🖤ASHANTI🖤 Can we all subscribe to this brand new vibe? Ashanti is definitely representing an entire vibe in this picture. I am feeling a little bit of the "work hard, show it off" syndrome! What do you think (lol)? Ashanti make-up, her hairstyle, and her attire is screaming flaming hot fire! You know what I'm about to say, right? Yep! Gone gurrrl! I was trying to figure out how she got into that distinguished fashion. She is rocking this look. Ashanti, Gimme that whole look from head to toe in all black. Did you know the men all paused when the boss walked in the room? Yes, they sure did. They knew she always looked fierce, but they were waiting on some good news! The women embraced Ashanti's grace as she gave out promotions and raises. The red sexy dress, was specifically designed with a queen in mind to seal the deal! Gimme that fashion energy, Ashanti! Every woman needs the "where you taking me" cat suit outfit look in her love life. Your man or partner will be ready to wine and dine you at all times with this look on his sleeves. Of course you can have a girls night out in this fashionable piece of sexy. Either way, you know you're looking good in this! Gimmie that beautiful date night look wrapped up in a red leather cat suit, with the fly chain around the waist, all day and night, Ashanti! Dear sophistication, while you were on vacation, Ashanti took your place and she won all of your awards across the nation. As we all sang in the background she was crowned. Slow down MA, you kill'em with the cute prints that went gold and platinum in fashion mama hollas! Gimme that dress!
Welcome to something old but back in the news as hard smithereens of slavery had its way in the American economy. It was all about money. Then when you are asking questions about things floating around in those vaccines, you get a twist of the attack with negative energy on your back, without even knowing the facts! Nevertheless you hold true to your convictions and faith as you stay tuned to all the updates coming from Robin Kelly's plate. There is no rush to talk about race! Please get you some originality and stay out of our way. You're fake! These casting calls are the real deal. There will be no deportations in this broken sick nation that refuses to heal, but continue to take a full ride off of the brutality of Marvin Guy! Please pay attention to these interesting mentions. UM, LOOK INTO OUR EYES WE NOT SURPRISED As noted in BlackEnterprise Joe Biden's ancestors owned some slaves. Why is this news worthy? Most Europeans owned black folks. Some of them are still trying to own us with this racist system and policies they have. Joe Biden is not exempt. Donald Trump's bloodline is married to white supremacy. This includes the majority of congress. It does not matter if white folks are blue or red. Most of them have ancestors who owned slaves. This is the very reason why melanated folks have the same last names as Europeans. Jones, Harris, Johnson, Adams, and Clark are very common names given to black people by the plantations their ancestors worked on. Slavery stripped black people from their true history and culture. They didn't have the choice of picking their names. If the Smiths owned you, your last name was Smith. A lot of black folks kept their slave names. Even those people who looked melanated owned slaves but that is not my focus. They did not or presently do not control the SYSTEMS (educational, medical, religion, financial) that monopolize the freedoms of melanated people. Unfortunately, the residue and bloody gun powder that their great, great, great, great grandfathers passed down to them is alive and thriving. They raped men and women slaves. They broke up their families and taught melanated black people how to accept white supremacy and hate everything about themselves. The fight continues on our black menu to expose it all! What are they going to do when their lies turn into the truth? Their time is up! WANT SOME DISCREDIT ASK QUESTIONS Niki Minaj raised some concerns and questions about the COVID-19 vaccine and all kinds of negative energy came for her. Folks that don't give a damn about black people all of a sudden chimed in. My question is, please tell me when did it become illegal to raise questions? She told her fans not to be bullied by anyone to take the vaccination and for them to do what is best for them. Niki Minaj also recently stated that she was invited to the Whitehouse but her invitation was cut, or revoked when they said she had to be vaccinated. Of course, the folks at the Whitehouse claimed it wasn’t an invite, it was just a call. Minaj expressed that she would not be getting the vaccine until she was done doing her research. She further articulated that someone she knew of, took the vaccination and they are now impotent due to their testicles swelling up. Niki Minaj words are viewed as untrue. Dr. Fauci and other experts stated her claims were false. Why would she lie? Why would Niki Minaj make something like that up? Is it possible that this happened but it hasn't been reported? I really can't say if Niki was lying. I don't know the person who told this to Niki and I don't know how vaccines may or may not affect different people's bodies. SERVING KELLY UPDATES ON YOUR PLATE If you live in the 2nd District of Illinois, I highly encourage you to get involved in your local politics. Congresswomen Robin Kelly represents you. Please tap into subscribing to her newsletter so you can be in the loop of information conducive to your communities. If you want something to change you have to be proactive in your community. If you have issues in your town or city, knock on Kelly’s door. Stay connected to her. Kelly has a new Chief of Staff, Mia Keeys. Mia is a Health Policy Scholar. Mia has been featured on TEDx Talks and she is worthy to serve in her position in light of her experience and background. You would know this if you subscribed to Congresswomen