When you drive or visit the State of Indiana and hear the residents of that state or any persons calling themselves "Hoosiers," please remember the last name of Hoosiers came from an enslaved black Methodist preacher by the name of Mr. Harry Hoosier.
Harry Hoosier Mr. Harry Hoosier was an anointed man who preached to the consciousness of white folks and black folks, but especially white folks. He was an African America Methodist preacher in the early 19th century during the Protestant great revival. Harry was respectively known as Black Harry in the 1800s. If you know anything about a church revival, you understand the ingredients in it. Revivals are usually leaking in many breakthroughs and sweet deliverance. The spiritualism of such a religious movements gave Mr. Hoosier a significant amount of influence. People absolutely loved his preaching style. You thought pastors like Bishop T.D. Jakes and Joel Osteen were phenomenal speakers. Maybe they are. Mr. Black Harry was illiterate, but he was an excellent orator. Black Harry swayed and moved his crowds. His evangelism gave him lots of followers that left an indelible mark on the state of Indiana.
When you drive or visit the State of Indiana and hear the residents of that state or any persons calling themselves "Hoosiers," please remember the last name of Hoosiers came from an enslaved black Methodist preacher by the name of Mr. Harry Hoosier.
I just can’t believe she is gone. Life is a long shadow of shortness. My 22-year-old daughter passed away in November of 2022. My wife is handling it better than me. I love and appreciate my better half. When I say better, I mean like, she is the best wife and friend. I stay in love with how she has helped me raise our kids. Women are some of the strongest creations that God made. My wife has righteousness in the back of her spine and peace spreading through her thighs up into her mind. I truly don’t know what I would do without her. We had 3 boys and only one girl. Yaneli was the second love of my life. She was in college. She only had one more year left…one more! Yaneli was strong, wise, a daddy’s girl and she loved life. She wasn’t only adorable, smart and beautiful. She was kind. She had a relationship with God. She was a leader. Every summer she tutored all the kids in our family who needed her help. She was a singer. She loved to dance. She played the drums. I can go on and on about my baby. She was my baby. Yaneli was always there for everybody. I miss her so much and my heart is broken. She was planning to start her own business then go to law school for business law. Yaneli was coming home for Thanksgiving break and some crazy sick person with mental issues shot up their school. Yaneli was trying to leave or run, and she got caught in the crossfire. This has turned into an uncomfortable situation.
My wife and I have several friends and family members who also had children attending the same University as Yaneli. My sister’s son and my best friend’s daughter were also at that school. My wife’s cousin and two of her best friends had kids there as well. We kind of planned it that way so they could all be close together. All of their kids came home. Not my Yaneli. I feel some kind of way about that. I am in counseling now with my wife. It’s so hard! Why couldn’t it have been their kids and not mine? All of our kids would ride back home together for their holiday breaks but not this time. My baby is gone. I just didn’t picture all of this happening so unexpectedly. I also didn't understand why our family and friends kept saying "Merry Christmas" and "Happy New Years" to me. There was certainly NOTHING happy about it! They were all so irritating. I was caught up in the spirit of being annoyed by them. I am sure they were just not thinking. I tend to ignore text messages when they send me the “how are you doing” messages on my phone. It irks me so bad, so I ignore it! Of course, my wife encouraged me about things getting better with time. All I know is that my life is forever distant with a void. It won’t be the same without my beloved Yaneli. I learned that there are 5 stages of grieving. I am still somewhere in that process. I never even knew about the 5 stages. At Yaneli’s funeral I didn’t want to view the body. I just wanted to remember her the way I last saw her. My wife didn’t make a big deal about it. Can you believe that I had family members who didn’t understand my way of grieving, but I didn’t care. They wouldn’t even allow me to grieve the way I wanted to grieve without attacking me with their misunderstandings. Everyone grieves differently. Too bad they were not sensitive enough to understand that. It wasn’t like it was their kid. They still have their children. It was my child. They can still enjoy their kids. This is so uncomfortable! I feel so uncomfortable seeing my best friend daughter and my sister’s son come back alive and not my Yaneli. Why couldn’t it have been their kids or my wife’s friends' kids? I know I should not feel this way, but I really do! Maybe God knew my wife and I could sustain this kind of loss. Maybe our other family members and friends couldn’t. I don’t know but I wish Yaneli could still be here. I feel so uncomfortable being around them and seeing them with their daughters! Every time I see them it reminds me of my Yaneli not being with me. The entire ordeal gets on my nerves! The best thing to do for people is to pray for them. Give them their time and space! It's been a while since we've flirted with new words and phrases that we tend to use or overuse just because we can. It all started in 2018, remember? Now I try to promote using and abusing words that you should or should not be using. As a society, we can go overboard with articulating these words. Something is not right with you if you do not put these words in your vocabulary. It is time to use these two words, or um, please stop!
