, too. They were treating our babies like Jim Crow slavery. Which is against the law. Be careful not to get shot by mistake. Please pay close attention to these very important domestic mentions. The Revealing of Slave Children Protect our children! The trial has began for Jeanne Whitefeather and her main squeeze, Donald Lantz. This European couple purposely adopted melanated kids and allegedly made them their slaves. There is evidence of abuse by police officers. The police officers cut the lock off of a barn located in the back yard of the couple's home. They found children inside of the barn. Donald and Jeanne told the police that the children enjoyed living in the cold barn locked up instead of being inside of a warm house. Yes, you heard right! They actually said that to the police. Thank God for nosy neighbors like Joyce Bailey. Ms. Bailey testified in court regarding the harsh labor she witnessed the children doing and their strange behavior of how the couple treated those children. Bailey said the kids never played outside. We really need to be more nosy when it comes to our kids. I know we cannot generalize and say all white people who are adopting black kids are doing something bad to them. I have always wondered why white folks are adopting black children. It seems like a new trend. When we hear the words "slaves" it doesn't sit well with some of us as a community. Sexual, and physical abuse should be investigated. Be nosy when it comes to unusual things you do notice with children. White folks are great at this. They will call the police on you in 3 seconds (😂 lol). Shot in The Neck Didn't Hear About That Working in the realm of politics can be rewarding and downright lucrative if you have been in the game for a while. Everyone is not going to like you. There are folks that you have to be careful around. If you are wise you have to watch what you eat and where you go. Politicians are public figures and those that work with them or for them are subsectable to being caught up in the public eye as well. In North Carolina, Krishana Polite was the Chief of Staff for the former Lt. Governor Mark Robinson. She was attending church services on New Year's Eve and as she was walking to her car in the church parking lot, someone's stray bullet shot her in the neck. When people are shooting their guns on New Year's Eve going into the new year, some folks aren't responsible and some don't know how to properly shoot a gun. I think its imperative for the church to encourage members to wait at least 30 minutes to an hour to leave church services to avoid any stray bullets. Also, there should have been men in the church walking the women to their cars telling them to go home. There is no need to stand around talking when bullets are popping off. Go home! Thankfully, Krishana survived and it was an isolated incident. This story is insane! This is proof that things can happen anywhere. Age Ain't Nothing To Some Teachers (OMG) What is wrong with some of our parental skills? This woman was sleeping with an 11 year old boy due to the parents allowing Laura Caron to have him over her house all of the time. Then she was allowed to have the boy stay with her. Laura Caron is a female predator. She sexually abused a minor then she had the nerve to get pregnant by him when he turned 13. Mom and dads, please watch your kids. It is your job to protect them. All the people in the village really need to step up to protect our kids. Listen to that strong discernment you keep getting when it comes to certain people hanging around your kids. Something is wrong with any man or woman who is extra eager to spend time with your kids. I do not care who it is. Pay attention. Judge Reassigned for Domestic Life Chief Judge Timothy Evans is over all of the judges at the Circuit Court of Cook County. Evans has reassigned Judge Thomas Nowinski, at his own request due to a domestic case he worked on where a man by the name of Constantin Beldie had a lot of domestic violence episodes with his wife. Judge Nowinski ordered for him to have an ankle bracelet monitor and Mrs. Beldie was allegedly killed by her husband shortly after. I surmise Judge Nowinski feels some huge amount of responsibility for the death of Mrs. Beldie. Lemme Lie On This Creepy Guy
This woman right here need to be in jail. This woman by the name of Anjela from Pennsylvania, is a mother's and a family's worst nightmare. Anjela Urumova lied on a man and had him imprisoned for a month because she didn't like how he looked. I have no words! What if it was your son, or your brother, or the man you loved? One good thing about Daniel Pierson, he was able to get out. When Yahweh told Noah to build that ark he trusted Yah. Noah saved his family from the flood. Noah LISTENED to Yahweh's warning. Are you listening and paying attention to Yahweh? Do you think the world is getting better? Do you see any signs in this land that urge you to pay attention to it or to get a relationship with the creator of this universe? Whatever you call your higher power, it is time to seek. Don't be like those folks during Noah's time. Noah was covered. What about you? The supplications of my prayers are always for Yah to have mercy and grace to those I am connected to and to keep us covered in favor. To all those folks in congress that can't seem to regulate right from wrong, you all get the Sancti-Fly Mama Eye Roll. Donald Trump saved the day. You guys came together to ban TikTok but you cannot ban all the poison in our food. You cannot come up with legislation to help ensure that our American citizens are afforded health care and education. Plus our seniors social security. You cannot come up with policy to protect all women and children from sex and human trafficking. You cannot end Sundown Towns. You cannot enforce policy so all melanated people won't be treated like they are second class citizens. You will not enforce policy to protect our veterans and the list goes on, but you guys came together to ban an app. Wow!