Kelly’s newsletter. Representative Kelly has joined her colleagues in the Black Caucus to fight for the Predominately Black Institutions who have low-income and first generational students in their schools with grant funding. Robin Kelly helped to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to stop our votes from being suppressed. Kelly continues in her best efforts to fight for her constituents with a level of transparency. Check out her Build Back Better Plan. Under this plan tax cuts and more lower cost in medical coverage is born to benefit the American people. ALWAYS RACE IN YO' FACE (BOOM) A dishonest lady capitalized off of a black woman's book title by using her title to gain millions of follows. Then she tried to run and hide when she was confronted by Oluo, the original author. Historically this is nothing new. Melanated people have always had things stolen from them. A lot of inventions were created by melanated people but no credit was given to them because of white supremacy. Especially during the wicked era of Jim Crow. They were considered as objects and not human beings. This is why we should always talk about race. In 2021 black people are still fighting for their American citizenship. For those who wish to sing the "why are they bringing up race, again?" Newsflash, you don't have to constantly be reminded of your skin color if you are European, that's why! Tell me how many times this country allowed white men and women to be brutalized by black police officers? What about attacking little white boys and white girls' hair? My list is abundantly wrapped up in historic truth! Diversity is not authentic! This is an excellent book to read. Please read this book especially if you are European. America doesn't feel comfortable talking about race relations because that means they have to change their ways. We (melanated folks) are not going nowhere so I command more conversations about race. MARVIN L.G NEEDS TO BE FREE Instead of trying to get delivered from your wicked ways, you continue to thrive in the pain and racist policies aligned to keep melanated families separated. Your entire criminal justice system needs to be revamped, America. No one is saying if you do the crime, you shouldn't have jail time. What a lot of us are saying is, its imperative to reform your policies because they are laced with a strong scent of the whitest version of white supremacy. The way this country has unfairly and disproportionately treated black men caught up in this American criminal justice system, they owe them freedom by default of their injustices. Marvin Louis Guy is facing the death penalty. He has also been in jail for several years without a trial. Like most black men, Marvin Guy has just been sitting in jail waiting for his constitutional rights to be violated. No due process received, but some of you guys don't want to talk about race. It's happening everyday! Marvin Louis Guy need to be off the death penalty and free. Where are all of the black judges and lawyers? Why hasn't anyone in the legal field challenged the Supreme Court on these injustices that historically continues to repeat itself? What's up! Democrats and republicans are all doing nothing! CASTING CALLS TO HIRE YALL Hear ye, hear ye (I always wanted to say that) there is some paid money to be made in Chicago for you. Shatifah Carter, Marcus Smith and Lawrence Lee Wallace have join forces to collaborate on the film, THE BOXXX. This exciting production will be filmed in Chicago for two weeks in the fall during the month of November and there will be three days of filming in Miami, Florida. Don't worry about any cost. If you are a cast member all of your accommodations are free! Lord have mercy in the best way possible! You not only get to do a job that you love doing, you also have the luxury of visiting another state! There are several different roles to audition for. Good luck to all the movie stars out there. Please share this information with those individuals you know, who would like a shot at this opportunity. Peace and blessings to all! APPLY BELOW! Right here! HAITIAN ASYLUM NO DEPORTATIONS
What is the power of an image? Well, look at the picture above and tell me what you see? The picture looks like a form of captivity or enslavement right out of the history books. A man on his horse with a whip as the runaway slave tries to run away but naw, it's 2021. There is no way the photo resembles that, right! Wrong! When I saw the illustration I thought about the slave master whipping his slaves. I guarantee you that a majority of the melanated people thought the same thing! Haitians recently lost their president and they just had an earthquake hit their County. Haitians were trying to come to the UNITED STATES to seek Asylum and the Texas border patrol, I surmise, was just doing their jobs by getting them back in line. I've never seen the United States behave with so much prejudice against Haiti, but allow other groups seeking asylum by just "coming on over" in a full cup of welcome. The United States of America is very notorious for racial oppression towards Haiti. Afghanistans had no issues with being brought over to the United States of America! They had a huge plane for the Afghanistan people. However, the Haitians were deported back to their country. All of a sudden the United States wants to act more humane, because of all the negative attention they have brought on themselves. There are investigations on the way and Pro Bono lawyers are willing to help migrants from Haiti. I keep hearing this foolish rhetoric about what happened to the Haitians is not what America represents and it's un-American. Ok, keep believing those lies. On the contrary, it's the fabric of our lives. I know what time it is! It is time for some things to cease. I totally get that police officers need funding to help their departments. I get it! There has to be another way to achieve their goals. Red