UNALIVED Un means not. It's a prefix. Alive means you are blessed to be here in the land of the living. Unalive means you dead. Sorry, no time for euphemisms. You must use this word! Please start. If you are making up a story (do it,) or witnessed the real deal (hope not), do not withhold your tongue from saying this word by any means necessary. This word means to simply kill a person, but just like any other new word, we just have to overuse this word. Welcome to recycling the word kill for unalive. Do your due diligence and vibe with the word unalive. I'm trying to tell you the word kill is totally obsolete. Folks will look at you like they want to unalive you if you say, "Jason killed Freddy Krueger." Naw, you have to start saying he unalived Freddy. In the most theatrical way. Your local news channel will most likely have their news anchors reporting the news and using this word. "The story we reported on last week concerning a minor child that went missing after midnight, found unalived was not true. We would like to apologize for giving out the wrong information. The child is alive and was found unharmed. Thank you." The misrepresentation of this word is bananas. You might as well join in. He said he was going to unalive me if I didn't do what he said. Gurl bye. I'm still here. Did you hear what happened to Tyisha Jenkins? Her boyfriend unalived her. Yo' your cousin is crazy. She had her dog attack me. The dog tried to unalive me, man! We not going over there because they be getting unalived every weekend. TikTok unalived social media. Now what? I'm not playing no more. Stop. Dad said unalive that noise because he trying to sleep. I'm working out more to unalive these fat cells in my thighs. After this last donut and milkshake....um yeah. REACHING (YOU REACHING) Don't we just love using this phrase! Are you reaching? So, what if I am. He is reaching, you reaching, she reaching yo mama'em reaching, your entire army is reaching. What are they reaching for? Is it a can of food? No. Are they reaching for the sky? Um, maybe, don't know. On social media the word "reaching" is in place when one person thinks the other person is saying or sharing something to get more followers or steal some of yours. It could be false, or true. Are you lying or making stuff up so you can gain more followers? You reaching. It's like the person has some form of creative content and they say things to get people to be a fan of their page. Go ahead and reach all you want but please stop using the terminology just to hear your voice crack (lol). Old McDonald's Farm wasn't in the hood. You know it was in the suburbs. You reaching! Excuse me, why are you here. Please get off of my show. Why are you even on my show. You got your own YouTube. You reaching. What other words do we use and abuse? Can you think of some? Valeria Thomas It was all a dream, I used to watch Beauty and the Beast, Terminator and even Avatar came on my scene (in 3D). Then, a Power-Pretty Mama named Valarie Thomas made the movie industry sing the magical tunes of 3D images. Valeria Thomas created the illusion transmitter. In 1980 Valeria received her patent. The illusion transmitter is an image creation for 3D objects. Ms. Thomas used her comprehensive methods to impact the world. We went from 2D movie images to the 'blacknificence' of Valeria's 3D ingenuity. Valeria Thomas used her black girl magic, and she proliferated her excellence in all of her essence. Her signature is everywhere. You can do it too!