Dear Black People, but especially to the white folks in the room, (Hey). Historically speaking, black women are quite aware of the bias danger of a white woman's tears. Those who have black sons and men in their lives understand all of the spiritual ramifications of this subject. We are equipped in our prayer lives to pray against it. If you have black sons and you never heard this information, it is time to take the initiative and school your boys and sons. It was the lying tears of a white woman that got Till murdered. Talk to your black men. White women know the power they have in this society. Some of them will try this. Educate all of the young men that can be affected by these kind of lies and attacks. As this lady eloquently stated, if you have a black man or children and profess to love them, protect them. A white woman's tears are dangerous now, and back then. FYI please hurry up and read before they let TikTok go! The trauma our ancestors endured is unimaginable. This 107 year old grandma speaks about the power and danger of white women's tears. Those who love to act like race doesn't matter, is erroneous. History has already debunked that kind of thinking. The year is 2025. Do you think a black woman can cry and the entire world stops? No! A white woman's tears can and does. What if the black woman accused a white male of something. Will she even be believed? Not as quick as a white woman would. That's for all the folks in the background saying race has nothing to do with it. History and race will never stop sleeping together. Most of the melanated kings and queens continue to bear witness to the same traumas in this era that grandma is speaking about. We don't focus on race issues. We try our best to live our lives. The issue on race relations is a European problem that often preys on melanated people, in a multitude of ways, just like a white girl or white woman's tears. Race has everything to do with the decisions to single out melanated people. Ask your grandma, she will tell you. Grandma said that a black man could lose his life for just looking at a white woman. Let that sink in.
Laughter is healing medicine for free. The free stuff. I thank Yah for Dr. Umar. He is extremely funny (lol).Have a blessed Friday. It's time to laugh. Oh, and shame on you if you're still hanging those pictures up that do not reflect the images of your church and your family. Representation matters. You owned it gurrrl. Lets celebrate, YOU! Yes, this is therapy for a lot of people. Sing it out or do something that you enjoy to alleviate your irritations or things that are annoying to you. Remember in this season the magic word is, unbothered. Don't concern yourself with who is not understanding you, not supporting you, or those not praying for you. Show up for yourself and pray for yourself. Yah (God) understands everything you are going through and that's really the only spirit you need!
What are the sisters saying to you on today that will benefit your week? What if it can help you all year long. It can. They are saying to you my dear, that you are ready for your spiritual armor so put it on and fight for yourself. There is light in you that evil and darkness has to bow down to. You were given the authority to fight. The sisters are putting on their armor of truth, love, and protection for all of those connections we are spiritual stains for and tongues of fire for, including you. There is no other way to navigate through these episodes and chapters in your life but to snuggle up close to Yahweh and get very personal. Be firm with intent in order to receive what you are meant to get before the foundations of Yah's earth and this universe. It is waiting for you, its yours. Affirm, meditate, and pray all the other spirits out of your way. Press, stump, and reign into your goodness. Fight for your right to pray your way through it all. No need to be bothered with unnecessary words. Just concentrate on you right now Pray your way through it. You can do hard! You have those special ingredients inside of you. You will be leaking and reaping in tears of JOY. Don't give up. Live up to your blessings. You will win!
Have an amazing Sunday. You will have a highly favored blessed week coupled with rainbows, smiles, sweet songs, Yahweh's promises and legions of angels.
As noted in Injustice Watch, a Cook County Judge in Chicago Illinois has all of our eyebrows raised. What was she thinking? Is Judge Caroline not aware of the sensitive times we are living in? This public service announcement is a reminder to those of you who exercise your right to vote and those of you who do not vote. Please pay attention to these judges. Do not vote or support these judges that boldly or secretly show you who they are. We cannot afford to ignore this. Judge Caroline Glennon-Goodman has been reassigned from her judicial duties for allegedly sending a racist text message that she sent to the wrong person. That was Yah exposing her. Judge Caroline is responsible for all the pre-trial hearings and motions that determine if individuals in criminal and domestic cases receive jail time. This is not funny at all. This is totally unacceptable for any judge that is over the decision to determine whether or not melanated people get jail time. What are the other things that her and her husband joke about that is reflective on Judge Glennon-Goodman's oath to maintain impartiality? Lord only knows.