Light Enforcement Cameras are creating wealth for police departments and towns off the back of the people. It is also time for folks to cut their grass. Please adjust to your new community. "Hurry up! Will you just go, dang! The light is about to change, GO! GO! GO!" I say words like this in my mind or out loud all the time now, since I received my Red Light ticket. Those Red Light Enforcement Cameras give me anxiety. I have to often remind myself that I need to release positive energy into my atmosphere to kill the anxiety hunting me when I drive. Seriously, these evil cameras are a form of economic oppression. They don't care! Before I received my initial fine from my Red Light Camera ticket, I was totally nonchalant while driving by any intersection. Now, I truly understand why so many cars used to honk their horns ferociously at me if I was in front of them and did not go immediately on green by the Red Light Cameras. They were trying their best to avoid getting a Red Light ticket and beat the light. Please be mindful of this information. No one wants to get a fine so drive your cars attentively. I have experience and can sympathize, now. Incidentally, this entire ordeal is only about money. They placed these red cameras in targeted areas. Check out the map. Look at all the Red Light dots on it (Cameras). They purposely placed Red Light Cameras in certain areas. Look at the areas with no red dots. The ACLU has argued that Red Light Cameras are unconstitutional. I am in agreement with the ACLU. I told my mind I would no longer go on the yellow light because that's how I got my first fine. It was not a realistic goal. The problem is, as American citizens we are granted the "Pursuit of Happiness." If I can't control the person's speed or attention span in front of me, I do not think it is conducive to issue out Red Light tickets. Plus, you cannot try to argue your case or fight against your ticket. No matter what you say, you will pay! I just knew the day I went to my hearing I was going to win. Get ready to humble yourself and do as you are told at the hearing! One-hundred bucks will be given to the police department, unless you find a way to dismantle the entire operation. The local leaders like the mayors and village board members in a town or city do not support the citizens of their people. If they did, they would not allow these Red Light Cameras to exist. I was taking a walk one day and came across this yard of unmanaged grass. I just want to talk to my people for 3 seconds. I understand this is a website that allows all people to read it. Nevertheless, I want to encourage melanated folks to do your due diligence and cut your grass. Why would a person leave their yard unmanageable? Maybe they are sick and can't get around to cutting it? Perhaps the company they hired is incognito? Regardless of the reasons, as a home-owner, when you don't cut your grass your house makes the entire block look bad. Try your best to keep your grass cut. You could invest in buying your own lawnmower and cut your own grass, or you could hire a reputable company to maintain your yard. I was trained to serve my community when I was younger. My grandmother used to make sure we helped all of her neighbors with their groceries. I know there are still SFM parents and people who are training their kids how to serve. You never know what a little bit of time and kindness can do.
I am right 'black' at it again to show off all of the melanated brothers and sisters in the restaurant business through Black People Eats. Black People Eats helps to promote ownership of melanated chefs within the Black-owned food industry and beverage companies. Black People Eats successfully defends the right to take foods that black people have created through their owned food eateries, to the next level in a mainstream way. Black People Eats is an imperative resource. They link folks up to food places they've never known about. They expose and advocate for all Black-owned restaurants. If you are from a different state, or live in Chicago and want to try new foods, it is very conducive for you to check out the information on Black People Eats website! The best thing about this Black-owned business is how financially rewarding it has been to the black community. Holla at Jeremy Joyce to get your Black-owned foods and beverages to a larger audience. Kudos also to Mr. Joyce for launching Black People Eats! My aim is to love and support "us" more. Please, do your part! No one is coming to save us but ourselves. Join me in this Sancti-Fly quest to eat a meal prepared by people who cater to seeing melanated people eat well and enjoy delicious food! In order to increase the economics in our communities and change the narratives of our bloodlines, I am unapologetic and super proud to introduce this "Black Owned Black" owned and owned, until the break of dawn, businesses and stories plus financial literacy. Let me be very clear, if this topic is something you are not into or feeling, this isn't for you. I promise, I am only speaking to those individuals who truly want to see black folks thriving economically in freedom. This is how we collectively kill layers of racism and white supremacy. May you manifest the BEST, THINK with economic lens (vision), and stay UNIFIED (yes) to buy black, ensuring that all our wealth stay in our communities, thus, giving our young folks jobs. You are very welcome to jump right on in to support Black-owned Black $ and cents. There is a shift in the universe. It is time to get on board. Excuses can't be used. Let's do it! Yes! Black Dollars Matter! If you didn't know this, now you know. Brother Joyce is living proof of that. This is why Black OWNED Black (Love) exist. Remember when Marvel and other white producers like them didn't believe or wanted to receive that Black Dollars Mattered? The movie Black Panther came out and showed out? They didn't think Black Panther would do as well