Each and every time you buy those movie glasses to watch that movie in 3D, please remember and understand that a melanated black woman DID THAT! We can certainly learn a great deal about the history of Juneteenth. Stop acting like keeping vital information to yourself is not helping your community because it's not. If you are not going to practice group economics or sharing information and knowledge with those in your family or community, don't complain. The men and women in Galveston, Texas was in bondage when they were actually free. No one shared with them that they were free. General Gordon Granger informed them of their partially (we still fighting) new independence. Don't copy the people in Galveston, Texas. Study the Muslim and Jewish communities. Help your own people. Share information with each other. We have to move pride and emotions out of the way to climb up the stairs of liberation, together. You know we're still climbing. We're not giving up! Those that care and understand, know our spirit guides or ancestors fought for us to keep going. We really do not need any more federal holidays to pacify us. This American government owes us the resources that is past due. Please refrain from making statements about black folks being lazy and judging us as soon as you see us. You know your great grandparents and parents told you we did all of your work. How can you fix your mouths to even entertain those thoughts. You all (wypipo) know the truth. This is why your founding fathers hid our history. We nourished your babies and neglected our own. We cooked your food and cleaned your house. You didn't want to give up that luxury, so you did what you've always done. You lied and stole the truth from the enslaved people in Galveston, Texas. You didn't tell those people they were free. Your temperature hasn't changed! This government can find all sort of available funds for immigrants in Ukraine, in Afghanistan, and other countries, but they come down with a form of amnesia when melanated people talk about their big payback. Look at us! We are fighting for the same things. You are shedding fake tears about a replacement theory. Melanated people just want equality. Period. Never forget! AS I WAS SAYING LAST YEAR AND WILL CONTINUE TO SAY, AGAIN AND AGAIN EVERY YEAR...
How are you going to get mad when people don't stand for an American bloody flag that don't even honor its own American melanated citizens, who pay taxes, and are not fully treated as American equals. How dare you! Daniel Penny is one of many examples. Penny choked and killed a man and what did the European media do? What they do best. Cover up for each other and change the narrative to help Daniel Penny case. Penny was made to look like the hero. Jordan Neely was dangerous, and he was just a crazy criminal. Ever since some melanated people of African blood or descent were kidnapped from their own homeland and brought to this American nation, raped in European colonization, they ain't never been given full access to the same rights as European people like Daniel Penny. Do I need to mention the indigenous folks that were already here? They stole the land. The truth about European history is that they killed, stole and destroyed a lot of things. You would have thought all of the horrific, animalistic murders of melanated men like Tyre Nichols, Rasheen Carter, Jayland Walker, George Stinney and Emmett Till would've given the United States of America a renewed mindset and change of heart. No! Christian nationalism has given off a fake reality of superiority. What kind of God are they following? Here we are still pressing the repeat button one more time, again! I am thankful to know we have folks of all skin colors and allies who are on the right side of history fighting together to make changes. All of the principalities are getting thicker and spreading faster. We have to stay vigilant in this spiritual warfare. There is no way melanated people can fix this problem by ourselves. It is not ours to fix. Melanated people do not own a majority of gun shops. We do not dominate the banking industry. We aren't over the FBI or the CIA. Europeans are. We didn't write the textbooks that continue to lie in the best position concerning our history. Europeans did that. You tried to keep our history hidden. How is that working out for you? You wrote all the laws that you do not abide by. You even have slave codes still in place. There are 2 different justice systems that you are okay with, unless it accidentally spills over into your lovely bloodline. Light always finds darkness. Then it will cast out darkness, giving it light. We do not influence the educational system. Europeans do. Why are there an influx of European teachers teaching in low-income communities? Shouldn't children see a reflection of representatives that look like them, as educators? This system was designed to ensure their folks (wypipo) dominate in every area. European people do! Your children are finding out the truth! I am excited about that. Again, we can't fix this problem by ourselves because you created it. Sorry to inform you that TikTok just won't stop. The heart of white supremacy will not stop bleeding either. Rasheem's life is a witness to those blood stains. Black farmers are also caught up in the Matrix of the white man's reign. Uganda told those Americans no. Uganda said go straight to hell and used their own black oil seeds extremely well. Sometimes a bill does pass but is it in the best interest of the people? In 2023 black men are still being called 'colored' and treated as an unequal. Please pay close attention to these important, irritating mentions and hopefully something will Appeal to you! RASHEEM CARTER SLAUGHTERED Mississippi has always been burning in their state of white supremacist nature way before