as it did! Many other melanated entrepreneurs like Jeremy Joyce encourage us to know our value, worth and to see how our dollars matter! They know it! We know it too! This young man turned his love for food into a business. Jeremy Joyce used to have a food blog. He was blogging first, then his baby was born. Black People Eats is growing up fast. Black People Eats had 148,000 followers on Instagram when I first learned about their brand a few weeks ago, now they have 155k. I am so late learning about Black People Eats. I can't even understand how the SFM missed it! I am truly excited about trying new food places. I am so happy for Mr. Jeremy Joyce and to see all of the lucrative plans he has for his brand, Black People Eats in the future. Praise the Lord for Blaktober! Jeremy Joyce and his supreme behind the scenes team are making sure you know about all the new Black-owned restaurants in the land with Blaktober. He also ensures those food eateries have special deals for his audience during the month of October. Black People Eats is taking us all out of our normal routines. Try something new. Eat at a different place. You do know Red Lobster isn't the only good food in your neighborhood. You don't even have to travel all the way to Chicago to dig into celebrating Black-owned foods. You can definitely check out Phlavz in Orland Park. I've been to Phlavz. The food was too good and the customer service was superlative! The real beautiful thing about it is, it's Black-owned! Wink! Throughout the history of melanted people, food was always sacred and it kept them together spiritually. They were slaves but on Sunday they were connected and liberated. The movie Soul Food captured the essence of these associations with all their Sunday dinners. Jeremy Joyce founded Black People Eats around that same foundation. He owns it as well! Joyce mentions how vital ownership is. Ownership and land is the way out of poverty. Good food and good company is the goal of Black People Eats. Supporting a group of known and unknown chefs or businesses that often didn't get the same attention as other food eateries is the job of Black People Eats. Joyce and his team have been doing exceptionally well! Black People Eats have several different locations in other states for you to taste like Texas, Atlanta, Louisiana, Maryland and Washington DC. Black People Eats has only been in business since 2017 and they're killing the game! Jeremy Joyce has been on Chicago's Windy City Live, lots of local news channels and he has raised money to help businesses affected by the COVID-19 economic crisis. Joyce is a speaker, a mentor, a man who is focused on his mission, and he loves his job. Jeremy Joyce started from scratch now he is on top. His example is excellent for you to follow or for you to share with your kids. Ain't no stopping him and his dedicated team now!
Hang all that holiday unity around your community and prepare to get to know all of my favorite (black buying power) items of 2021. I am so not engaging in "My Twelve Days of Giveaways" like I have done in the previous years. I cannot help using this holiday as an excuse to support Black-owned businesses. That is the only goodness I get from these commercialized holidays. It was all a dream in 2018 and years passing as my sponsors generously gave. Definitely support all of the old sponsors that have been a blessing to our SFM families and these new ones. All I want for Christmas is more BBP (Black Buying Power) as we become unconditioned to practice group economics and restore our power back into our neighborhoods. Thank you! BB NATURALS You better wash right. Toxic products will make your skin cry. Hand-made skin products are here to take toxins out. Do you want to know why? BB Naturals is coming to a town near you, improving your mind, body, and soap. Each year I am blessed with new sponsors. BB Naturals wants your skin saturated in 100% natural organic oils. On the first day of Black Buying Power, BB Naturals will be setting all of the captives free of detergent contaminations by giving you 3 free items of their natural skin care products. BB Naturals has been a phenomenal hit with men, women, and children all over the world. BB Naturals has partnered with the American Academy of Pediatrics. They are successfully responsible for all the eczema children's patients in several states. BB Naturals created an antidote of hope for adults and children battling eczema. One day BB Naturals was at an event working and sold a married couple some of their Moringa (Eczema) Bars of soap. They loved the benefits they received. It was Sancti-Fly and dope on their skin. They tried the soap on their child's skin and the rest is history. The married couple were both pediatricians. Don't you dare stop rocking your magic or your black boy joy! Continue to keep on moving, networking, and poppin' your brand everywhere in this land. You're next in line! NOTES BY TATIANAH Deck your hallways or office with stunning 'fabric-licious' covered frames with Notes by Tatianah. Only fourteen dolla,la,la,lars, or ten or five! Tis the season to keep your family and friends wrapped up in some unique gifts of jolly. Follow Notes by Tatianah in merry measures of Winter-la, Spring-la,la, Summer-la, and Fall,la,la,la,la,la,la,la,la! Your holiday gift giving won't ever be the same. Notes by Tatianah swimmingly changed the game! On the second day of Black Buying Power, Notes by Tatianah will be giving you guys 3 choices of their 'fabric-licious' frames. This special sauce of creativity will send you on a shopping spree to indulge in Notes by Tatianah. If you want something personalized, or the latest fabrics, stop by Walmart. Notes by Tatianah have teamed up with Target and Walmart to sell their products. YES! I am so excited for them! Thank you for supporting BBP (Black Buying Power). I want to give so much grace and thanks to Notes by Titianah for being one of our new sponsors this year. DIAMOND TOUCH O, Holy Night, the stewardship of Diamond Touch events is Dynomite! Diamond Touch will have you arriving at your event or party, brightly shining as the star of the show! As you are surrounded by the love of friends and family, you will fall on your knees. You will be very well pleased with the signature splendor designs of Diamond Touch effectively aiding you in a brew of the best memories! You'll have a night divine of a great time with the crew of Diamond Touch as they slay their way to black excellence. The best night of your life will be born. On the third day of Black Buying Power, Diamond Touch is going to give you one free event. Thank you, Diamond Touch, for being a long-lasting sponsor. Kudos to Diamond Touch for getting hooked up with Tyler Perry Studios. I am so ecstatic for them. BEYOND THE WRIST (BTW) You went dashing through every door. You were running late for work, trying to go over the hiding places where you hid your BTW bracelets you bought for your spouse and children. Then you finally remembered the hiding spot. You found them as you laughed along the way. You received a BTW bracelet last year and you truly adored it. You wanted to see the faces of your family glow and make all their spirits bright. You accomplished your mission! Beyond The Wrist bracelets are one of our new sponsors as well. On the fourth day of Black Buying Power, BTW are giving all members the choice of 3 bracelets to select from their store. Beyond The Wrist recently partnered with a major television network. You can now purchase all of your BTW bracelets on the Home Shopping Network. I'm overjoyed for BTW. All I want for Christmas is more BBP! COUTURE COCKTAILS Remember that time when you saw your mom and dad kissing over at the bar in the house you grew up in, underneath the mistletoe that night? They are still so in love with each other! The adult beverages were provided by the #1 bartending services in Illinois, Couture Cocktails. The family gathering was over. You and your siblings were trying to go home but your parents wanted to engage more in the family karaoke. Couture Cocktails exemplified their happiness. If you want to enjoy special occasions or any celebration, there are mixologist that go by the name of Couture Cocktails who will bring their bar to you! We are so eager to share with you that on the fifth day of Black Buying Power Couture Cocktails are giving all of our SFM members one free service to host an event. The package deal is for parties under 100. These guys have expanded to all 50 states, and they are also in 22 different countries so do not wait to get your free service! 😊 GINGER YUMS Jolly tasty Ginger Yums keeps your stomach safe. We will overshare with every single soul; the benefits Ginger Yums create. Christmas eve is coming soon so order your Ginger Yums in advance. I'll whisper all the health benefits of Ginger Yums so you can have some plant romance. On the sixth day of Black Buying Power, Ginger Yums are giving each of you two 8 pack cases of their Yums. As one of our new sponsors, they are very generous. Welcome to drinking healthier where the taste is good! I am delighted to announce all Ginger Yums will be in all the major grocery stores in the USA. Thank you, Ginger Yums! POTENT VISION Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with Potent Vision videography! Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be with plenty of Potent Vision making editorial decisions. May success and sweet opportunities attack this brother, in perfect harmony! On the seventh day of Black Buying Power, as one of our new sponsors, Potent Vision will dedicate their time and talent to you by providing their services of two events. Whether it's a baby shower or a music video, they will provide. There are limitations on the number of hours. I am so enthusiastic about Potent Vision being hired by Tyler Perry Studios! Wow, they really leveled up! You never know how Yahweh is going to use your gifts and talents so do not give up! OPE THE FASHION STYLIST O Ope style, O Ope style, is in the belly of longevity! Not only in the summertime but she speaks to the heart of representation and the spirit of her ancestors loud. The 'son' shines on her divinely in her winter prime, proudly. Ope stays in her "OpestyleLab" lighting the desires of her craft to bring you inspirational warfare. She is the magic in the melanin! Ope is one of our new sponsors. As a Fashion Creative and Stylist, Ope has worked with the top companies in the fashion industry. Her brand is in different countries and the United States. On the eighth day of Black Buying Power, Ope is joining other melanated organizations and institutions in the USA to create a curriculum for young men and women who desire a career in the fashion industry. Plus, they are creating the avenue of jobs to pay future stylist. Some of the high schools in Chicago, St. Louis, New York, and Washington DC are included in this major deal. Congratulations to Ope as she and her team have been hired by several colleges and organizations to increase the presence of melanated people into those fields. She also has a seat at the table on 8 different boards. I am super proud of her! Never give up on your dreams! CHECKLIST HOMES REALTY O come all ye who are faithfully looking for that new purchase of a home. There is good news! Checklist Homes Realty will help you remain joyful and triumphant throughout the entire process. O come ye, O come ye to the Checklist Homes Realty and let them hold your hands in guidance. On the ninth day of Black Buying Power, Ms. Randle of Checklist Homes Realty is teaming up with some of the other melanated women I know, as well as some big-time investors to give away 365 homes in Illinois. I heard that a lot of famous celebrities are in on the deal. Thank you, Checklist Homes Realty, for spearheading this event. Let me just say how honored I am to have so many