the Emmett Till lynching. In the black community, Mississippi was a state you had to be cautious in. Especially around certain parts. Obviously, folks who are melanated still do need to be careful. Rasheem Carter was working in a town called Taylorsville when he was slaughtered and hunted. The melanated community is saying that someone Emmett Till'ed, Rasheem Carter. Rasheem Carter told his mom he feared for his life before he was murdered. Then he was missing and found dead. His remains were disgustingly dismembered. His head was not on his body. The sheriff told the family that there was no foul play. Well, someone killed Rasheem! Melanated parents, please talk to your sons and all of your children. Even if they are young adults or out of your house. Ask them if you can track their location. We have to arm ourselves with our second amendment rights. We have to try our best to stay in groups when we are in areas where the racial hatred is high. We can pray, but we have to have action behind it! No mom wants this happening to their melanated sons. We owe it to ourselves to plan and prepare to put our lives first. BLACK FARMERS VS KOCH FOODS I recently updated my social media skills by learning about TikTok. There is a lot of pertinent information on there. You have to also weed out truth from fiction. I understand why the United States wants to ban TikTok. It should not be banned. Anyway, I came across the subject of black farmers being discriminated against by Koch Foods. A melanated farmer named Carlton Sanders was trying to pull himself up by his bootstraps and Koch Foods knocked him down. Sanders lost everything. Koch wanted Sanders to make costly renovations but did not require the white farmers to do the same. Hey! That sounds like discrimination. We don't own nothing, so we have to always go through them for most things. Yes, like the majority of melanated people who are woke, it is time to get serious about our bodies and what we put into our temples. Growing your own food is on a lot of our minds. There is too much poison in our food. The average melanated family cannot afford to buy organic food all of the time. We need melanated farmers. They don't think so. Shame, shame, shame! UNITED STATES GOT A LOT OF NERVE FOR UGANDA Did you know that the United States of America threatened to take their aid away from Uganda if they did not legalize Gay rights? Yep, we sure did. I know you're not surprised. The president of Uganda told them no, firmly. Why do we think we can bully other countries and tell them how to run their country? If Uganda does not want to legalize LGQBT rights, isn't that their prerogative? The United States really should be concerning themselves with all of the turbulent matters we have in our country. Like school shootings, modern-day lynching, our economy, our corrupt leaders, you know, stuff like that! WE LOVE YOU BLACK SEED OIL Please incorporate this health benefit into your body. In this video, the woman is making her Black Seed Oil from scratch. You can buy your Black Seed Oil, or you can make it from scratch like she is doing in the video. This oil heals you from so many things and protects your body. Below are just a few things it does. Go get you some, like yesterday. Anti-inflammatory Regulates insulin Protects your kidneys Promotes healthy hair growth Good for your liver Fertility booster Heart health BILL S4090 The Dietary Supplement Listing Act was passed in 2022. This bill states that any company has to list their ingredients and label everything according to the FDA satisfaction. Nothing wrong with transparency, right. Well, some people think this bill will stop folks from buying natural herbs. What do you think? THE ONLY COLORED CONSTRUCTION MAN Sometimes I do not understand why melanated people desire to be the only one at their jobs or in their professional careers or the only melanated family living on the same block with folks that don't want them there. On the other hand, I do get it. Melanated people want the best schools for their children and sometimes the location is predominantly European. If you are going through hell just to live by them, is it worth it? Yes and no, I surmise. Also, when we are hired for our jobs, we don't really know we are the token ones until we get in. Is it worth it? Well, I think so, but aren't we tired of this? This kind of situations constantly falls into our laps. Corey Joye worked for AJS Masonry, Inc. On his second day he and another co- worker (white) were told there was a microwave they could use to warm up their lunch. The supervisor told him he would have to enter from a different section of the door because he was a colored (black) man. Yep, the man in charge said that to Corey Joye in 2023. Mr. Jim Shellenberger said it. Now Mr. Joye has filed a lawsuit against the company. The end! THE APPEAL IS THE REAL DEAL
As I always say, if you are working in criminal justice or in law or law students, please subscribe to The Appeal. They have extraordinary investigating reporters who give you information on politics, policing, criminalization, persecution and everything in between. If you have melanated kids you are raising, it’s imperative for you to get close to The Appeal. The Appeal will expose, and they fight for the underdogs. Stay in the know! Please support them. WE MADE YOUR FAMILIES RICH Those insurance companies, and banking industries got rich off of slavery. The free labor of slaves built this country, and they know the truth. Their generational wealth wasn't earned. A lot of it was stolen. Every woman, man, and child really need to watch this video! Especially black or melanated people. "Emancipation is not freedom." The descendants of slaves built the wealth of America, and this American country hasn't made any attempts of atonement. Bump that!