Power-Pretty Black Women doing so well in the real estate market and giving back! ESSENTIAL LOVE Once upon a time, on a foggy Christmas Eve, Essential Love Natural Skin Care came to save the day! Body Butters, Hand Sanitizers, and Body Scrubs shined so bright; helping you understand that love is essential to life. On the tenth day of Black Buying Power, Essential Love joins us giving you 5 products from their online store. I am pleased to tell you Essential Love is also available at Macy stores nationwide. Time to soften your skin and beautify it naturally. ELAINE'S NATURALS On the eleventh day of Black Buying Power, a true lover of biology and science gave us Elaine's Naturals. We wish you some Mama Afro Grease. We wish you some Cupuacu Butter and Babassu Oil. We wish you some Moisturizing Sticks of Deodorant and a Black Buying Power New Year! Elaine's Naturals is giving you all 3 of these products. You can also find Elaine's Naturals at Target stores nationwide. Thank you, Elaine's Naturals, for being one of our newest sponsors this year! I LUV YOU (BLK) MAN
Joy to the world to show love to Black women, Black men, black boys and black girls! Let earth receive the black legacy that has been reaffirmed by the Eans king and queen! Let every heart prepare and make room with this brand to show only love and unity as our ancestor's gleam! When you wear these shirts, you are telling melanated men and women they matter; they are valued and loved! On the twelfth day of Black Buying Power the Eans team is giving you 4 items on their list of products. Lord knows I am very thankful for the message in their brand! We have everything in us to create our own wealth. I am also thrilled to tell you that the I Luv You (Blk) Man/Woman brand and all other tees will be available in all clothing stores nationwide! Congratulations to the Eans Family! It is time for us to stop using and abusing the latest phrases of expression. Wait, or maybe it is time for some us to get very familiar with these new catchy words and to began using them. It all started in 2018. Then, more groovy words kept on coming in 2019. I know we had some cool phrases to use and abuse in 2020 but I probably missed that boat. Please, make it make sense! How in the world did I go an entire year without giving you guys the latest group of words that were so over the top in COVID-19 vocabulary last year? If missing last year's words was a post on SFM. Shake my head at myself! Well, its the motto of the words for me that compels me to write about it. I surmise, Ima need you guys to pay more attention to all of these caliente words. You will most likely hear these remarks on social media a lot! You know you'll hear them out in public as well!
MAKE IT MAKE SENSE Um, so you want me to drive to your house and pick up your little girl to take her over to her friends house? You do know I live 20 minutes away from you! Where are the other four children in your home who can legally drive her to the location, that is 5 minutes away from your house? No! I am not doing that! Girl, make it make sense! What did you say? You're tired! I just got off of work the same time you did! If you are not using this term, please politely add it to your sayings. This is one of my favorites! When some people do things you just can't understand or try to involve you in their foolishness, "Make It Make Sense" kind of soothes your brain. This scenario doesn't make sense, right? IF CHANGING THE NARRATIVE WAS A PERSON This way of speaking is widely used on social media. It is an interesting way to make a point about something you dislike or perhaps even like. You will usually notice people comparing their own homemade idioms to a person. Of course the verbs and adjectives must be in place. You have to start your first word with if, and you have to end it with person. This is very prevalently used. If changing the story or narrative was a person melanated people would be thriving 100% in everything this world has to offer. Don't get me wrong, we are! A lot of us are. My point is that when you have wicked people who had a head start in killing and stealing our history, plus controlling the portrayal of our history, it makes a huge difference economically, spiritually, politically, and medically! ITS THE KISS ON THE CHEEKS FOR ME 🥰 This one right here is another one of my favorites! Let's get very mushy! This is such a well-liked frame of words. Its used in the most cutest, adorable ways. Ok, you have a grandmother and grandfather who are still in the land of the living. They are the epitome of black love that rocks! You put a picture of them on your Instagram account of their 60th wedding anniversary. They’re both in their early 90s but they look more like 80. Your entire family is blessed by their wisdom and love. You aspire to have a loving, fruitful marriage just like them. You will! In the picture you show grandpa bending over to kiss your grandmother in the sweet way they always are towards each other. It’s magical and you get thousands of views and likes. The compliments and comments on your page are priceless, wrapped in nothing but positive energy. One person says it’s the kiss on the cheeks for me! Always start this phrase with "its the" and end with, 'for me." Got it! Okay, very good! Use and abuse these words! IMA NEED YALL/YOU If you want to tell anybody a piece of your mind without using your lump sum of dazzling words (profanity) or want to pitch your point to them, utter this locution. So, you’re in the car with your twin girls taking them to a family birthday party. They are super duper excited about being around their family because they like parties. They haven’t seen their little cousins in a long time. Meanwhile you hear them popping their gum or chewing it in an irritating way. This is what you say. You tell’em (tell them), Ima need yall to stop popping and smacking that gum, right now! The end! They stop. If it is said effectively you should only have to speak it once. Remember when you use these particular words it is a must to exercise your authority. Here are a few more examples: Ima need you to go clean up your mess, right now! Ima need you to stay out of my business, and lose my number. Ima need you to learn how to cook! Lastly, Ima need yall to always come by and visit SFM! 😉 Happy love day to Ms. Lula! Life just isn't the same without my grandmother. I sometimes wonder if she was still here, what topics would she speak on? You know she read the Sunday paper every week. What would I hear coming out of her pouty mouth lol, because Ms. Lula was a real G (gangster)? Just kidding, my Lula was part angel and half gangster! 😂