The facts "The Proud Family" characters are sharing in this video is everything. It is the best collection of why the soil of White Supremacy continues to grow. Daddy Yankee and Don Omar are two men I would like to meet and hang out with. Usher is one young brother I would love to skate with. Those things are not as important to me as Martin Luther King! Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a man I truly love for his dedication and sacrifice to the struggle of liberation for his tribe or people. I adore Martin for having the courage to straighten his back up and demand life, liberty, and the pursuit of the distribution of wealth for his people. Dr. King wasn’t afraid to die for it! I extremely appreciate his legacy of laboring for an inclusive America. There is no denying that Dr. King was the victimization of inspiration to the world.
There are still so many conniving American methods that our American system thrives on, in oppressing melanated or black people. Dr. King called them “illegal injunctions.” Despite their opposition to see black people as human beings and as Americans, King made our government write new laws that affected us. King did not ask. He did not beg. He demanded it with a little bit of help from friends at the Operation Breadbasket. King changed the incomes of his people. Millions of dollars were granted to the black community. Assets doubled. White folks owned everything (still do), but they were very humble when King threatened economic withdrawal. We unfortunately have to still break some of the same chains. King summoned the consciousness of America into some righteousness. “The plant of freedom has only grown a bud and not a flower.” Martin Luther King taught us how to organize our strengths. All social change comes from community organization. Martin King was concerned about the poor. America isn’t. Why would we allow all of these immigrants into our country and NOT take care of our own homeless population. That makes no sense. There shouldn’t be any veterans or any persons living in the streets of a country that has a reputation for being rich. A false sense of superiority told black folks for decades they were ugly and a nobody. Dr. King rewrote that narrative and told us we were black and beautiful. This is why we will wear it on our attire. He said we were somebody. I think it is imperative for a lot of parents to affirm their children with those words. As long as the mind is enslaved, the body can never be free. Dr. King gave us a voice when they wanted us voiceless, and King disturbed the white power structures by gaining power and empowering his people. They didn’t like it, so they killed him because he was too much of a threat. They still don’t like our unity. Love may be in the air so grab some. It's always good to groove to the tunes of great love songs. My goal is to make these songs as mushy as possible...lol! You know my signature is the preference of old school music. Especially when it is Black Music Month. Relax and listen! These oldskool songs bring back the best memories. Remember how you felt in that moment when you were driving in the car with your "boo" and this song had the nerve to come on every time you love birds got in the car. Or he played it in the car on purpose because he knew you liked it. It was the theme you guys had to flirt with. Before he dropped you off or got out of his car, of course he could get a kiss goodnight. He was the sweetest and you know you wanted his lips on yours. You always gave him one because in those days the men were a bit more mannerable. Sometimes they would ask "Can I get a kiss goodnight" and other times it just happened spontaneously! Yeah! There are some men and women that cross our paths that we will never forget. If you are with that person, that's great! I'm happy for you. We can't control who we like, love or fall in love with. So, no matter who you end up with, you will always love the one that you feel got away or the person you believe you were meant to be with. Hopefully you are with him or her but if not, this song is perfect for the reality that it does happen. Will you settle or will you opt in growing old alone? You will always have love for that special person who left that love stain in your heart. Word up! Like oh, my, goodness! This song makes you feel so good when you listen to it. When you are really into the vibe of another person and the feeling is mutual, there are sparkles in your eyes. Maybe even butterflies too! The look, the oxytocin feeling, the love dance, plus romance leads to the magic of this song. This is definitely a slow jam goodie. When he looks at you and you see a sparkle in his eyes, gurrrrl he loves you. Okay, maybe a very strong like. 