I do know my granny Lula would have way too much to say about our young folks carjacking. I already know questions regarding the parents would play a huge part in the conversation. Usually, the presence or absence of a male figure is imperative during the adolescence of young men trying to find themselves and their manhood. The landmark trials affecting melanated communities, like Arbery, George Floyd and Botham Jean would have Ms. Lula ready to weigh in on all of the evidence! Joe Biden and Trump would not be off the hook with Ms. Lula. They would also get some of her talk time. My cousins and I grew up saying the number one family phrase, "Are you going over granny Lula house for the holiday, this weekend, or to eat dinner?" Or we always would reminisce about those crazy fun times we created at her house by saying, "Remember that time at granny Lula house when this or that happen?" This is still prevalent and a very popular phrase we continue to use coupled by the best memories. Remember that memories are all you have as I often state in my birthday prayers. Make them count. If you don't, you're going to wish you did after they are gone! Today on December 16, Ms. Lula would have turned 99 years young. Her DNA is boldly stitched in all of her bloodline. She has a rich long legacy. I'm honored to play a role in it. It's amazingly awesome how one woman can give birth to many generations. Think about it! Grandmothers are so powerful. You never know how their bloodline will multiply over into bigger and ground-breaking territories. We are so thankful to have had one of the funniest, and toughest ladies graced to be our grandmother. We are extremely blessed to have shared time and space with her. Through thick and thin, ups and downs, and good times plus bad times, my granny Lula absolutely showed us that family comes first, and family is very important. Thanks Yahweh! Ms. Lula is our history, our love and our unity! Just Like Dad
Jaqurio is 15 years old and a sophomore in high-school. He is very active in sports and is the vice-president of the student council. He is very popular but well-equipped to handle it all. His parents are educators and he really looks up to his dad. Jaqurio often tells his peers that the men in his family are his examples and he shares the men in his family with his friends who do not have men in their lives. As a young man he prides himself on loving and respecting females. His two best friends (Nelson and Dejuan) look up to him! (Walking to school together) Nelson: Man, did yall see Tamika Jenkins ass in that cheerleading skirt last night at the game? That girl is blessed. She is mine, no cobbs. Dejuan: Hell yes she is! She's too tall for me but if I was interested you wouldn't have her, I would! Jaqurio: Yes, that queen is most definitely a blessed young sister. She smart too! She is in my biology class. Beautiful smile and a "gold mind"...that's my kind of lady. Nelson: Jaqurio ever since I've known you, I always admire how much respect you give to these girls. Even when they don't respect themselves, you still give it to them. Dejuan: Yeah, that's what's up Jaqurio! I like that in you bro! Jaqurio: Thanks guys! It’s just how I was raised! I truly adore the women in my family. They are the backbones of our tribe. My dad is my example. My dad tells my little sister Jaslina how worthy she is daily. My older sister Jacqueline is 23 years old and he often affirms her worth as well. Jackie got a full ride to attend college when she left. My parents didn't have to pay nothing. You will be blown away by how my dad treats my mom! Man, I love and appreciation my dad so much. I have been groomed to respect myself, my elders, and the women in my family. They are our queens! We treat them like it! Nelson: What does your dad say to Jaslina? What? Jaqurio: He tells her all the time how much he loves her and that she is his world. We all understand that the reason my dad is going back to school to get his PhD is to prepare for when we go to college. We understand that everything my dad does is to provide for my mom and us. He says it all the time. Dejuan: Man that was so beautiful. That is great. Your dad is always inviting me and Nelson over to mentoring events and all things positive. Your dad rocks! Nelson: Yo’ I’m still stuck on the “she is my world” part. I have to use that on the ladies. No, but seriously man, that was dope. Your dad has always been there for me because my dad ain’t around. Jaqurio: My dad tells my little sister and my oldest sister how important they are all the time. They will have healthier relationships. That is why I am who I am because of my dad and my mom. Just because your dad is not in your life doesn't excuse you from knowing better and doing better. You too Dejuan. You got both parents in your life just like I do. Our parents want the best from us! I am going to try my best to be my best and do exceptional things. Have a good day! See yall later tonight! Nelson: Yeah, this party about to be lit! Dejuan: I'm late for class, see yall tonight! This father tells his little melanated girl..."she is truly my world" 😊 His Sweet Thang