😊 Jody Watley was part of the group Shalamar along with Howard Hewitt and her boyfriend, Jeffrey Daniel.This classic love song was another jam we grew up on. If our parents listened to it, the song was embedded into our brain. It was all over the place when a man made up his mind to ask his lady to marry him. The best thing about writing love songs with marriage proposals as the theme is limitless royalties. You know people are going to play this at weddings, always. It's got to be real because he said he can write a book on how you make him feel. You are good at making him laugh too. With this ring he assures you that there aren't any maybes. He is sure you are the one girl! Congratulations to all the summer love. You were in high school acting like your crush on those young men and women was everything. All you did was think about him or her. Unfocused as ever...lol. We couldn't wait to get to school each day for that special person to walk our way. We made sure we looked cute or fly. This song brings back such good memories. It can also bring about different perceptions of love in an unlustful way. You can definitely attach the title of the song to friends or family that you miss. I used to dislike beans. All I do is think about cooking and eating beans more. I honor a family member by cooking beans often, like every week. She loved beans. Hey! I said hey, don't stop the romance on each other. Keep it going. Your mate or partner desires it. Romance him. Romance her. Get new ideas. It's really the best prerequisite to a love attack when they least expect it. Glenn Jones is on a mission to encourage you not to get complacent in romancing your lady or man. Love attacks kill stress and bad moods. Kiss her before you leave for work. Hug him before he leaves for work. Get off that phone and give him your full attention when he comes home. Pick up dinner once in a while so she won't have to cook. Even if she enjoys cooking. Surprise him at work with lunch. Text, write mushy love notes to each other. Research ways to please each other. You guys have only just begun. Life is short. Be romantic and create those good memories. I had to add this particular song again. Only because I recently got on stage and sang this song last month during karaoke. Yes, I did. The stage was huge. There was a live band behind me, but no one was playing the instruments. It's nice to have a love of your own. Don't wait until too late to give, so that you can get love. You have to take a chance. I know this band is not all melanated black folks, but this group was well received by those in the melanated community. I wish you all the joy of having a wonderful love of your own. This is good Black Music Month music to snuggle up close to. Add it to your library. According to these lyrics, The longer it takes, the better you come to know, a love of your own.
🖤🖤 HALLE BAILEY 🖤🖤 Go ahead and throw all the negative shade you want to, but history was made as Halle became the first melanated "Little Mermaid." Halle Bailey is absolutely an elevated piece of elegance in that silvery white goddess dress. Halle gimme that entire look. Thank you for giving us all of that good energy as you rock that gown in all of your magic. The hair and the stare are beautiful elements of wow! No one can deny it! Gone gurrrrl! You look amazingly gorgeous! Thank you for giving us tons of ideas to hunt down the perfect black dress. Gimme all of those detailed lines printed in the style of this dress. You guys see how impactful those designs are, right? This black dress was made especially for a queen named Halle! Gimmie that! Halle is a brown skin girl. She deserves the best in the world. Her skin is just like pearls. Why not have this kind of image playing the role as a mermaid? Look at Halle in this stunning dress. You know she is glowing from head to toe! The top of her gown is dripping with a feathery tease of attention. I believe that her back is out. The waistline is strategically designed to remind you that Halle is a mama of fashion. Gimme that entire look. Ooowee! Sophistication came by caressing your mind with Halle Bailey right on time in this look. We all stopped in awe of her presence. Halle girl, gimme that bliss of wonderfulness stitched in the perfect capture of your essence. The breast, the upper and lower designs of this dress make a statement that "you are the best" don't stop rocking your melanin magic.