Shoshana and Kara are childhood friends. They went to grade school together and college. They both have 3 brothers each, making them the only daughters of their families. They are the sisters they never had. Kara has all boys, but they are all teenagers. Shoshana has all girls. She has 3 teenagers and a five-year-old son named Mateo. Mateo doesn’t like to be at home for school. He keeps asking his mom to take him over all of his girlfriend’s houses to play with them. He misses being around his friends but understands why he can’t go play with them. Kara comes over and Mateo is extremely happy. (Kara enters the house) Shoshana: Hey K! Where are the boys? I thought they were coming over. Kara: Hey Shosh! Girl, they got an attitude with me because I told them they couldn’t have their friends over in my house. They called me old fashioned and decided to stay in the house with their dad. Shoshana: Dang! It’s been an entire year, I really wanted to see them. What fragrance is that you have on? It is lighting up my entire house, oh my goodness, it smell so good! Kara: Oh, it’s that new “Black Girls Rock” perfume by Beverly Bond. Where is Mateo? I’ve been dying to see him. Frank told John they wanted to place him in the second grade. Wow, he is so smart! Shoshana: (Whispering to Kara) K, he has been in and out of the kitchen hiding like I don’t notice, like you're a stranger. He is such a little man. We declined to put him ahead at this time. My baby is going to the first grade. Time really does fly by. I am going to get some of that perfume tomorrow! Kara: (LOL) Shosh, I know I saw him! I knew that was him. I wasn’t sure if I should have said something to you but when I went to the ladies’ room, I saw Teo in the hallway staring at me. Then, when I called his name, he looked at me and smiled then he ran away like a ghost. He was also doing the same thing when we were in the kitchen, just staring and smiling at me. Shoshana: Ok, Mateo, come on in here right now! Explain yourself, please! (Mateo comes running into the kitchen where Shoshana and Kara are) Mateo: Well, I need to speak to Ms. Kara alone. We need some privacy. Shoshana: Wait, say what! Absolutely not! Kara: (picking up Mateo) What’s going on Teo? You were 4 years old last time I saw you. I missed you! I am so proud of you Mateo. Why were you smiling at me and running away? Mateo: I missed you too! You smell so sweet and you look so pretty. I was going to ask you out, but you’ll have to pay. I haven’t been around any pretty girls in a long time since the pandemic. Seeing you makes me feel better. Mom won't let me go see all of my girlfriends. So since I can’t take my mom out I wanted to ask you. Kara: Of course we can go out together. l’ll drive, pay, and pick you up. Mateo: Great! So you're going to be my sweet thang! I have to run and tell my dad! (Laughing out loud) Kara & Shoshana In 2021 some you guys have been extremely blessed to have gigantic screen TVs. The family and friend gatherings are always at your house because you and your family are wrapped up in so much warmth and hospitality. As we enter into these last weeks, please take some time to unwind, be selfish with yourself for at least 2 hours and watch these Sancti-Fly Movies. Colin Black AND White Unfortunately, the more things have not changed, the more they just remain the same! Colin Kaepernick's life in this Netflix movie is evident that the history of black and white people still hunts us. It's only because America has not fully dealt with the fabric of racism and white supremacy threaded in it! This is a film you must watch. This film shows you a lot of the things melanated boys have to go through. Can you imagine growing up in a family where your culture is not the same and they can't relate to anything you are going through? Your hair, your food and experiences with being a black human being can be overlooked if the people raising you do not understand your struggles. The movie is excellent at breaking it down for those who need enlightenment. King Richard I really enjoyed how Serena and Venus father (daddy Richard) saw the vision given to him for his daughters! He did not allow anything, or anyone stop it! Sure, he had his issues like we all do but he will be known and respected in my heart for protecting black girls! Richard and his wife raised champions from Compton. This film was very well told and directed quite well. I love it and it is so nice to see black men in that positive position! Protect black women and girls! Red Notice I can literally watch Red Notice several times and still find something I missed. I can usually figure out some scenes in movies, but the end of this movie totally shocked me. There is lots of girl power. The Roc is wonderful as usual, and the other actor (Ryan Reynolds) is so hilarious in this film. There is a mixture of action and comedy. If you like James Bond movies or those films with heavy FBI, or CIA themes you are going to enjoy Red Notice. This is such a good movie! The Harder They Fall Okay, we see you Netflix! Netflix has just been showing off on these black films dripping in excellence! Cheers to the original cowboys! This movie proves how black people are no strangers to their second amendment practices. They have the right to exercise it! It was so nice to see melanated men and women skilled at being cowboys and cowgirls with all those guns. This movie bespeaks of the hidden history that definitely changes the narrative. You have to watch this movie. These outlaws were bad to the bone, but in a great way! True Story
OMG! You guys have to sit down and watch this movie. This movie had me on the edge of suspense! I was wondering if this happened to Kevin Hart in real life. Kevin Hart and Wesley Snipes gave their best performance in this Netflix film. I really like how Kevin was able to bring his craft to a different light by playing a more serious role. Westley was indeed funny. The twist and turns in this movie is certainly one worthy of your time. This movie is delicious! |